Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 938 Life and Death Choice

Chapter 938 Life and Death Choice (1)

This kiss was so rough and violent that Tang Yan wanted to rub Niya into his body; this kiss was so sincere that Tang Yan choked up several times and his eyes turned red.

His chest seemed to be burning with fire, and his heart seemed to be torn apart by claws.

Day and night, difficult rescue, so long.

Been crazy, cruel, vented, roared, swung a butcher knife, and stained his clothes with blood.

One day and one night, the painful waiting, such torment.

Anxiety and resentment ruled his body like a walking dead.

Until this moment, until this second, until the familiar voice of the familiar lover, until the familiar look is seen in the clear eyes, until a little gentle arc emerges from the corner of the cold and beautiful mouth.

Tang Yan seemed to find himself instantly.

Strong emotions are like a dam of savings opening a heavy gate, turning into a thousand-foot wave and rushing down.

Tang Yan kissed rudely, hugged tightly, and finally lay on the ground stiffly, holding Niya in his arms, with his head buried in his neck, his whole body was tense, only his closed eyes slowly shed tears , only his teeth clenched his lips tightly, and his strong shoulders trembled slightly.

He is mature and strong, but the affectionate touch at this moment cannot control the expression of true feelings.

Niya has found herself, and gradually remembered the past. She looked cold and beautiful on the surface, but her heart was trembling in the same way.

Looking back on the shocking blood book, I feel the fear between the lines.

At this moment, she didn't resist, and she didn't care that there were other outsiders in the room. She hugged the man in her arms tightly and closed her eyes gently. erase.

The room was quiet, looking at the two people hugging tightly, no one would laugh at their gaffe, no one would care about their indecentness, they have all felt the tension before, and they all understand the true feelings at this moment.

The stone hanging high in Zhao Wenqing's heart slowly fell, and his clenched hands gradually loosened.

She doesn't know Tang Yan very well, there are only a few acquaintances, only a few shocking deeds, but no matter what the legends say before, the excitement at this moment, the tears in the uncontrollable hug at this moment can at least show that he is not really cold-blooded kill.

The fact that a man can go crazy for a woman and wrong the world without any scruples is enough to show that this woman holds a pivotal position in a man's heart.If Tang Yan can be persuaded through Niya, Fa Lanta may really have a chance to be saved.

Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing looked at each other, and the sharpness in their eyes eased slightly.

Looking back at Tang Yan's madness, and looking at the excitement at this moment, he can feel his deep love for this woman, and he can also see Tang Yan's love and righteousness with flesh and blood!
Since they met in Heiyuncheng, they have experienced three major incidents together. Although they were all very cruel, they have clearly shown Tang Yan's temperament in front of them.In fact, the first time they saw Tang Yan, they could see through whether he was a young master worthy of help, but after three cruel incidents, they no longer had any doubts, even the slightest.

The madness and bravery of Heiyun City, the wit and calmness of the Arbitration King's City, the bloody white book and the man's tears in the ancient city of Taiping, what reason is there to continue the test?
Now it is no longer a question of whether it is worthwhile to assist, but to follow willingly!
Tang Yan hugged Niya tightly, the real feeling and familiar breath gradually calmed down the crazy bloodiness.

"Can you pay attention to the influence?" Niya slightly pushed Tang Yan who was lying on his body. After venting their excitement, the posture of the two of them was really not elegant.But today Niya's rare expression of true feelings, rare tenderness of voice, Qingcheng's face is slightly rosy, just a slight symbolic touch.

Tang Yan quickly stood up, and carefully helped Niya up, looking carefully into her eyes: "Do you really know me?"

"I don't know." Niya answered him angrily, picked up the blood book beside her, and without saying anything, drew the ring in her hand.

She didn't care about gold and silver jewellery, vows of eternal love, or spiritual treasures, but she kept this blood book with great care.

This blood book touched her so much that the moment she regained her memory, her heart trembled.

It will become the most precious treasure in life, and it will be a 'declaration of love' for a lifetime.

With a smile on Tang Yan's face, he took Niya's hand and walked forward, introducing Nian Wuqing and Nian Wuxin: "You two uncles, she is Niya, my fiancée! These two are Uncle Wuxin and Wuqing from Jiulongling. uncle!"

"Hello, uncles." Niya didn't get rid of Tang Yan's big hand, and didn't even have the slightest intention of resisting. The natural details revealed the true state of mind of the Goddess of Delos.

"You have all suffered, now rest here, we should go to our work." The two husbands smiled slightly and accepted Niya's gift.

"Wait! Two gentlemen, Mr. Tang, Sister Niya, I..." Zhao Wenqing walked up quickly, and bowed solemnly to them: "I implore everyone to give Falan Tower a chance, the tower owner will be gracious after all. Yu Niya, although he is guilty, he will not die, and the disaster will not hurt his family. The more than 3 disciples of the Falan Tower are not obliged to be buried for the mistakes of the high-level. I apologize to you on behalf of the tower master and the ancestors. We are willing to accept any punishment , but please give me a chance to repent."

"Letting you go is already a great favor. You don't have to intercede for them anymore. With your ability, if you join any other warlock organization, you will be well cultivated. There is no need to guard some decaying Falan Towers." Tang Yan's attitude is very firm, and Fa Lanta must be punished!
Fa Lanta bullied himself, and still did such an ugly and unforgivable incident. If he chose to forgive because of a simple pleading, how could he deter other forces.

Do the various forces think that they are magnanimous, or are they cowardly and ridiculous?

There is no doubt that it must belong to the latter!
What's more, I am in a very sensitive situation now, because of the sky fire, I am surrounded by wolves. If I can't show a strong posture, not only will I suffer persecution, but maybe a new disaster will fall on my family one day.

It was a fluke that he could find Niya in time this time.

If similar incidents happen again in the future, if there is a slight deviation, it is likely to be regretted for life!
With the precedent of Ailinda and others, Tang Yan will never take any more risks.

"Falanta's higher-ups are not guilty of death, and [-] disciples don't need to be buried for the mistakes of the higher-ups! Please give us a chance!" Zhao Wenqing could only ask Niya for help, his tone was a little urgent, and for the first time since he was born, he used pleading eyes look at others.

Tang Yan took Niya's hand and walked out without waiting for Niya's response, and finally reminded Zhao Wenqing: "They are not worth your time, you'd better get out of here before Falan Tower is destroyed. I, Tang Yan, am not a heartless person. For the sake of your saving Niya, I allow you to take away all the things that can be taken inside the Falan Tower."

Zhao Wenqing took two steps back, her eyes were shaking and her expression was firm, and she, who was cold and aloof, suddenly bent down deeply at this moment: "Sister Niya! Mr. Tang! Those are [-] innocent lives. They really didn't It is necessary to be buried for the mistakes of the higher-ups! Although the tower owner is guilty, but after all, there is some kindness! I, Zhao Wenqing... I beg you!"

Niya stopped slowly, and pushed Tang Yan's hand that he was trying to pull: "Wait a minute."

"Listen to me this time, and you must not be soft!" Tang Yan's attitude was quite firm, and this was the first time in many years that he showed a strong posture in front of Niya.

He really wanted to kill Fa Lanta, and he must not spare Fa Lanta lightly.

In addition to deterring all forces, there is another matter that needs to be dealt with urgently-there are four relatives at the Holy Spirit Hall.

Whether what is done in Falanta today is grace or massacre, it may affect the attitude of the Holy Spirit Temple towards the four relatives!

Zhao Wenqing got up and asked again: "The blood letter agrees that Falan Tower will be returned to Niya before dark. I am the future owner of Falan Tower, and my deeds represent Falan Tower. Mr. Tang, think about it from another angle. I will send Niya back in the morning, but I will stay here temporarily to recuperate due to special circumstances, there is absolutely no reason to slaughter my Falan Tower."

"I know you want to be powerful, but you don't have to be unfeeling." Niya reminded Tang Yan in a low voice, pondered a little, and said to Tang Yan and Zhao Wenqing, "I have a compromise, to spare ordinary disciples , everyone swears in blood that they will never take revenge for what happened today, the pagoda master and the elders of the inner and outer courts will temporarily detain Jiulongling for ten years as a punishment, how about it?"

The two husbands were not too far away, and they could hear the discussion from the top floor.

Nian Wuxin whispered to Nian Wuqing not to act in a hurry.

"I thanked my sister on behalf of Falanta!" Zhao Wenqing warmed his heart and saluted solemnly.

Niya looked at Tang Yan's gloomy face and said, "If you don't feel relieved, you can detain them for another ten years, or even a hundred years. Falan Tower is kind to me. No matter what the tower owner has done, after all, he helped me save A critical period has passed.”

"He did help you, but with an ugly purpose, is this considered help? At best, he is just taking advantage!" Tang Yan frowned, his face not very good-looking.

He understood Niya's feelings. Although her memory was disturbed, she also hated the deeds of the tower master of Falan Tower, but if it was really massacred, it would make her feel guilty. and died.

Niya was silent for a while: "You can make your own decision, but you must give them a chance."

Tang Yan's gaze changed several times, and he looked at Zhao Wenqing: "If you give you a chance, can you make sure that you will never bring up this matter again and never take revenge on me again?"

Zhao Wenqing's attitude was solemn: "I can guarantee it! I guarantee it to the entire ancient country!"

"I will give Dai Mubai a choice, and give the surviving Falanta disciples a choice." Tang Yan left an endless sentence, turned and left the top floor.

At the moment when he turned around, the corner of his mouth was slightly curved, still filled with cruel killing intent.

(End of this chapter)

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