Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 915 Nan Wunian's Pride

Chapter 915 Nan Wunian's Pride
The ancient city of Taiping is the core of the Blessing Plain, the sacred place in the hearts of warlocks, and it is also the settlement area for warlocks designated by the ancient kingdom of Xingluo and many surrounding kingdoms. It can be called a small country.

Its area is extremely large, enough to be two or three times larger than the capital of an ordinary kingdom.

In order to fully control the ancient city of Taiping, Falanta set up an astonishing number of intelligence points in the vast and chaotic outer city, with a clear division of labor and responsible for the corresponding regional management.

Facial powder shop - Ying Luo Pavilion!

One of the main information points in the outer city of Falan Tower!

Xue Qinghe, the female elder of the inner court, came here directly after the meeting in the secret room, and ordered all his subordinates to closely monitor the situation in the area of ​​responsibility, and then secretly recruited Fa Lanta's core disciple—Nan Wunian!

If Tang Yan was present, he would definitely open his mouth in surprise, because the image of Nan Wunian is basically similar to the one imagined in Sansheng Shili, with a personable, gentle and elegant figure, a tall and healthy body, a handsome white face without losing his fortitude, and bright eyes full of youthfulness .

The overall image belongs to the type of 'men have a good impression when they see it, and women are very turbulent when they see it'.

Coupled with his prominent status as the direct descendant of Fa Lanta, and his gentle and kind disposition, it has contributed to the attention of Zhiheng Zhao Wenqing!In the entire ancient city of Taiping, he is simply the crown prince, he attracts attention wherever he goes, and he is even flattered by ordinary warlocks. Almost all the old hotels and other hotels are willing to provide free VIP suites all year round.

Nan Wunian is very good at shaping her perfect image, gathering "people's hearts", and taking the opportunity to cultivate loyal supporters for herself. Everything she does is paving the way for her future admission to the core elders' home.

Of course, bright public figures often have an unknown side, and the 'perfect public lover' may also do things that are unacceptable to ordinary people.

For example... After being invited, Nan Wunian secretly left Falan Tower in the inner city, entered the Yingluo Pavilion quietly avoiding the eyes of all parties, and went down to the wing room in the inner courtyard under the guidance of his disciples alone.

In the wing room, Xue Qinghe had been waiting for a long time, but... In the dark room, red candles flickered, mellow-scented, filled with a charming and intoxicating atmosphere, and the spacious soft couch was covered with fiery red quilts. - Mattress, half-covered by the red curtain, vaguely visible a plump body lying softly.

If an outsider witnessed this scene, their jaws would definitely drop in shock.

The plump woman on the bed, who is full of charm and charm, turns out to be the cold, arrogant and powerful inner elder of Fa Lanta - Xue Qinghe!

The usual sternness and coldness are gone, and the coquettishness makes people's hearts flutter.

Following Nan Wunian's entry, Xue Qinghe's half-covered eyelids slowly lifted up, her beautiful pupils flowed, full of spring-feeling, the corners of her mouth curled up, and a little beauty spot made her seductive attitude thrilling at this moment.

"Come up, you've performed well, and I have good news for you." Xue Qinghe's vermilion lips parted slightly, and she hooked her slender hands softly, Xue-White's body writhed like a water snake, slowly shaking off her whole body The clothes, the two jade peaks are like the snow-peaks straight into the clouds, tall-tall-tall, like the morning-sun-beginning-driving, flashing under the light of candles With a pink halo.

Those eyes, like autumn water, match the cold stars, rippling in micro-waves, you forget the world when you see it.

"The elder has a request, and this disciple dares not refuse. I will do my best." Nan Wunian smiled, staring at the beautiful scenery in front of him with fiery eyes. Just looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, his breathing became short of breath. It was the hungry-thirsty-beast who discovered the beauty-meat of fat-tender-meat.

Manic excitement emanated from the heart.

The high-ranking inner elder is also a cold, arrogant and paranoid strong woman, usually like ice, even some inner elders dare not approach, but at this moment, the jade-body-horizontal-Chen who is charming and charming, Open-chest-bosom awaits favor-happiness.

The beautiful scene and the collision of contradictions are enough to arouse the wildest impulse in any man.

There are countless women in Nanwu Nianyue. Whenever she sees Xueqinghe, she always has an uncontrollable urge to tear off her clothes and unconsciously climb the jade peak with her hands, like an iron handle. When you encounter a magnet, you will never leave.

Taking advantage of the situation, Xue Qinghe lay there and slowly opened the 'mountain gate'.Although he is an elder, he is well maintained. A beauty mole is like an elf that seduces a man's heart.

"Elder, the disciple is here!!" Nan Wunian was short of breath, his heart fluttering, and a little teasing, he straightened his gun and mounted his horse.

The two have been combined countless times, and they are extremely familiar with each other's bodies, but each time their passion always has a different taste.

It took Nan Wunian a lot of effort to take her down five years ago, and it was out of control. The taste of the melting snow mountain touched his bones and rotted his soul, making him linger and forget to return. Endured-ravaged-ravaged, unbridled panting-breathing, a strong sense of conquest surpasses everything.

Xue Qinghe knows that Nan Wunian has countless women, but what she wants is pure physical sensation, and especially enjoys his youthful vitality and strong sense of impact.

Jiao-panting-wheezing, fragrant-sweating-drenched-drip, the crisp sound of rattling reverberated across the room.

Nan Wunian tried her best to gallop her never-ending spirit, her red eyes stared straight at Xue Qinghe below her, and she even kept fantasizing about being the other woman she desired most.

Fierce battle - After a long while, a light dance was played, and a string of bullets shot out, turning into thousands of crystal snowflakes, scattered in all directions, and finally spread limply on top.

Xue Qinghe felt as if he drank the nectar of snow lotus, he enjoyed every piece of it, and was very satisfied with his performance.

"Tell me, what's the good news? Ever since Niya was brought to the top floor by the tower owner, there has been no good news for me." Nan Wunian lay on Ruoruan's big bed, hugging the soft Xueqinghe, thinking about it The previous resist-death-linger-mian, hands still linger on her plump-smooth-greasy body.

"The good news this time is about Niya." Xue Qinghe didn't like it. Anyway, the relationship between the two is limited to the body. She is very smart and more realistic. Both parties are pure indulgence, of course. Don't think about developing any relationship.

"Niya changed her name to Chu Anhua, and she is going to stay in Falan Tower forever, is this?"

"You are very well informed. Which elder told you? Did he tell you that the higher-ups decided to modify Niya's memory and replace the traces of Tang Yan with you."

"So what? I know all of this, so let me tell you something I don't know."

Xue Qinghe lay beside Nan Wunian's ear, exhaling coquettishly: "You are usually so smart, why did you become confused this time? Why did the tower master replace Tang Yan with you? You didn't deduce something else from it. meaning?"

"What's the meaning of this? Niya is inherited from the great ancestor, and I can't eat it in my life." Nan Wunian was a little annoyed, his eyes were cold.

"You should understand Niya's character. If such a woman falls in love with a certain man, it must be unforgettable. Why didn't the tower master forcefully erase all her previous memories, but made a modification, replacing Tang Yan with you, Just to prevent her from discovering the flaw.

Since it is a simple modification, more things must be repaired later, who will repair it?Of course it's you! !And Niya's memory is chaotic, preconceived, and has already regarded you as her lover.With your means, you still can't hold her firmly? ! "

"Huh?" Nan Wunian's eyes lit up, his eyes flickering: "Continue!"

"Why did the Tower Master choose you? The first point is your method of playing with women. I believe you are sure to control her. The second point is because you are his direct grandson, and the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders. Cheap. Not only to take advantage of Niya, but also hope that you can get some sigils from her with the help of your 'couple' relationship.

The third point, ancestor Fang Chen secretly revealed to me after the meeting that about half of the ten ancestors recommended you.what does that mean?It means that the higher-ups will basically not exclude you from getting close to Niya, and you can take the opportunity to let go of your pursuit!She even took her body unknowingly! "

"Wonderful!!" Nan Wu Nian sat up, his eyes flickering with strange brilliance.

"I've analyzed so much for you, is there any reward?" Xue Qinghe hugged Nan Wunian from behind, and the plump Yufeng squeezed on his broad back, rubbing slowly, tenderly teasing.

"Don't worry, your benefits are indispensable, I promise to have trysts with you twice a month!!"

"Are you pretending to be confused?" Xue Qinghe's charming eyes flashed coldness, and he said with a half-smile: "I can continue to advise you and help you win Niya. But you must promise to hand over Niya to you. After the seal of novelty, give me a part. I guarantee that you will know what I know, and that unless it is absolutely necessary, it will never be leaked."

"We've been together for five years, I don't have the benefits of you? You don't need to remind me of these things." Nan Wunian is now full of Niya, and the more he thinks about it, the more excited he becomes.

"It's about the same." Xue Qinghe leaned back on the bed, full of coquettishness, and said leisurely: "I'll tell you another news, the ancestors suspect that Jiulongling may investigate the ancient city of Taiping at any time, and we inner court elders have been distributed to the outer city Take precautions.

The tower owner has already made a decision. He will leave the Blessing Plain tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. He will visit several hermit friends and the royal family. After that, he will go to the Dagan Dynasty to visit the Yesha Pagoda in the five warlock organizations. If possible, he will invite Yesha The tower owner of the tower came to visit.In order to be prepared when Jiulongling comes to make trouble. "

"what do you mean……"

"What I mean is that the Tower Master will not be in Blessing Plain for about half a month. You can take this opportunity to visit Niya, lay the groundwork first, hold hands, and kiss, but don't be impatient, so as not to disturb you. her memory."

"I'm leaving now!!" Nan Wunian jumped up and was about to leave. The desire for Niya was already like that of a drug addict who hasn't tasted it for half a year. He is usually quite wise, but now he is almost a lower-body animal.

"Stop!!" Xue Qinghe's face darkened, and his tone was not kind: "Didn't you understand what I said just now? The tower master will leave tomorrow, you'd better go back after four or five days.

I solemnly warn you again, the ancestors said that it is memory replacement, but it is actually overwriting.

To explain directly, Niya is not amnesia, she just has a disordered memory! !
It's not just about you, it's about me too!Niya's special status is also related to the prosperity of Falan Tower!

If you continue to be reckless, you will not only lose Niya, but also anger the entire high-level. At that time, the Tower Master himself will destroy you without anyone expressing his opinion! "

(End of this chapter)

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