Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 893 The Fifth Person

Chapter 893 The Fourth Person
Tables and chairs are neatly arranged in the spacious hall. Dozens of kingdom intelligence agents wander around blankly, as if their brains have been eaten away by moths, and they are reduced to walking corpses, without consciousness or soul.

This is a cruel and vicious martial skill, which originated from the Holy Spirit Hall!
But in addition to these people who don't need to be ignored, there are two more people in the hall, a boy with black hair and black hair, and a man with scars all over his face.

The light was very dim, and Yan Lou didn't recognize the two people in front of him at first glance, but the sudden situation and the black coffin lying in front of the man made the hall full of 'zombies' extraordinarily gloomy.

The Heavenly Remnant Envoy and Pei Jian came in right after, and before they could blame Yan Lou for his reckless pause, they were keenly aware of the strangeness, and immediately noticed the situation in the hall.

At the same time, Wei Tianlang, who was slightly behind in the courtyard, had already stopped. The reason why he lagged behind was because he vaguely noticed a strange aura. At the same time he stopped, two figures appeared on the left and right sides of the courtyard. Under the mottled light, it is difficult to see the specific appearance, but the splendid robes dancing in the wind are very conspicuous, and the slightly raised corners of the mouths of the two are faintly visible.

Whoosh whoosh!
A dense crowd of figures ran at high speed, shooting at the streets of the ancient city under the night. Only two figures appeared on the front and rear sides of the courtyard. One was in a close-fitting suit, with a strong body clearly visible, and the short hair close to the head made him look leaner. The other was in a coarse cloth coat. A little lazy, but the ghost claw weapon in his hand is dreadful.

Except for these two figures who appeared, the others all evacuated after passing the outside of the courtyard, scattered in all directions, and rushed to different areas of the ancient city.

The atmosphere became extremely tense at this moment, and the murderous aura pervading from each made the space in the area where the bun shop was located oppressive.

The fourth son, Pei Jian, looked back to feel the atmosphere in the courtyard, and then looked at Tang Yan who was beating the coffin lightly in the room. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What a Tang Yan, you gave me a surprise."

Yan Lou's face became very ugly, and the experience of operating intelligence for nearly a hundred years told him immediately - stepped into a trap!I'm afraid that Tianyan's cooperation itself is a big lie, but I hate that stupid pig, Eunuch Zuo, can't tell the difference!
"You don't need to thank me, I always do good deeds without leaving names." Tang Yan stood up slowly, put his right hand on the black coffin, and looked at them coldly: "Actually, I was just going to find you, but you actually drove all the way by yourself Come here, you've worked hard all the way."

"We don't know each other well, what do you want me for? Drinking or chatting?" Pei Jian was surprisingly unafraid. Instead, Shi Shiran walked into the hall and sat at the tea table not far away.The Heavenly Remnant Angel closely followed the guardian, holding a black chain in his hand, and the fourth man in the black robe was pulling at the other end.

The fourth person walked obediently, with slightly staggered steps, standing beside Tian Canshishi, but his body was obviously trembling slightly.

"I only drink with my friends. It's a pity that you are not among them." Tang Yan's eyes flashed a trace of hostility, and he stared straight at the fourth person, his tone undisguisedly cold: "I I just want to teach you a lesson called etiquette and morality!"

"Etiquette and morality? I haven't learned the principles of this since I was a child, Mr. Tang has a heart." Pei Jian's sneer deepened, and he deliberately nodded at the seat next to him, signaling the fourth person to sit down.

The fourth person hesitated a little, the chain in the hand of Tian Canshi moved, and there was a slight groan in the black robe immediately, and he had to sit on the seat according to the order.

Every move made Tang Yan's eyes become colder, but he always maintained restraint.

"Today is our official meeting, let's have a good chat, Mr. Tang, please?" Pei Jian squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Tang Yan, but raised his fingertips with his right hand, and slowly brushed the fourth person's black robe, from the cheek Extend down.

"In the first chapter of etiquette and morality, there is a saying called 'The family is not as bad as the family, and the relatives are not tired of the crime'. It is also the most basic chapter. Fourth son, how do you feel?"

Tang Yan's tone and the current environment were filled with a strong smell of gunpowder in the seemingly casual conversation, which not only kept the atmosphere in the hall tense, but also made the two sides who were silently confronting each other outside reveal a clear killing intent.

The eyes under Wei Tianlang's cloak are moving and gloomy, and the mist of evil souls is transpiring and spreading, like countless innocent souls floating.

Nian Wuxin gently shook the feather fan, with an elegant and feminine temperament, but his eyes became more and more fierce, shining with golden light and revealing hostility. Weird cry.

Nian Wuqing twisted his arms and shoulders, the soft smile on his face changed to gloomy, the corners of his mouth curled up, his white teeth gradually changed to sharp, and even fine mucus oozes out.Under the gorgeous robe, a situation similar to Nian Wuxin also appeared.

Is this a sign of the activation of the demon spirit vein? !
Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin are all inherited from the ancient golden race - the demon spirit clan!

In the hall, the fourth son Pei Jian responded with a mocking sneer: "My elders only taught me how to win. As for the process and method, the more effective the better."

"Perfect? ​​All I see is stupidity!"

"Everyone has their own opinion, anyway, I'm very satisfied with my solution." Pei Jian sneered, and slowly lifted up the cloak of the fourth person beside him, revealing a pale face with pear blossoms and rain.

The delicate and beautiful facial features and familiar clear eyes blended with the face in Tang Yan's memory in an instant.

Tang Yan's eyes were fixed, his hands in his sleeves were tense, and his breath was frozen like a card master. The situation he least wanted to see clearly happened before his eyes.

It turned out to be... Tang Ying!
Fifteen years ago, Dross separated from each other, and eight years ago, they met briefly in Wagangzhai. The long-legged little girl who was once deeply remembered has grown up now, and it is rare that she still retains it. Delicate and strong.

But the reunion after eight years turned out to be the situation in front of them!

Tang Ying pressed her thin lips tightly, trying not to let herself cry out.Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision.

I have been working hard all the time, and I have been honing my martial arts firmly. I look forward to seeing Tang Yan in a new way after many years, and can provide some help to Tang Yan who is going further and further away.

But the harder you work, the bigger the gap and the farther the distance.The former dude of Giant Elephant City has now left the frontier, the transnational Dayan and Cang Lan, and rushed into the vast Central Plains.Not only is there a huge difference in strength, but the identities between the two are stretched like a ditch.

Tang Ying never gave up, and always stuck to her own direction.

But the most longed-for 'help' has now become a deadly 'cumbersome'!
She hated the current situation, hated this 'reunion' that shattered her dream.

"How is it? Is it perfect?" Pei Jian stroked Tang Ying's silky hair, put it in his nose and sniffed hard: "If you can do something more special with your sister in front of your brother, it may be perfect." It's impeccable. Mr. Tang, you come to give me an opinion, what is the most special thing?"

While speaking, Pei Jian put his hands on Tang Ying's shoulders, and pinched her black robe with his fingertips. Tang Ying's delicate body trembled slightly, but she couldn't resist.

Tang Yan's eyes were a little hazy, and his breathing became rough and trembling after freezing. He continued to take deep breaths, and nodded slightly to Tang Ying, signaling not to be afraid. "You did three things wrong. The first one, you should not have entered the Arbitration Kingdom arrogantly. The second thing, you shouldn't have threatened my relatives. The third thing, you didn't study the black The battle in Cloud City."

"Really? Our views are different. I feel that the most correct thing I did was to suggest that the ancestor go for a walk in the Dayan Mountains, and bring her here today." Pei Jian pressed Tang Ying's hands began to move down, and a gloomy taste appeared on her cold smile: "I like this chick's temperament very much, and I have been restraining myself, just waiting for this moment."

"Brother, don't think about me, or I will never forgive you!" Tang Ying struggled to speak out, and could only use this immature threat to weaken Tang Yan's pressure.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine soon." Tang Yan comforted Tang Ying, pressed her right hand on her abdomen, closed her eyes and meditated slightly, silks of white light twined and spread like spider silk, exuding a holy brilliance.

"Don't think about doing stupid things. Your sister's soul is entwined with the soul threads of my Holy Spirit Temple. I can make her only a shell with a single thought!" Pei Jian clasped Tang Ying's shoulders with his hands and gradually exerted strength.

The huge force made Tang Ying's delicate body tremble slightly, she squeezed her lips tightly, and watched Tang Yan tearfully shaking her head.

"You really didn't study the battle in Black Cloud City carefully, and forgot the scene of me escaping from the sea of ​​souls of your ancestors. Mr. Pei Jian, I have a real surprise for you. I... am immune to your spirit clan..." Tang Yan The eyes suddenly opened, and the voice suddenly turned into a baby-like shrill voice.

At the same time, the arms and wrists vibrated, and they were raised in the air. The holy light radiated out, and the right hand twined and spread, making the eyes dazzled, and a miniature baby opened its eyes blankly in the depths.

whee!Childish laughter echoed in the space, trembling everyone's souls, the moment the baby smiled and opened his arms to embrace the world, the holy light swept all directions like a tide!
(End of this chapter)

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