Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 89 The most direct ridicule

Chapter 89 The most direct ridicule

"Second brother, I never thought of facing you to the death. All of this belongs to you and me. I am the eldest son of the direct line, and I cannot lose the position of patriarch. I cannot afford to lose this person. Today, you must die." Tang Gan's eyes flickered fiercely, and he strode towards Tang Yan with big strides.

Without saying a word, Ade drew out a short knife coated with poison and walked towards Du Yang.

The old man's doting on Tang Yan deeply hurt Tang Qian. The purpose of coming here today is to kill people.

First, he made up a random reason to dismiss Tang Ba and the others, and took the opportunity to kill Tang Yan.

Tang Ba and the others should have discovered the trick soon, but when they hurried back, Tang Yan was already a corpse.At that time, even if they get angry, they dare not do anything. The family has lost the 'Second Young Master' and cannot lose the 'Eldest Young Master' again.Tang Gan took the opportunity to make another agreement with them, and this matter could be hidden without anyone noticing.Even if the three of them refused to hide it and brought themselves back to the family, at most they would be punished, and it was impossible to do anything to themselves.

There is only one reason, I am the young master, the future heir of the family!
Tang Gan also has another purpose in doing this, that is, he does not want the family to abandon the three great martial kings in vain!He claimed to be the heir of the patriarch a long time ago, and made a lot of preparations in secret. He didn't want the family to be in some kind of embarrassment due to the loss of the three major martial kings after he succeeded to the patriarch of the family in the future, so Tang Ba and the others He must go back to his family and help him in the future, instead of following Tang Yan around the world.

"This is Tang Yan?" Tang Qian came to Tang Yan and was about to strike, but was startled by the skinny and shriveled appearance. Under the pale moonlight, he looked like a mummified corpse, which looked extraordinarily creepy.

"What's the matter, master?" Ade hurried over and took a breath quietly: "Why do you look like this? Could it be a mistake?"

Tang Gan asked, "Is that Du Yang over there?"

"Yes, yes, I recognize it."

"Then this is..." Tang Gan squatted down, felt his pulse, and found the ancient sword from the package beside him, which also contained a comatose and weak black girl. "It's him! It shouldn't be wrong. No wonder his strength has improved so quickly. It turns out that he has practiced evil martial arts."

"Master, do it quickly, don't delay, if Tang Ba and the others come back, we will have no chance." Ade hurried back to Du Yang, and stabbed his throat with the knife.

This highly poisonous poison will seal the throat with blood, and it will corrode the entire throat in a few seconds until it breaks.

"Don't be my brother in the next life, you can't beat me." Tang Gan stabbed Tang Yan in the heart.

But at the moment when the tip of the knife touched Tang Yan's heart, Tang Yan's unconscious eyes suddenly opened: "What do you want to do?"

The voice was old and hoarse, and very deep, and the sudden question surprised Tang Qian and Ade who were already nervous on the spot.

Tang Yan's eyes were gloomy, but he couldn't hide the coldness that was slowly accumulating. He looked at Tang Gan coldly, and sat up with his body propped up.

"You..." Tang Qian was secretly vigilant, unable to figure out the details, and dared not act rashly.Even Ade stopped his hand a little, and quietly retracted the knife into his sleeve. In view of Tang Yan's performance in the giant elephant city, no one dared to underestimate him.

"Why are you here? What about Tang Ba and the others?"

"I have something to do, I'm not here, how are you doing?" Tang Gan temporarily concealed his killing intent.

"I'm fine." Tang Yan's eyes were very tricky. The moment he opened his eyes, he noticed the pitch-black dagger. Countless guesses flashed through his mind, none of which was a good thing.

"May I help you stand up?" Tang Gan walked over.

"No, I can do it."

"Second Young Master, don't be too polite, let me do it." Ade came over with a smile.

"Go away." Tang Yan said coldly.

"Huh?" Ade's face changed slightly.

"Do I need to repeat what I said a second time? I said, get out, get out as far as you can." Tang Yan deliberately tried to do the simplest verification.

"This second young master, isn't it good?" Ade quietly looked at Tang Qian.

"Ade, you can just go and take care of Du Yang. Second brother, what kind of anger are you getting?" Tang Gan didn't take his eyes off Tang Yan for a moment, quietly observing his condition. He was in a coma just now?Still pretending to be asleep?

"I'm disciplining this old dog for you."

"Second Young Master, what you said is too much!" Ade stopped when he just stepped forward, and turned to look at Tang Yan.

Tang Qian finally discovered Tang Yan's problem. He was weak, very weak, and even sitting was a little difficult. The current toughness was probably just pretending to be strong. What you said just now was really not polite."

"Have you ever seen a man apologize to a dog?"

"Ah De is my man, why don't you show some face?" Tang Gan walked towards Tang Yan step by step without hiding the murderous intent in his eyes.

Tang Yan's face slowly darkened: "So that's how it is!"


"Oh it's you!"

"What is me? What are you talking about?" Tang Qian came to Tang Yan and looked down at him condescendingly.

"At that time in Giant Elephant City, you bought mercenaries to assassinate me! It's not bad, you seized the good time and cleverly used the complicated relationship. You deserve to be the young master of the Tang family." Tang Yan was furious, this bastard, I didn't bother you, but you still play pre-emptive.

Back then, it was only the Yang family or the Li family, and he had doubts about the academy and the palace, but he never expected to be this pious elder brother!This kid is vicious enough, even his own brother can kill him!
"I still don't understand what you're talking about." Tang Gan squatted in front of Tang Yan, holding the poisonous dagger tightly with his right hand behind his back.

"Do you understand, you know best. Tang Ba and the others should be sent away by you, why, want to kill me? Take them back?" Tang Yan's eyes were cold and devoid of any emotion.

"You have become smarter, but I'm sorry, the King Wu cultivated so hard by the Tang family can't be wasted on you." As soon as Tang Gan finished speaking, the dagger behind his back stabbed hard into Tang Yan's heart.

"and many more!"

"Why, there are still last words?" Tang Gan's dagger pierced through his clothes and stopped in front of his skinny skin.

"You can kill me, and I have no ability to resist, but unfortunately, some people don't want me to die now."


"Master, look at that!" At this moment, Ade suddenly exclaimed, his eyes flickering and staring at the darkness in front of him, a man in black with a paper figurine on his back is walking slowly, the evil breath is like a cold tide oppress over.

"Do it!" Tang Gan didn't hesitate any longer, shook hands and stabbed Tang Yan's heart fiercely, but a strange sound wave swayed in an instant, Tang Gan and Aderu were struck by lightning, screamed and knelt down with their heads in their hands, their faces pale and covered in cold sweat , deep horror flickered in his eyes.

"Who are you? Our Tang family's affairs don't require your outsiders to intervene." Tang Qian struggled to stand up, the pain in his head suddenly became intense, and he knelt on the ground with a bang, curled up like a prawn.

Ren Tianzang ignored them, came to Du Yang's side, walked into the darkness with his collar in his hand without saying a word.Tang Yan barely stood up, took the ancient sword and the black girl, and staggered to follow, completely ignoring Tang Gan!
"Tang Yan!" Tang Gan was stunned for a while, then suddenly burst into a hysterical roar, his eyes were red, like a raging beast.

I tried my best to kill him, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. This kind of ridicule and contempt was worse than stabbing myself.

Ade sat paralyzed on the ground for a long time without recovering. Who is this man in black?What is his relationship with Tang Yan?How could you follow here?

The plan just aborted?Tang Yan was rescued just like that

He can't accept it at all!
Not long after, Tang Ba and the others flew over, and the faces of the three of them were gloomy and frightening.

"Young master, what game are you playing? Is it interesting?" Tang Ba's most disgusting thing was being teased by others. The moment he saw Tang Gan, he slapped him across the face without showing any mercy.

Pa, Tang Gan rolled and smashed towards Ade, and the two of them hit the big tree behind them hard.

"You dare to hit me?" Half of Tang Gan's face was swollen like a steamed bun. He was already angry, but now he was even more angry.

"I still dare to abolish you. I am not the Tang family now, and I have nothing to do with you. Don't put on a prestige in front of me. If it is not for the sake of the old man, I will kill you! How dare you play me? Let's see you!" Tired and crooked!"

Tang Ba's ferocious eyes suddenly woke up Ade and Tang Gan, and finally remembered who the person in front of him was!

Tang Hao looked around, and suddenly changed color: "Where is the second young master?"

"It was robbed."


"Wearing black clothes and carrying a paper figurine on his back, he is the one who stopped King Wu of the Lingwang Mansion in the Giant Elephant City." Ade dared not hide anything. vent their anger.

"Ren Tianzang? Why is he here?" Tang Haoliu frowned, and said coldly, "Which direction?"

"Over there!" Tang Gan pointed in the opposite direction!
Tang Hao said coldly: "If you dare to lie, don't blame me for not giving the old man face."

"That's right, that's over there." Tang Gan replied affirmatively.

"Go!" Tang Hao and Tang Qing chased after each other.

Tang Ba still stood where he was, his eyes became colder and colder, and Tang Gan and Ade felt trembling when they looked at them: "I understand what you mean, and I really want to go home, but what I, Tang Ba, hate most is being used by others. .Eldest young master, this is only one time. I will kill all your guards. You had better be careful on the way back."

"What? Dead?" Tang Qian's face changed drastically, those four people were all Wu Zong!Is it the absolute confidant that I have cultivated so hard, who will take over the team of the Tang family in the future, and kill all of them like this?
Besides, there are only me and Ade, how can I escape from this psychedelic forest?

"Eight worship, you can't" Ade was anxious, and just about to speak, Tang Ba had disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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