Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 891 Shocking clouds and dense rain

Chapter 891 Shocking clouds and dense rain (1)

As night fell, the hustle and bustle gradually stopped.The sky is covered by thick clouds, blocking the brilliance of the stars and the crescent moon, and the boundless darkness is like thick ink splashed on the rolling mountains of the officiant.

The mountains are dark and the canyons are quiet.

The towering ancient trees are like ferocious giant beasts entrenched in different postures in the dark night, exaggerating the danger and gloom of the mountains and forests. The nocturnal beasts pant and walk in the rugged mountains and valleys, greedily searching for ideal prey.

Deep in the mountains, four dark shadows walked on the rugged and winding path, moving forward silently like ghosts.

The mountain forest at night is extremely cold and depressing, and the atmosphere brought by the four black shadows is even more gloomy.

They are the reinforcement team of the Holy Spirit Hall, Wei Tianlang, the deputy hall master of the Saint Realm, Tian Canshi, the fourth son Pei Jian, and a special person who is not in the notification lineup.

The night is dark, the mountains and forests are quiet, and you can't see your fingers. Only the green eyes of the nocturnal beasts are wandering in the depths of the forest.

They exude a palpitating aura, deterring the nearby ferocious beasts, drifting silently in the darkness, and blending into the night.

After a stick of incense, they climbed to the majestic mountain less than three kilometers away from the royal city, and stood on the top of the mountain gazing at the radiant royal city.

Silence, everlasting silence!

The figure at the back was panting slightly, tall but very slender, shaking slightly, as if he could not bear the hard work of a long journey, or as if he was suffering from some kind of painful torture, and occasionally let out a very small low sound. Moan.

The three people in front ignored them, and continued to stare at Wangcheng quietly, as if they were waiting for someone.


A low chirping of birds came from the mountains, continuing at a special frequency.

The Heavenly Remnant Envoy frowned slightly, and the invisible soul power stirred the mountain top, scattered the drifting clouds, and responded to the reminder of the mountain forest.


A figure flashed among the dense forests of the mountains, and rushed towards here like a lightning bolt. Before reaching the top of the mountain, he knelt down on both knees and saluted respectfully: "My subordinate Yan, please refer to the master Wei, the fourth son, and the Tiancan envoy. "

This person turned out to be the former number one figure in the kingdom's intelligence system - Yan Lou!
Vice-Hall Master Wei Tianlang raised his eyes slightly, revealing blue pupils that danced like will-o'-the-wisps, revealing a palpitating coldness, and his voice was hoarse and strange, like rubbing sandpaper, sounding frightened and panicked: "Hall Master trusts you, Reuse you, order you to lurk in the royal city for a hundred years, and control the lifeline of the kingdom's intelligence. But in the end, you just watched the power right in front of you being taken away by an eunuch!"

"This subordinate is guilty!" Yan Lou lowered his body forcefully, his skinny face became more and more tense: "This subordinate is going to Xingluo ancient country to track down Tang Yan's whereabouts. Suggesting ideas and suggestions, won the king's favor."

The Heavenly Remnant Envoy turned around suddenly, and the cold murderous air immediately enveloped Yan Lou, and his voice was cold: "We don't listen to explanations! At this critical moment, you have lost control of intelligence, and you have already threatened our operation."

Yan Kuu didn't dare to resist the oppression, let alone explain, let the killing spirit be suppressed, his thin body almost lay on the ground.

The fourth son accompanied Jian a few steps forward, standing on the cliff and looking at the brightly lit royal city: "According to the information you sent before, Mr. Zuo should not be considered very capable, how could he easily track down Tang Yan's whereabouts by bypassing you? Can you determine the movement of Jiulongling? Tell me, what happened? If you haven’t investigated it until now, it doesn’t make much sense for you to stay in this world.”

His tone was calm and indifferent, but the killing spirit was self-evident.

"At noon three days ago, a man and a woman came to the Intelligence Office of the Outer City of the Royal Capital, and bluntly said that they wanted to contact Eunuch Zuo. At that time, Huofu received them, and quickly led them to a secret meeting with Eunuch Zuo in Qingfeng Mingyue Building. Afterwards, Eunuch Zuo Hastily attacking, the king then hurried his ministers to discuss the state affairs, and granted Zuo Gonggong the authority to handle all property.

The subordinates have already found out that the man and the woman are from Tianyan, and the woman is Tianyan's first-class intelligence officer Victoria, who has been fully responsible for Tianyan's intelligence operations in the three kingdoms of arbitration, assault, and Arathi Stone for many years.The man claimed to be a special intelligence officer, but his identity is unknown.

They brought news of Tang Yan, and agreed to follow Jiulongling and Tang Yan on behalf of the kingdom system until they entered the capital of the kingdom, but they didn't know what conditions they had disclosed to Zuo Gong. "

"Sky Eye? Their purpose has always insisted not to intervene in disputes between any forces. How could they leak Tang Yan's whereabouts for no reason?" The fourth son's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "Did Zuo Gonggong contact them, or did they take the initiative to contact them?" Zuo Gonggong?"

"It should be that they contacted Eunuch Zuo on their own initiative. The subordinates thought there must be something strange in it, and they had been trying their best to investigate the conditions they disclosed to Eunuch Zuo. But they were very cautious at the time. Only Huo Fu and Eunuch Zuo were present, and the conversation was only half-way. Time for tea."

The Heavenly Disabled Envoy frowned and asked, "Is Tang Yan's whereabouts revealed by Tianyan true? Have you investigated it seriously?"

"The subordinates have already ordered someone to investigate, because Tang Yan is guarded by the minister and judge of Jiulongling, and he dare not pursue too closely. The news that came is very vague, and he found suspicious traces, but he could not be formally confirmed." Yan Kuo lowered his head. The voice is very low and the voice is very weak.

After nearly a hundred years of hard work in the intelligence system of the Arbitration Kingdom, step by step to reach the current position, it can be regarded as controlling about [-]% of the intelligence sites in the Kingdom. I just hope that the Temple of the Holy Spirit can make proud achievements when it invades the Arbitration Kingdom, but who ever Thinking... At the critical moment when the Holy Spirit Temple finally started to use me, such a problem unexpectedly appeared!

He could feel the strong dissatisfaction of the three senior officials, but Zuo Gonggong's move caught him completely by surprise, and he still hasn't broken free from the chaos.

"I feel a little strange." The fourth young master frowned slightly, his eyes gleaming with the glint of a vulture: "If we don't find out the real reason why Tianyan intervened in the arbitration of the kingdom, the operation cannot continue."

"I'll give you one last chance." The Tiancan envoy stared at Yanku coldly, with a bad tone: "Before dawn, you must find out the real content of the transaction between Tianyan and Zuo Gonggong, or come to see me!"

"My subordinates have a suggestion. If we want to regain the initiative quickly and easily, we need to start with Huo Fu and Zuo Gonggong, and let one of them be used by us! Zuo Gonggong sits in the palace and will not leave the palace easily, but Huo Fu has With frequent activities, there are many opportunities that can be used. This subordinate dares to implore the Lord Tiancanshi to use Soul Concentration to search for Hof's memory."

...A certain hotel in the outer city of the capital, not long after Tang Yan and others came back, the second judge followed closely.

"Here we come! The Temple of the Holy Spirit stayed in the officiant mountain for a short time, as if meeting someone. Now we are starting again, and we are expected to enter the city soon. Mr. Ruthless is following him personally." The second judge poured cold water on his mouth, heavily exhale.Tracking down the freaks in the Temple of the Holy Spirit is not an easy task. You have to be on guard against their soul probes all the time. The journey is calm but thrilling.

"Everything is normal?" Nian Wuxin and others gathered in Tang Yan's room.

"I really found the problem. I don't know if Zuo Gonggong and the others deliberately missed the information, or the Holy Spirit Hall deliberately concealed it. They actually did not send three people, but four!!"

"What? Why is there an extra one? What kind of strength?" Everyone looked at each other, and their faces were not very good-looking.

The Hall of the Holy Spirit is full of soul fighters, which are inherently weird and unpredictable, especially the soul fighters in the saint realm. Even Nian Wuxin can't guarantee that he can control the situation with confidence. If there is another one, they really should re-negotiate the countermeasures.

"We didn't dare to get too close, and we followed the traces left by them all the way. According to our guess, the strength will not be too strong, and most of the extra people will fall at the back of the team most of the time."

Tang Yan pondered for a moment and asked, "Who did you just mention they met outside the city?"

"That's right, it's likely to be someone from the royal city. The Dragon Tooth Troops are investigating. Wait a little longer, there should be clues soon."

Tang Yan asked Victoria: "Have you not given any more news?"

"One was just sent this morning, it's about the power distribution of the inner city. This time they gathered about 230% of the kingdom's powerhouses, a total of four semi-sages, fifty Martial Venerables, and eight Martial Kings. Counting the Holy Spirit Hall, there are five semi-sages, and the lineup is very strong."

"Leave it to me to deal with the companions. Don't worry too much about the other half-sages. We have five in total, not much worse than them. The original plan was slightly changed. Luo Hu just got some treasures, let him resist three by himself, and the three judges will clean up." For the other two, make a quick decision, and then support Luo Hu, and the Grand Palace Master is responsible for breaking the seal. The rest of the Martial King Wu Zun will be handed over to Longya and Longthorn, and only need a little delay."

"The actions of the three judges are the key point. The sooner you deal with your opponents, the less we will lose and the greater our chances of victory."

"No problem! We didn't pay attention to the half-holy of the Arbitration Kingdom, except the half-holy of the Holy Spirit Hall, who was a bit tricky." The chief judge was a bit arrogant, but he had the capital of pride, and all the five judges had the capital of pride.

"Remind you, don't underestimate the capital of the Arbitration Kingdom. They have special weapons in the inner city and the outer city, called the wind and thunder explosion. It can instantly stimulate a very terrifying wind and thunder energy group. The five high-ranking martial kings fully urged, You can threaten Wu Zun, if Wu Zun comes to urge you, you can instantly kill the same level and threaten higher levels."

"So we try to move the battlefield outside the city." Tang Yan rubbed his forehead and pondered, "We are in the open, and they are in the dark. When the ruthless gentleman returns, we will first attack the Holy Spirit Hall according to the situation! React in the inner city of the kingdom." Now, scrap as many as you can!"

(End of this chapter)

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