Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 900 Lore

Chapter 900 Lore
Tang Yan was expressionless, and directly sentenced the nobles of the palace to death: "You don't have to keep your hands. Anyone who obstructs them can be killed if they can be killed, and if they can be destroyed, they will be destroyed. At most, I will give you a stick of incense time to take down the four semi-sages and get through it. Forbidden by the palace, prepare for the action of the Grand Palace Master."

"Longya has already mastered the list of the direct bloodlines of the royal family. When the operation starts, they will be controlled as soon as possible. Don't worry about our work, young master." The fourth judge said, carrying the black coffin, with a slightly lazy expression, but his eyes were shining brightly: "Master, let's discuss something? If I behave well, can the black coffin send me off?"

Tang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Do you like heavy weapons?"

"I like this shape, and the gravitational suppression that can be adjusted at will. It's just... so cool!" The fourth judge seldom uses weapons and has always disdain to use them. But after today's bloody battle, he fell in love with it. Hei Coffin fits his temperament so well, he fits his requirements!

"If you can successfully rescue the dragon-eating loach today, the black iron coffin will be given to you."

"Young master! The two gentlemen are in trouble. Shall we assign two people to help them?" The second judge whispered to Tang Yan, looking back at the battlefield of the priest's mountain, with a layer of worry on his brows.

Although the two gentlemen have surpassed heaven and earth in cultivation and unparalleled combat power, Wei Tianlang is a soul-type warrior, and his own bloodline level is balanced with that of demon spirits. What's more, he is also the vice-master of the Holy Spirit Hall, so he must have something extraordinary. Otherwise, he would not be ordered by the Spirit Race to sit in the Central Plains.

It is very rare for the two husbands to toss him to the present situation.

It can be seen that the meaning of Nian Wuqing is to train Wei Tianlang to death!
Moreover, Nian Wuxin was traumatized in the previous battle, and now facing the strange suppressive martial arts of worshiping the ancestors, I am afraid that it is more or less auspicious.

"" Tang Yan didn't notice the changes in the saint's battlefield.

Maybe I really took it for granted, Wei Tianlang and Sacrificial Patriarch are both saints, one is soul type, the other is seal type, all of them are extremely special bloodlines.Since one can overcome thousands of dangers step by step to become a saint, overlook the world, and control the life and death of hundreds of millions of living beings, there must be something terrifying about it.

Otherwise, in the mighty ancient country of Xingluo, with trillions of living beings and tens of billions of warriors, about ten saints were born only after tens of thousands of years of inheritance.

It is already very difficult to defeat a saint, but it is even more difficult to kill him.

Otherwise, two hits and one would kill them, and the saint would not overlook all living beings and dominate the fate of the world.

The only advantage is that at the beginning of the battle, the two gentlemen severely injured Wei Tianlang, and now they have some opportunities, but... Tang Yan underestimated the power of the saint, and even more underestimated Nian Wuqing's ambition. He didn't want to take him down , but to annihilate Wei Sirius alive.

Serious injury is not the same as defeat, and killing and defeat are two different levels.

What Tang Yansuo was worried about was that even if Nian Wuqing won in the end, he would suffer strong backlash from Wei Tianlang's death.If it leaves a dark wound on his soul, it will definitely affect the future, and even damage his lifespan.

Nian Wuxin's situation is probably also difficult, after all, the price he paid for severely injuring Wei Tianlang was not small.The key is that the sacrificial ancestor came with the attitude of dying together, and the sealing of the blood was also aimed at the essence and soul, just to hold Nian Wuxin's wounded soul.

"Master, I'll go..." Er Xianggong was really worried.

"No need!" Tang Yan raised his hand to interrupt, and made a decision: "Leave this to you, don't worry about the rest, I'll take care of Mr. Ruthless. As for Mr. Wuxin... it depends on his own good luck!"

"This is no joke! At the critical moment, Wuqing Xiangzheng's soul power and devouring power are very violent, and there is no distinction between enemy and friend. Are you sure to help him?"

"I have a measure!" Tang Yan no longer hesitated, and rushed towards the soul battlefield more than ten kilometers away.

"Start the fight now?" Luo Hu stared at the front excitedly, his eyes almost popping out, wishing he could pounce on him immediately.This kind of battlefield made him most restless, and he also longed for boundless battles and killings. What's more, the three spiritual weapons such as the big stick imbued him with evil madness factors, which strongly stimulated his emotional fluctuations.

It feels like there is a giant cannonball in the body, which is about to detonate.

Looking back at Tang Yan's leaving figure, the three judges were a little hesitant, but in the end they chose to believe, believe in Tang Yan, and also believe in the two gentlemen: "Wait a little longer, it's not time yet!"

"What are you waiting for? Don't you understand the principle of attacking first?"

"Today I will teach you a new principle. Get ready to go and kill with one blow!" The judge calmed down, gripped the broken sword tightly, glanced at it indifferently and said, "By the way, I would like to remind you that we have honed for thousands of years, Pay attention to quick battles and quick decisions, not rampage."

Luo Hu didn't bother to pay attention to the three freaks, and stared at the four saints of the kingdom with wide-eyed eyes, mostly staring at their spiritual weapons.This guy is addicted to playing in Tahiti, and now he is thinking about finding a boxing helmet or something for himself. It is best to add a battle armor to be perfect.

"Be prepared." The three judges signaled to each other, and they cooperated with each other for thousands of years. With just one look, they could understand the intention tacitly.Their eyes turned on the four half saints of the kingdom one by one, looking for a suitable opponent.

The battle in the saint realm is very cruel, and it is not an easy task to kill the half saint.

It is not easy to be promoted to a saint, but how easy is it to be promoted to a semi-saint?Otherwise, there would only be a handful of three semi-sages in the entire Three Great Empires!Not only is it related to the lack of spiritual power, but also in various aspects. Being able to be promoted to a semi-sage is a dragon and a phoenix among people. If you want to kill such a person, the difficulty can be imagined. If you are not careful, you may pay life cost.

If you want to make a quick decision and seal the victory in one fell swoop, you must not follow the steps.

The emotions of the semi-sages of the four kingdoms became even more tense, like a clockwork that was constantly turning, and it was about to reach the limit of tension, and the power it exuded was almost substantive, expanding more than half of the outer city, and coercing the land with a radius of [-] meters.

All the wind and thunder explosions on the city gate were ready to go, and all the triggerers were tense, and their spiritual power was constantly pouring into the top-quality crystals in the wind and thunder explosions, arousing their power.

The violent energy has gathered inside, like an uncontrollable wild beast, trying to break through the cage and tear apart the powerful enemy.

Rahu moved forward with his head held high, and the Four Sages of the Kingdom walked steadily.

As the half saints on both sides continued to approach, from a few miles to a kilometer, and then to a few hundred meters, the oppressive atmosphere continued to be tense, and everyone's heart was filled with bloody fighting spirit.

It's getting closer... It's getting closer... When the distance was less than 300 meters, when the auras of the two sides collided for the first time, at this moment, the auras gathered by the four half-sages of the kingdom exploded and took the lead in attacking.

"Fight!!" The four semi-sages roared in unison, and the sound was like a roar, shaking the whole city.

"Fight! Fight!" All the guards roared wildly on the city gate and on the top of the mountain, like a herd of beasts rioting. All the guards made the final energy infusion, urging the wind and thunder to attack the powerful enemy.

Buzz buzz!Hundreds of wind and thunder explosions all erupted with dazzling light and more restless energy. In an instant, at the junction of the inner city and the outer city, the light dispelled the night, and the energy detonated the audience.

"Fight!!" Inside the palace, the prince's courtiers cheered in unison, their eyes were hot and their emotions were high.

But... at the critical moment when they indulged their spiritual energy and unleashed the ferocious "beast" in front of them, the members of Dragon Tooth and Dragon Spike who had been silently lurking under the foundation of the city wall were also ready to go.

They took advantage of the chaos to hide, and took advantage of the time when the eyes of the whole city were shifting to other places, they drilled into the area ten meters underground. The venerable who practiced martial arts on the earth opened the way, and formed a road to expand the city wall and mountain in just half a stick of incense. The cobweb passage below.

More than 150 Dragon Tooth and Dragon Spur players are ready to go.

The orders of the four semi-sages of the Kingdom not only ignited the roaring orders of all the wind and thunder explosions on the top of the city and the mountainside, but also guided the underground assassination team.

boom! !The sound of dense explosions reverberated throughout the night, shaking the ancient city of the Kingdom, the gates and walls, the base and the mountainside, trembling violently at this moment.It is the explosion of hundreds of wind and thunder, and it is the violence of the city wall and the underground of the mountain.

The whole scene is equivalent to two or three hundred energy explosions collectively produced at this moment. It is the madness of King Wu, and it is the release of Wu Zun. The terrifying spiritual power and the excitement of emotional fluctuations caused a large area of ​​the city wall to burst open, letting the high mountain on the ground explode. Cracks all over.

The violent fluctuations from the ground immediately affected the erupting wind and thunder.

As a result... the long-standing attack of the kingdom guards has completely turned into a disaster!
The earth-shattering roar shook the inner city, the city walls, towers and mountains were all cracked, gravel rolled down, dust was flying, and the crisp sound was connected into a positive film.Almost all the wind and thunder balls accumulated by the wind and thunder burst were launched, but their directions were completely disordered. Some of them were directed at the high-altitude night, some of them hit other areas in the outer city, some of them turned directly and blasted at their companions, and some of them were directed at the four and a half saints of the kingdom.

The tragic blasting turned the sky of the ancient city into a gorgeous ocean of fireworks, but the destructive power was enough to destroy anyone's appreciation, leaving only timidity and dodge.

The four and a half saints were concentrating on preparing to launch a strong attack at the moment when Baidao Fengleibursts attacked, but they didn't want dozens of Fengleibangs to blast towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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