Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 918 Killing Intent, 1 Page of Blood Book

Chapter 918 Killing intent, a page of blood book (3)

Nan Wunian was very excited, so excited that she couldn't control herself, returned to the soft bed and lingered with Xue Qinghe for a passionate, wild indulgence.But he still couldn't restrain his deep fantasy, so he pretended to go back and have a good rest, and left the rouge shop.

In fact, it is far away from Xueqinghe's responsible area, and went to another area in the outer city.

Then... banquet for close friends, entry to the Golden Tower, nodding cards, and spiritual wine.

A luxurious indulgence!

"Nan Shao, what good thing makes you so happy?" After drinking and eating, the five "famous young men" from the ancient city of Taiping took a bath in the mandarin duck pool in the Jinlou courtyard.

In order to facilitate the conversation, he waved away the serving ladies.

The person who spoke was a fair-skinned young man, his appearance and temperament were comparable to Nan Wunian's, but the over-indulgent complexion and the gloomy flashes between his brows from time to time destroyed the overall temperament.

"I haven't seen you so happy for many years. There is no one here, share with us?" A fat man lay on his back by the mandarin duck pool, enjoying the nourishment of the warm water.

"Could it be that the pagoda master betrothed Zhao Wenqing to you?"

"Hey, if this is really the case, we have to celebrate it. At that time... let's enjoy it together? It's better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone. I really want to see how debauched that arrogant girl is on the bed, hahaha .”

The other two men chatted and laughed recklessly, and even dared to insult the secret heir of the Falan Tower, which can be described as daring.

But since they dare to speak, they are not afraid.

In this ancient city of Taiping, Falanta does not have full power to rule. The outer city is a place where other warlock families and groups live together. Its scope is thousands of times that of the inner city. Its favor, but it does not belong to Fa Lanta.

Some of these relatively large organizations and families directly ruled a corner of this ancient city of Taiping, had close contacts with certain ancestors of Falan Tower, and were also the overlords of the outer city.

The four people invited today are the direct elders and youngsters of these overlords, Nan Wunian's best friends, and his closest supporters.

Nan Wunian lay on his back in the pool of mandarin ducks, smiling at the steaming heat in the room, with a relaxed posture, shaking his fingers when he heard the words, and said slowly: "Don't say it, don't say it."

"Oh? So mysterious?" The four of them became more curious and swam to Nan Wunian's side.

"We've also been aggrieved recently. The old men at home are urging us to retreat every day. We sneaked out today because of you. You will be punished if you go back. Tell us quickly, and everyone will be happy together."

"Should we still be friends?"

"If there is a need to keep it secret, we will definitely keep it tight."

"Don't keep it up, hurry up! Otherwise, don't call us out again in the future."

Nan Wunian smiled: "Don't worry, things haven't been confirmed yet,'s almost here..."

"You made it clear!! Do you want to say it? If you don't say it, we'll leave now!" The four of them became impatient.

Nan Wunian thought for a while, sat upright, but lowered his voice, "I'll let you guys know a little bit, but you must keep it to yourself. Don't tell it, not even your parents!"

"Guaranteed! How many years have the five of us been friends? Can't you trust us?! Look at the fact that you took down the inner elder Xue Qinghe, haven't we kept it a secret from you?"

"Okay!!" Nan Wunian straightened his body again, coughed lightly, and said with a bright smile, "Falanta intends to match me and Niya! If nothing happens, it's only a matter of time before we take her down!"

"Is this the shit?"

The four of them frowned, thinking that Fa Lanta was going to transfer Nan Wunian to the inner elders' courtyard!
The chubby fat man lazily lay back in the pool: "Isn't she just a woman, as for being so hyperactive? What does that girl look like? Wait for you to take it down some other day, and bring it out for us to see."

The fair-skinned man squinted his eyes and said with a sinister smile: "It's the second thing to look bad, the key is identity! That's Tang Yan's wife! However, you Fa Lanta are really bold enough not only not to send her back , and want to match you up? Are you afraid that Tang Yan will make a fuss if he finds out?"

"Trouble? Does he dare?" Nan Wunian's expression turned cold, and he was very upset that his friend's tone raised Tang Yan's meaning: "Do you think that with the support of Jiulongling and Eternal Beast Mountain, you can be lawless? This continent is more powerful than them There are too many forces. Our friends in Falanta are all over the place. If the five major warlock organizations really unite, hundreds of thousands of people, they can wipe out Jiulongling with a single hand. Do you really think that we warlocks can only defend? We borrow It is the general trend of the world! It is one of the three extraordinary veins in the world!!"

"Although I said that, but for a woman, let the entire warlock organization fight against Jiulongling? It's too childish! Without a suitable reason, without enough temptation, other warlock organizations will risk serious injuries to conquer Jiulongling? Is it because I can't keep up with the times, or is your Falan Tower's high-level executives showing their heads?" The white-faced man held on to the problem, sensitively aware of other reasons, and spoke without scruples.

The other three regained their spirits, and Min stared straight at Nan Wunian.

"This is highly confidential, so don't talk nonsense. Anyway, you only need to know a little bit. My future will become brighter and brighter, and I will practice more advanced spells. You keep it secret, and it will be beneficial to you when the time comes." Nan Wu At the end of the reading, I still knew the severity, and my mind was not completely overwhelmed by the excitement.

"I'm still curious, that woman... is so beautiful?" The fat man rubbed his chin, trying to imagine what kind of woman could make Nan Wunian fascinated, could it be more attractive than the top card in Jinlou ?

"Beautiful? It shouldn't be described as beautiful." Nan Wunian lay back in the water again, staring at the roof in a daze, with an intoxicated smile slowly blooming on his face.

"You must have been enchanted, haha."

"It must be brought out another day, and it will also confuse us."

The four friends laughed wantonly.

"I'm only willing to be... obsessed with... a... woman... person..." Nan Wunian raised her head and smiled, but... she frowned slightly as she talked and looked at her. Wrinkled, his absent-minded gaze slowly regained focus, his voice became lower and lower intermittently, and he looked straight at the roof in the mist.

The four turned their heads to look at him, and said with a smile: "Why don't you talk anymore, are you really fascinated?"

Nan Wunian rubbed his eyes, looked at the roof strangely, in the thick fog, it felt like there was a silhouette of a person, just sticking to the beams of the roof.

The mandarin duck pool was steaming hot, the whole room was covered in white mist, and I couldn't see anything clearly, but just when I lost my mind, Leng Buding felt a strange sound from above, similar to the sound of panting, and it seemed like someone Then snort coldly.

After staring at it for a while, it became more and more weird, feeling that there were two eyes staring at me.

Nan Wunian's fingertips condensed into spiritual power and stirred towards the roof.

"What's the matter?" The other four raised their brows strangely, and followed the spiritual power training to look up.

The thick fog was dispelled, and candles lit up the roof.

But at this moment, the expressions of the five people were all startled, and they didn't react for a while.

The carved beams and painted buildings on the roof are very gorgeous and slightly dim, but just beside a beam, there is a man in black squatting, with obviously red eyes, staring at him for a moment, filled with The beast-like breath is getting stronger and stronger.

The five of them quickly came back to their senses, they were all shocked, but not too panicked.This is the ancient city of Taiping, and they are princes and princes, with a huge background behind them, and no one dares to provoke them.

The man who dared to act wild in their presence had not yet been born.

"Where did you come from, get out!" Nan Wunian frowned, and was also a little vigilant, but he couldn't detect the aura of the person in front of him, feeling hazy, as if separated by a layer of gauze.

"You are Nan Wunian?" Tang Yan squatted on the beam, his face was gloomy and frightening, and his eyes were red like a beast.

"I told you to get out, don't you understand people's language?" Nan Wunian's face became colder.

"Who sent you here? Have you figured out who we are?"

"You don't know how to live or die, is this your first visit to Taiping Ancient City?"

"Give me down, and I have to look up at you?"

"Don't make trouble! I was just trying to find some fun. Someone came to the door by himself. My friend, come down, let's have a good chat?"

The four young and old lay back in the mandarin duck pool again, not afraid of what Tang Yan would do to them at all.In this ancient city of Taiping, they are the little overlords, especially the direct descendants of Nan Wunian's Falan Tower, who are famous throughout the empire.They have been arrogant for decades, their characters are deeply rooted, and they don't think anyone dares to hurt them at all.

"Answer my question, are you Nan Wunian?" Tang Yan stood up on the beam, and the cold killing intent gradually suppressed the warm atmosphere in the bathroom.

The five of them frowned tightly, ho, what a frowning head?There are really people who don't know whether they are dead or alive!

"Come here!! There are assassins!!" The fat man with a white face roared loudly, his voice was so rough that the whole bathroom trembled.There was a silence outside, and there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps, approaching towards Yuanyangchi at a high speed.

But... "Is it Nan Wunian!" Tang Yan fell on the top of Nan Wunian's head in an instant, and his strong killing intent soared in an instant. Including Nan Wunian, the five young and old were enveloped in green fire on the spot.

The five of them were leisurely and leisurely, completely unaware that the assassin would actually dare to attack. The sudden turn of events made them terrified, flying and retreating like an electric shock.

The lurking Spike shot out in an instant, throwing aside its previous assassination skills, and directly blasted their faces with iron fists. The violent force swept over their heads, each head was severely injured, blood spurted out, Chi Guoguo's body was tumbling in the air, and he was hit hard. It blasted into the green fire field, and immediately kept screaming like a ghost.

Nan Wunian was short of breath, struggling to swallow her saliva, her brows furrowed tighter and tighter.Because a heavy knife hit his head, the heavy force almost crushed him, and the greenness and flames around him brought terrifying corrosive power, and they actually sucked his spiritual power with the force of a whale.

"I... yes! Who are you?" Nan Wunian forced himself to remain calm.

But... Tang Yan suddenly flashed down, and slapped his right paw on the head with the demon spirit's right paw, the sharp edge pierced through the bones and flesh, and penetrated deeply.

Pierce into the skull with sharp claws? ? ! !

The shot is ruthless, extremely cruel!
"Ugh!" Nan Wunian's eyes widened suddenly, and he let out a horrible scream. Fear and pain inspired a crazy counterattack, and his spiritual power surged like a tide.

"It's you who I'm looking for! Let me tell you good news, you're in trouble!" Tang Yan grinned ferociously, violently, and tore his head abruptly, directly smashing the roof, with a series of horrific screams. The cry soared into the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf's teeth rolled up the four young and old who were howling in pain, and they all disappeared without a trace.

At the same time as Tang Yan broke through the roof, the alarmed guards rushed in, but... there was no one...

(End of this chapter)

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