Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 940 Life and Death Choice

Chapter 940 Life and Death Choice (3)

"Now! Everyone in Fa Lanta can hear clearly, I will give you a chance to choose." Tang Yan looked around the audience, turning back and forth between the two teams: "Choose life or choose death, there is only one choice, and That is, only one of you can survive!"

Whoa! !

The crowd suddenly became noisy, and finally there was a hope of survival. They were very excited, like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, but Tang Yan didn't explain who would live and who would die. They were still more anxious and nervous. Discussions rose one after another and then quickly subsided, looking at Tang Yan nervously and eagerly.

"The dead party is tantamount to atonement for Fa Lanta! The surviving party must promise to forget today's incident, let alone take any direct or indirect revenge against Jiulongling and me in the future."

"Who lives and who dies? How to choose?"

An ancestor next to Dai Mubai couldn't help it, and shouted a little eagerly, but because of his emotional agitation, the wound was affected, and he coughed violently.

"You are the high-level officials of the Falan Tower. The matter is caused by you. Of course, it is up to you to decide first. It is you high-level people who survive and let these [-] disciples atone for your mistakes. Or do you sacrifice yourself and take responsibility for what should be done?" The price you pay is to give these [-] disciples a new life?"

The atmosphere on Dai Mubai's side was stagnant, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but without exception, they all saw a bit of excitement about escaping death from the other side's eyes.

High-level survival?Or ordinary disciples survive?
Obviously, of course the high-level people survive!

Among them are ten semi-holy-level patriarchs, more than sixty elders of Wuzun level, and some high-ranking Wuwang and direct descendants of Fa Lanta, special relationship households.

There is also the towering Master Falan Tower!

If they can survive, Falan Tower can stand up again in a very short period of time, regain its former reputation, and may even secretly operate the revenge Jiulongling.

But if ordinary disciples survived, what's the point?Although their number is huge, the strongest among them is only at the Martial King Realm, and the number is less than [-]%!How do they rebuild Falan Tower?How to seek revenge?

After everyone looked at each other, their eyes all focused on Dai Mubai, looking at him with longing eyes, urging him with eager breaths.

Dai Mubai frowned, pushed aside the support of the elders, walked to the front of the team, and shouted at Tang Yan: "Can you keep your word? The one that survives, you will never be held accountable?"

"As long as the surviving party can promise not to retaliate afterwards, I can promise not to pursue it." Tang Yan was expressionless, but looked at Dai Mubai and the others with cold eyes.

Ma Yanwang and the others looked at this, and then looked at that, showing a bit of a playful nature, no longer interfering with Tang Yan's decision, and watching the show from a distance.

Zhao Wenqing vaguely felt something was wrong, and wanted to say something, but... Looking at the senior management of Falan Tower, and then looking at more than 1 ordinary disciples, she suddenly found that she couldn't say a word!

The faces of more than 1 disciples turned pale, they fixedly looked at Tang Yan, and then all focused on Dai Mubai, their hearts were in their throats, their eyes were full of expectation.

No one wants to die, no one wants to be a victim!
Tang Yan's tone became cold: "Master Daita, do you make the decision yourself, or should your team vote collectively?"

Dai Mubai looked at the more than 1 disciples standing up in the distance, but he only glanced at it briefly, didn't look any more, or didn't dare to look any more, and then stared at Tang Yan again.

The elders and ancestors surrounded by him gradually stood up and looked at him nervously. Although they didn't speak directly, their eyes were very straightforward.

The bigger picture matters!

Although Fa Lanta will lose a large number of disciples to preserve their high-level, but at most it can be regarded as a loss of vitality, the foundation is not damaged, and it can rise rapidly.

Aren't they just some disciples, they can be recruited again, and in less than ten years, Falan Tower will still be the Falan Tower, the Holy Land of sorcerers!
Although... it is a pity and cruel to sacrifice these more than 1 disciples.

But sometimes you have to make some sacrifices, if you want to hate, you can only hate Tang Yan for offering such despicable conditions!

"Master Daita, must be cautious!" Li Xiangjun had thousands of words, but in the end it only became a word of caution!
She roughly understood Tang Yan's meaning and purpose, and also understood Tang Yan's cunning and viciousness. She was so lonely that she even felt a coldness that she had never felt before!

To make the two sides make a choice, the obvious meaning is to let Dai Mubai and other high-level people live, and make all ordinary disciples die.But... the order to pronounce death has now become a decision made by Dai Mubai himself, not Tang Yan, the meaning is completely different!

Once Dai Mubai made a decision, it was he who personally announced that more than 7000 disciples of Fa Lanta would atone for the sins committed by the higher-ups!If the news spreads, Falanta's prestige will definitely drop to freezing point, plus the fact that they imprisoned Niya at the beginning, Dai Mubai, a sorcerer and saint, will definitely be spurned by all parties!
Falan Pagoda was originally a holy place in the ancient country of Xingluo, a paradise in the hearts of warlocks, but after this incident, it will definitely be reduced to an ugly place that everyone denounces.

If you want to make up for a ruined reputation, it cannot be repaired by decades or thousands of years, nor can it be deterred by strength.

Li Xiangjun asserted that after this incident, even his close friends would cast aside and break up.

But she can't ask Dai Mubai too much to 'sacrifice himself' to make up more than 1 disciples, after all... If all the high-level people perish, Fa Lanta will almost be considered expelled.Relying on these disciples alone, some disciples who have been severely stimulated, only ordinary warlocks in Wuzong's Martial Spirit Realm, how can they support the people who are rebuilding the Falan Tower.

When will a semi-saint be born?When can a saint appear?
If it doesn't show up!The Falan Tower will gradually exist in name only, and will even fall apart until it dies by itself.

Tang Yan's move is really ruthless, even more ruthless than the complete slaughter of Fa Lanta!
No matter what Dai Mubai chooses, the ending will be miserable!

There is a saying that... living is more painful than dying!

And Tang Yan can also take this opportunity to escape from this bad incident.If it was pure massacre, the life he destroyed would leave a stain on his destiny that could never be erased; but what about now?What he ruined was people's hearts, and what he ruined was the cognition of Fa Lanta's top executives in the eyes of the world, diverting everyone's attention from himself!
What a Tang Yan, what a cunning scheme.

Even Nian Wuxin and Nian Wuqing beside Tang Yan raised their eyebrows slightly, this time they really admired them.

"Wait a little longer, it doesn't seem to be that simple." Ma Yanwang stared at Tang Yan from the beginning to the end, the killing intent inside was too strong, and his intuition told him that Tang Yan might have more ruthless moves waiting for Dai Mubai.

"Time is limited, Master Dai, please make a choice!" Tang Yan's voice slightly raised, more coldly, urging Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai couldn't see through Tang Yan's intentions, but at this moment, no one could save Fa Lanta, he could only compromise with him, and had to make a choice.

The current situation is that Tang Yan has dug a trap in front of him openly, and he has to bite the bullet and jump down!
If the high-level is destroyed, Falan Tower is doomed to be destroyed, so that it will disappear completely within a hundred years; if the high-level survives, Falan Tower's reputation will definitely be reduced to the lowest level, and even himself will be criticized by thousands of people.

One is the foundation of the ancestors, and the other is the reputation of the ancestors.

How to choose?

He felt that two mountains were pressing on him, making him unable to breathe. Nearly [-] pairs of eyes focused on him, almost freezing the air around him.

The spectators in Taiping Ancient City in the distance also moved forward slightly, pricked up their ears, waiting for Dai Mubai's choice.

Who lives and who dies?

Who will choose?

"Tower Master! Be careful! Only we can survive, Falan Tower still has hope. Maybe this choice will be difficult, but we will always guard by your side, let us resist together!" Ancestor Fang Chen lowered his voice to remind , and lowered the voice so that only two people could hear it.

In fact, Dai Mubai already had a calculation deep in his heart, what he was waiting for was someone to encourage him, he glanced at him intentionally, nodded slightly, raised his spirit a little, and raised his voice to more than 1 disciples: "Falanta's Disciples, I am Dai Mubai..."

"Enough!! I let you make a choice, not a declaration!" Tang Yan rudely interrupted, since Dai Mubai is going to be destroyed, it has to be completely destroyed, and there is absolutely no possibility for him to restore his reputation .

Dai Mubai looked at Tang Yan coldly, gritted his teeth and restrained himself, and finally fixed his eyes, and shouted loudly: "All the senior members of Falan Tower survive!"

The overall situation is the most important thing, how can children be allowed to love each other!
Use [-] ordinary disciples in exchange for Falan Tower being reborn again!
(End of this chapter)

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