Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 896

Chapter 896

Tang Yan's actions were really sudden and shocking. Not only did Wei Tianlang and Tiancan feel grief and pain, but they lost control of their emotions and forgot the danger of the battlefield, wishing they could rush forward and tear Tang Yan alive.It also caught Nian Wuxin and the others by surprise, causing the offensive to stagnate slightly. Tang Yan did not expect Tang Yan to make such an unreasonable move.

But it is also because of the cruelty and suddenness at this moment that the defense that Tian Canshi and Wei Tianlang are struggling to hold on to is full of loopholes, and they even forget to defend.

"Kill!!" The three judges looked ferociously, and they took the lead in attacking the Tiancanshi.

The killing intent of the four judges was sharp, and the tumbling body fell into the air. The black coffin hit the ground like a heavy hammer, and the gravity suppressed and condensed to within a hundred meters, and the suppressing force soared by [-]%.

The soul of the Heavenly Remnant Angel trembled suddenly, and unexpectedly fell to the ground at a very fast speed. The soul mist surging in the sky was also strongly disturbed, almost losing control.

"It's now! Hurry up!!" The second judge screamed, urging the golden scissors with all his strength, and cut the throat of the celestial remnant angel. , Precisely piercing through the Heavenly Remnant Envoy, like a needle pinning the sea, piercing the evil dragon angrily, nailing the Heavenly Remnant Envoy's soul to the ground.

It's over!The horror of Tian Canshi came back to his senses.

In the next moment, Can Jian erupted into a fierce blade storm, completely obliterating the Heavenly Can Envoy.

The three judges got rid of their spiritual weapons, all drew their own weapons, and returned at high speed in the air, swooping down like falcons: "How long can we last?!"

The Heavenly Remnant Envoy recovered from the severe pain, was severely injured under the attack of destruction, and broke out completely under the grief, and escaped in embarrassment by virtue of his soul and physique.

But... the attack of the three judges came on time, like three storms of destruction.

"No!!" The Tiancan envoy let out a desperate roar in horror, extremely shrill.

The golden-winged roc and the swallowing demon python also seized the opportunity to avoid the soul chains of Wei Tianlang and get close.

The sonorous cries shook the heavens and the earth, the golden light flooded the Wei Tian wolf, and the terrifying power contained in it was like tens of thousands of heavy hammers, and the body of the Wei Tian wolf was destroyed instantly, leaving not even a speck of dust like Pei Jian!
"Jiulongling! Kill my fourth son, kill my celestial envoy, destroy my ten-thousand-year physical body, this hatred is like this endless dark night, the night is endless, and the hatred is endless!" In an instant, the soul body seemed to be freed from the shackles of the burden, and it suddenly exploded dozens of times, like a giant of a hundred meters, rolling up the fog of the soul, thick and dense chains, almost making the ocean of souls boil, and the spread range is enough to be close to Five kilometers away, the majesty of the momentum and the howl of resentment made the heroes of the royal city tear their hearts apart.

But the golden-winged roc is not the only one at the scene, the swallowing demon python that swooped down from a height of [-] meters has arrived, and the colorful light is pouring down like a waterfall in the sky. .In an instant, in the billowing colorful light curtain, tens of thousands of swords, guns and iron cavalry took shape majesticly. The gold and iron horses swallowed thousands of miles, and they wanted to shatter this piece of land. The newly formed soul giant.

Although the Sky Swallowing Demon Python's 'Great Roar' inheritance is not specifically aimed at the soul's attack, the damage to the soul contained in it cannot be underestimated. The critical strike at this moment is equally powerful.

"If Jiulongling is afraid of your threat, it will not be able to survive now. Wei Tianlang, die!!" The golden-winged roc was too hostile, and its killing intent soared to the sky. The space around Wei Sirius was shattered.

"Break me!" The swallowing demon python is extremely overbearing. The power of devouring combined with its sharp claws made the newly born space cracks expand to hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye. The dense cracks spurted out terrible destructive power, making the gorgeous night sky become Terrible minefield.

"Ah! Jiulongling, wait for the wrath of the Holy Spirit Palace!! Tang Yan thief! If you dare to harm my fourth son of the Spirit Race, I will destroy your four closest relatives." Wei Tianlang was wounded one after another, and his anger made him almost Runaway, the sea of ​​souls continued to skyrocket, destroying all the spirits and souls of monsters and humans that hadn't escaped within a radius of more than ten kilometers, leaving only their bodies.

Soul fighters in the realm of saints are terrifying.

However, the combined attack brought by the two holy beasts caused a crack in the space, tearing up his ocean of soul with irreversible cruelty, and a crack appeared on his head, almost smashing the head of his soul body .

The desperate bloody battle of the three saints shook the world, moved the mountains and rivers, and shook the common people. It illuminated the boundless night and destroyed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. It was enough to become a nightmare that millions of people in the audience could never feel.

"Why did you swallow Pei Jian?" Luo Hui was venting his emotions, and was about to vent his feelings by ravaging Pei Jian's soul, so why did Tang Yan swallow it all of a sudden?

"If you don't bring some extreme stimulation, how can you let them lose control and how can you end the battle as soon as possible?" Just as Tang Yan finished speaking, the battlefield of the three judges finally changed decisively. , the terrifying sea of ​​soul fog was shattered, and his roar was more like a wail of unwillingness.

After the high judge took out the jade bottle and sucked his weak soul body, the vast battlefield that spread to half of the outer city finally came to an end, leaving behind devastated, messy ruins, and terrible scars.

The aura of the three judges was a bit heavy, and the legendary soul warriors were really hard to deal with. The three of them worked together for half a stick of incense, and it was only with the help of Tang Yan's stimulation that they were able to injure them in one fell swoop.

Without special magic weapons and martial skills, it would be impossible to check and balance soul-type warriors. They are like space-type warriors, standing at the high end of the warrior pyramid when they were born.'s over!

Eliminate the threat of the Heavenly Remnant, and no one will be able to check and balance the three judges!The Kingdom of Arbitration will pay the price for its hesitation and carelessness!
"Aren't you afraid that the Temple of the Holy Spirit will kill your old men?" Luo Hu was a little stunned, somewhat understanding Tang Yan's intentions, but still didn't think too clearly.Although the previous extreme actions seriously affected the resistance of the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it exacerbated the end of the battlefield to a certain extent.But thinking about it from a distance, the Holy Spirit Palace will definitely be angry after hearing the news, and become agitated, why don't they vent their anger on Tang Yanshan and the others?

Kill one or two, if not all of them.

"On the contrary! They don't even dare!" Tang Yan's eyes flashed brightly, devouring Pei Jian, not only to stimulate the battlefield, but also to give Xianggong an excellent opportunity to break through, and control the overall situation before the Arbitration Kingdom reacts. However, taking risks is very necessary, even related to the initiative in the later stage.

More importantly, Tang Yan wanted to use Pei Jian to test the Holy Spirit Hall's attitude towards these so-called 'Masters'. The crazier they behaved, the stronger the importance.

Judging from the situation in front of him, he made the right bet!The madness, even grief and indignation of the saint and semi-saint in the Holy Spirit Hall far exceeded expectations, and Tang Yan clenched his fists almost excitedly!

As long as the third judge in action locks down any of Pei Quan, Pei De and other young masters and arrests them, Tang Yan has enough reason to negotiate.

They can lose one Pei Jian, but they can't afford to lose the second one, after all, the meaning of one is completely different from that of a pair.

As for whether the three judges can catch one or two, Tang Yan has no doubts. If even this cannot be done, Jiulongling will not be known as the "eighth forbidden place", and the three judges will no longer be able to "mix with evil people" in Jiulongling Taking on the most arduous task of intelligence will not be as free and easy as that day.

"Arbitration Kingdom, how long are you going to wait? If I die, the Holy Spirit Palace will die and you will arbitrate!" Wei Tianlang was almost unable to hold on, unable to face the wild attack of the two holy-level demon spirit veins, and then used Before long, I might really be destroyed by Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin in this officiant mountain range.

"Kill!" The clanging thunderous, earth-shattering, endless killing intent destroyed the mountains, the golden-winged roc and the swallowing demon python have been completely immersed in the killing, relying on the unique soul guarding power of the fully awakened demon spirit veins, Regardless of the entanglement of the soul chain, he desperately slaughtered the Wei Tian wolf.

Under the night, in the sky, the sea of ​​clouds is churning, the radiance is overwhelming, the loud noise is shaking the sky, the fierce power is turbulent, the golden-winged roc is churning in the depths of the golden light, wrapped in heavy chains, but it still can't stop its terrifying violence Qi, as well as the crazy momentum of massacre, that posture can't wait to shatter this piece of sky.

The sky-swallowing demon python roared endlessly, like a riot of thunder, like a thousand drums beating, and the surrounding colorful lights were surging like the waves of the Qiantang River. The scene was gorgeous but ferocious. The huge soul body of Wei Sirius.

Wei Tianlang was also crazy to the extreme, the thick chains extended from the giant soul body generally entangled the soul of the swallowing demon python, and burned it tightly, as if it was about to be pulled out.

The three saints are completely different from the ordinary people's impression of looking down on the world and majestic sentient beings. Instead, they are fighting like beasts. Of course... the collision of the three saints caused the spiritual power of the vast priest mountain range to boil, and its coercion shrouded Underneath, all the mountain peaks collapsed, like a huge monster awakened from the ancient times, running wildly in the sky and among the mountains, destroying everything.

(End of this chapter)

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