Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 927 Obsession and price

Chapter 927 Obsession and price

Um?Where did the mysterious old man appear?

It can actually make Ma Yan Wang, who is proud of the Central Plains, take a respectful posture!
The special intelligence officer of Tianyan was secretly surprised, and couldn't help but look at the weak Amber more. The more he looked at it, the more strange he became, and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became. The old man who looked very ordinary looked like he was dying!

If this news gets back to the Tianyan headquarters, it will probably be even more sensational than Tang Yan's incident in Blessing Plain!
He just pretended to glance casually, without revealing much else.Since he came to Kowloon Ridge to deliver the news, there must be some city government and reason, and he kept smiling and said: "Mr. Tang agreed that he must hand over people before dark, and he rushed from Jiulong Ridge to Blessing Plain. It will take two days and two nights, and I'm afraid it will be too late. Therefore, the Eye of Heaven has already started to set up the void trace, and I would like to give you a ride."

"Huh? You guys would be so kind?" Nian Wude wrapped his doubtful eyes around the old man.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wude, we don't have any requirements, and we don't have any additional conditions. The old man, I am also following orders, and I will help you rush to Blessing Plain in time according to the requirements of the headquarters.

But I need your understanding. When we send you to the Blessing Plain, we will also try to get the tower owner of the Falan Tower and several other related people back, fair and impartial.We guarantee that we will only be responsible for sending you there, and will never interfere with the development of the situation in the later stage.Of course, our original intention of bringing you together is to resolve this matter peacefully. "

"Peace? Hehe, you are so cute!" Nian Wude patted the old man's face with a strange smile, but he smiled coldly in his heart. You are leading wolves into the house. I have played massacre in Jiulongling not once or twice. Let's massacre Fa Lanta deal!
The super intelligence officer of Tianyan secretly smiled bitterly. They really are a group of strange people, but he only fulfilled the obligation of sending letters and was not responsible for other aspects: "It will take some time to set up the Void Void Trace. We can independently create a void that spans hundreds of thousands of kilometers within a short period of time, so we will make a few crosses and stop a few times, but we can guarantee to arrive at the Blessing Plain before dark!"

Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing whispered to King Ma Yan: "After arriving at Blessing Plain, let us deal with it first."

They really didn't expect Tang Yan to make such a big commotion. Originally, Tang Yan was only going to investigate. It would take at least a few days before and after he found out, and the people from Jiulongling would arrive.Or even after checking it out in advance, Tang Yan would ask Fa Lanta directly at most, and the quarrel between the two parties would end.With the assistance of the five judges, Fa Lanta would not be too presumptuous.

But who would have thought that Tang Yan would become like this when he first arrived in Falan Tower.

Still in front of Amber, it's no wonder Commander Ma looked at him with extremely sharp eyes, both of them felt irritated, and under the irritability was naturally a desire to vent their murderous intent.

... The master of Falan Tower was stopped at the gate of the palace by the Tianyan special intelligence agent who rushed over when he was about to enter the ancient emperor's palace. At the same time, there was another special intelligence agent who arrived. Entrusted to be responsible for reporting to the Emperor.

Special intelligence divisions are considered top-notch cores within the Sky Eye. There are not many of them, and they can be called the top of the high-level. This time, they are receiving the most direct order from the top, requiring them to track the corresponding targets.It was a coincidence to meet today, but the situation was urgent, neither of them had time to say hello, one intercepted the Patriarch of Falan Tower at the gate of the palace, and the other went through layers of guards to the inner main palace, and wanted to report directly to the Emperor.

"Tang Yan captured Nan Wunian and Xue Qinghe, and even publicly admitted to tampering with the memory?" Fa Lanta Patriarch was a handsome man with a fairy demeanor, white hair and a childlike face, with extraordinary elegance.But after hearing the news, his expression changed suddenly, and his clear smile suddenly turned into a sharp question.

He has lived for more than [-] years and has never experienced any accidents. Just a word from Tianyan made him realize something bad!How can these stupid old guys push the matter to the public?Still let Nan Wunian shout out!

Tang Yan deliberately set up a ring ten kilometers away, obviously for the purpose of a public trial. The Taiping Stone Plaque is the most ruthless sentencing platform, so that the world can clearly see Fa Lanta's deeds!
Not only did this group of old guys not try to stop them, but they even led them there in a grandiose manner? !
Broken Broken! !
"Who else have you notified?" Master Falanta's eyes were hard to hide, and his attitude was not like the gentle greeting he had just met.

The Tianyan special intelligence officer is a capable man with a smile on his face, and he responded like a routine: "The purpose of the Tianyan is not to mix any conflicts with any forces. This time, because the situation is sudden and has a great impact, the senior officials of the Tianyan are willing to intentionally facilitate the meeting in advance. But the premise There is no distinction between enemy and friend, before and after, and there is no difference between closeness and closeness. We will pass on what should be passed on, or we will pass it on at the same time, and we will guarantee that you will come to the Blessing Plain at the same time, not one minute earlier or one second later. "

Falan Tata's main gaze changed: "Including the other four major warlock organizations?"

The Sky Eye special intelligence officer raised his eyebrows slightly, and said with a half-smile: "The tower owner seems to be very concerned about other warlock organizations, so he doesn't ask about the situation in Jiulongling? The Yesha Pagoda in the Dagan Dynasty should be able to arrive in time, but other The distance between the three empires is too far, even if they try their best to build Void Void, they will have to arrive at dawn tomorrow. If they persist in the past, we will help, just as if they are unwilling to meddle, we will naturally not force it."

Master Falanta paced slowly, his eyes flickered and changed, and he tried his best to think about countermeasures.

The leak was leaked ahead of time, and the situation has turned into the current situation. Could it be that Niya can only be sent back?Damn Nan Wunian!How could there be such a wicked grandson!Damn the elders in the inner courtyard, why didn't they kill Nan Wunian at the first time to eliminate future troubles!

After thinking about it, subconsciously, she still doesn't want to give up on Niya. After all, her existence is related to the prosperity of Fa Lanta, and it is also related to whether her cultivation can go further.

He devoted his whole life to the prosperity of the Falan Tower, and he worked hard for several years without further improving his strength. Naturally, he has an almost morbid obsession with 'prosperity' and 'becoming stronger'.This attachment is usually not shown, but once it encounters enough temptation, it will explode instantly and cannot be suppressed, just like now!
Therefore, the importance of Niya is really a fatal temptation.

She can promote Fa Lanta to dominate the world, and can also promote her growth into an existence second only to Taizu.

snort! !The super intelligence officer of Tianyan is calm on the surface and has a polite smile, but he sneers in his heart, stealing a wife and changing a person's memory, what a shame that Fa Lanta can do it!If this kind of thing happened to Jiulongling, no one would feel much, but it would be a little shocking if it happened to Fa Lanta, who was high above and self-proclaimed holy and noble.

Master Falan Tata continued to linger and hesitate.He is not afraid of Jiulongling, and he also expected that they would not dare to really destroy Falan Tower, because Falan Tower has a good reputation and is one of the five major organizations of warlocks. If it is destroyed, the later impact will be too extensive. As for 'nothing to worry about'.

What he was worried about was that other warlock organizations would become suspicious if the incident became serious. Once they knew the existence of the ancestor's inheritance, they would probably be hostile to Fa Lanta.

what to do?The situation must be controlled within an acceptable range!
Never give up on Niya unless it is absolutely necessary!

The master of Falan Tower hesitated again and again, and asked, "Can I go back early?"

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, Tianyan's meddling in this matter is already against the purpose. Make sure you arrive at the same time to make our bottom line! Otherwise... if there is any accident due to time deviation, our Tianyan cannot bear the responsibility."

"When will the void void be erected?"

"It is expected to be at Mao, and there are still two hours."

"Do me a favor, I'm willing to pay any price! Before I return to the Plain of Blessings, arrange for me to meet with the tower owner of Yesha Pagoda, and then get in touch with several other old friends of mine."

"Since we are willing to pay any price and the bottom line is not involved, we are of course willing to help." The special intelligence officer of Tianyan deliberately emphasized the word 'any conditions'.

The owner of Falan Tower didn't have time to pay attention, so he tidied up his clothes a little, and walked into the main palace, with a high-pitched voice and a slightly respectful gesture: "Master Falan Tower, I hereby pay a respectful visit to the Emperor, and wish the dynasty a prosperous future! Bandai!"

If we want to solve this matter, I'm afraid we have to implore the Emperor to come forward!
Even if it is to break the ancient covenant of "must exist independently" in the warlock world and let Falan Tower belong to the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, we must keep Falan Tower and keep Falan Tower's ownership of Niya!


The thick palace door opened slowly, and the purple-gold glazed light was somewhat heavy. A red carpet stretched from outside the door all the way to the depths of the main hall, and a deep and deep voice came from inside: "Please!"

"Thank you, my emperor!" Falan Tower Master responded loudly, but his steps were slightly heavy, his eyes were downcast, and he was still struggling psychologically!

After all, the Human Sovereign would not make a move without a reason, and he was also aware of Falanta's stalemate. If he deliberately offered a high price, he really had to let Falanta submit to the ancient country.

But... After all, the covenant in the warlock world has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and any force that forcibly breaks it will definitely bear heavy pressure. As one of the five giants in the warlock world, after making a decision, I will either bear the criticism of thousands of people, or it will be passed down through the ages.

That's all!Give it a go!
If Fa Lanta can keep the inheritance of the great ancestor, it will definitely rise strongly!

I believe that the Human Emperor will be very willing to accept a Fa Lanta with a 'boundless future'!
(End of this chapter)

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