Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 903 Wraith

Chapter 903 Wraith
In the depths of the officiant mountain range, mass graves!

The three dwarf mountains guarding the seal are already radiant, illuminating half of the night sky, reflecting the mountains and ravines.

During the fierce bloody battle between all parties, the three mountains were also covered with dense cracks, and the misty and gorgeous light 'struggled' out of the cracks, reaching directly into the sky and night, emitting a terrifying energy that is heart-pounding.

The three beams of light spread out strange star patterns, covering the vast mass graves and maintaining the integrity of the seal.

They were once transformed by the semi-holy powerhouses of the sealed race, who had been asleep for 3000 years, and now they are all awakened.

However, the sitting sacrifice 3000 years ago has already destroyed their bodies and souls, and now only the power of the seal is awakened.It's not that they awakened on their own, but that someone disturbed the seal and noticed the abnormal fluctuations in the mass grave.

Zhaoyi sits on the top of a distant mountain, surging spiritual power, bursting out martial skills, dense petals falling one after another, like snowflakes all over the sky, dancing gently and slowly at first, but when gathered near the short mountain, each of them is suddenly as sharp as a knife, and the light is dazzling. The staunch posture bombarded towards the short mountain.

The petals are endless, and the impact is dense!
The fierce clanging sound resounded through the mountains, leaving scars on the short mountains.

With the continuous increase of cracks and the gradual destruction of the sealed light, the mass grave that had been silent for 3000 years suddenly trembled violently!
Pfft! !

It was like a heart beating violently in the depths of the blood river.

The shock caused the river surface to fluctuate, the power of the sealed starburst soared, and the surrounding mountains trembled slightly.

Zhaoyi opened her cold eyes and stared at the [-]-meter mass grave: "It's true!"

Following this strange and strong movement in the depths of the mass grave, at the deepest part of the capital, tens of kilometers away, at the bottom of the abyss that has also been silent for 3000 years, a huge sleeping creature slowly raised its head, The bloody eyes stared straight at the boundless darkness above, feeling a little confused.

But as it opened its eyes, the surface of this small abyssal lake, the mottled stele guarding it trembled slightly, and layers of dust fell silently.

"Arbitration Kingdom, keep your eyes open to see what's inside! Now, the show is officially on." Zhaoyi slowly spread her hands, and the wave of petals in the sky suddenly rioted. Tens of millions of petals rushed and rushed like a torrent, annihilated Mass graves were destroyed, and three steles were buried.

Each petal is crystal clear, but each one is fierce and piercing. When gathered into an astonishing number of millions, the momentum is completely imaginable.

The wild impact and the holy light caused the three short mountains to collapse on the spot!


The dwarf mountain collapsed, and the endless light inside was no longer restrained, rising into the sky like a waterfall, and violently smashed into the thick sea of ​​fog in the sky, earth-shattering, magnificent and magnificent.

At this moment, in the depths of the far inner city, everyone in the royal family stared in horror.

"Is that... a mass grave?"

"Who can tell me what's going on?"

"It's just a cemetery, why..."

The three low mountains collapsed, and the light reached the sky. In the original low mountain area, three bewildered elderly phantoms appeared. They slowly raised their hands and pointed to the center of the mass grave. The power of suppression.

But... the sea of ​​flowers is like a tide, and the sequence is continuous.Under Zhaoyi's instructions, she became more and more ferocious.

They tossed back and forth around the mass grave, powerfully interfering with the sealed stars, and also impacting their misty figures. They said they were impacting and interfering, but they were actually destroying them.

Boom!Boom!Boom! !

A powerful pulsation emerged from the depths of the mass graves, becoming more and more violent and louder, shaking the mountains and shaking the lake, and the strong blood energy uncontrollably permeated the mountains and valleys, hiding from the dense ancient forests .

As it continued to dance, in the abyss of the forbidden area of ​​the royal family, those blood-colored eyes finally gathered light little by little, and there was a call from the soul, washing its sleeping soul.

Outside the royal city, on the top of the ten-thousand-foot high mountain, the ancestor of the seal suddenly opened his deep eyes, staring at the sealed land of the Contracted Clan across the vast mountains, and then looking back at the subtle fluctuations in the depths of the palace, an ominous premonition made him His brow wrinkled again and again.

Everyone in the royal city is cheering for him to suppress the Golden-winged Roc, but... Is he suppressing the Golden-winged Roc, or is the Golden-winged Roc destroying his energy?

I must try my best to infuse spiritual power to maintain the stability of the sealed mountain, but there is not much movement at the bottom of the mountain, which does not mean that the golden-winged roc is really sealed, and it is likely to be recuperating, giving up meaningless struggles, and quietly Waiting patiently for the moment when I relax a little.


In the violently fluctuating mass grave, a terrifying roar suddenly erupted. It was very low, not so much a roar, but more like the cry of something, containing endless resentment and ferocity.

And then... the blood tide in the mass grave suddenly boiled, and the strong blood energy surged and expanded, hitting the sealed starlight, and soaking the surrounding green land.

"It's started!! Come out!!" Zhaoyi's face was cold and solemn, her eyes were burning, she stepped forward, her steps were steady, every step forward was always accompanied by the impact of the sea of ​​flowers, stubbornly colliding with the beam of light and the seal astral.

Ow! !
The violent roar uttered again, and on the surface of the boiling blood river, there was a vaguely humanoid object struggling.

This is Li Bing's guide!
This is the resentful spirit gathered by the blood of 3000 contracted clansmen, the incarnation of the resentment of 3000 contracted clansmen, it has been silent for [-] years, bred for [-] years, and today... will dominate the battlefield!

boom! !boom! !The blood-colored wraith impacted the seal, and the waves of the sea of ​​flowers also impacted, cooperating inside and outside, shaking the seal, and the blood water spread silently, gradually covering the whole bodies of the three old phantoms, gradually covering the beam of light reaching the sky with scarlet blood .

The scene can be described as thrilling, the terrifying momentum and dangerous atmosphere are no less than the saint's battlefield.

"The contracted clan...the blood of the contracted clan..." The behemoth at the bottom of the palace's abyss gradually raised its head, and slowly got up, a terrifying aura of awakening swept across the entire abyss as it rose.

The sealed stele on the top gradually peeled off the dust, revealing the main body, stirring up a deep and solemn murmur, trying to suppress this stagnant abyss.

But the repression was repression, the ferocity emanating from inside had spread out silently, covering the entire inner city like a mist.

The king and the ministers were leading the three judges to the forbidden area, their footsteps were stopped by the strange ferocity, and their hearts trembled involuntarily, their eyes trembled, and no one dared to move forward.

"Have you started? Prepare to lead, go all out!" The three judges ignored the royal family members, and rushed towards the forbidden area following the strange fluctuations, with a little dignified expression on their brows, as if they were about to engage in some dangerous activity.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" The veterans were anxious. The mass graves in the deep mountains were changing, and the dragon-eating loach in the forbidden area was abnormal. It seemed that the situation was not under the control of the ancestors.

"Let them open! The dragon-eating loach is no longer what it used to be, so what if they are rescued?" His words seemed to be encouraging others, but more like comforting himself.

Aww! !The mass graves are boiling endlessly, the struggle of the bloody resentful spirits is becoming more and more violent, the thick bloody atmosphere envelopes the mountains and valleys, and the impact of the sea of ​​flowers created by Zhaoyi lasts for a long time, the three old phantoms have been resented drowned in blood.

On the high mountain, the contract ancestor frowned and stared.What gathered in the mass grave was just some blood and resentment, to warn the world, and also to sever the blood inheritance of the Contracted Clan, it has no other meaning.

But I didn't expect the resentment inside to be so tragic, and the blood was so strong. After 3000 years of suppression,... unexpectedly, a spirit was born!
Wraith? !That's right, this is the wraith! !
There have been records in the history books that this is a terrible creature, or it is not a creature at all. It has the appearance of a creature, but it does not have the normal emotions of humans and creatures. It is just an aggregation of pure resentment and blood, and hates everything in the world. , will only kill until it is destroyed.

The 3000-year silence of the mass grave has bred such an evil thing!
But... what if it is released?I'm afraid it will be difficult for anyone to use!
Who is helping it out?
Do you think that you can control the dragon-eating loach in this way?
"Contract Patriarch, if you can only persist until now,'s my turn." Under the suppression of the giant mountain, an indifferent voice came from the silent golden-winged roc.

It didn't have any intention of resisting, and it didn't have any energy fluctuations, but it made the face of the contract ancestor lose his calm: "You are really patient!"

"Although I was injured a little bit, I still can't be suppressed by you and have no power to fight back. I have to admit that your sealing technique is very overbearing, and ordinary saints might be suppressed to death by you, but... I'm sorry , I am not in this list!"

A cry pierced the sky, majestic the ruins in all directions.The mountains and rivers trembled suddenly, causing the entire royal city not far away to fluctuate. The tremors were so violent that dense cracks appeared, extending from the city gate to the other end, and the entire royal city had millions of buildings. All the groups showed signs of collapse.

The stele on the top of the mountain also has slight cracks!
The contract ancestor's old face was pale, with blood oozing from his seven orifices, and his expression was solemn.

boom! !

"How long can you trap me?" The violent tremor expanded again, and a crack as thick as a vat appeared at the bottom of the mountain.

"Don't even think about getting out of trouble! I will lend you Jiulongling today to increase my prestige of arbitrating the country!" The ancestor of the contract slammed his palm on the stone tablet, and the volume of the mountain collided again.

"Ancestor Contract, you are old! You can't suppress me, let alone the fortunes of the Arbitration Kingdom! Today, by taking advantage of your kingdom's destruction, you can help my young master achieve great fame!" The shock and shock, the wild shock of the dazzling golden light, made the mountain vibrate endlessly.

"You think you can save the dragon-eating loach? Do you think that the dragon-eating loach can be subdued by Li Bing's successor? You are wrong!!" The contract ancestor's eyes were determined, and the strong arrogance steamed violently, making his clothes and long hair flutter.

With a sharp roar, the ancient stone tablet and the ancient contract ancestor actually began to merge!
Fusion!People and monuments are in harmony, and work together to evolve the technique of suppression!

Seal the highest mystery!
He is going to make a final fight, even if he can't kill him, he must seriously injure him!
The golden-winged roc churned endlessly, screamed to shake the sky, and its hostility surged, causing the mountains to continuously crumble, stirring up terrifying ferocity.

The entire ancient city felt this fierce power, and even felt the fury and power contained in its locks!Countless subjects fell to their knees, praying to the heavens while trembling. The royal guards were not resisting, and they were powerless to resist, staring blankly at the trembling of the lofty mountain.

They felt the madness and determination of the ancestors, but they could also feel the resistance of the golden-winged roc under the high mountains, as well as the terrifying light constantly escaping.

Could it be... the Golden Winged Roc wants to use the most direct force to break the seal?

The mountain is ten thousand feet high, and the solid rock is solidified, enough to weigh millions of catties!

What ferocious force would it take to collapse from within?
(End of this chapter)

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