Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 943 Great Golden Ancient Clan

Chapter 943 Ten Great Ancient Golden Clans
The mountains at dusk are quiet and beautiful, and the old trees on the cliffs are vicissitudes and deep.

Amber leaned back on the intertwined tree roots, habitually smoking the pipe that had accompanied him for more than ten thousand years.But now it doesn't have the usual smoke, let alone the familiar spark, it's bleak, cold and lifeless, just like his dying body.

After all these years of hard work, he finally had time to enjoy the afterglow of the sunset.

The state of mind at this moment is extremely peaceful, and even the old face that His Majesty once joked about as 'ugly and tough' is more peaceful and gentle today.

Looking back on all the past, how much sigh, how much emotion.

The Lost Battle Realm has devoted itself to guarding the emperor for nearly ten thousand years. What remains unchanged is killing and collision, and what continues to be protection and conspiracy. It has been ups and downs for nearly ten thousand years, and it has been dedicated for nearly ten thousand years. The whole body and soul are like a peaceful clockwork. , continued to run at high speed.

Qi Tian Continent has been in turmoil for more than ten years, and it has been more than ten years of hard work. There was initial sadness and misery, and there was also the renewed confidence and hasty search steps in the later period for the reincarnation of fate.

In this life, from the descending of the Ancient Yaoling Clan, to the destruction of Tiandang Mountain, and then to the difficult trek of the Qitian Continent, there has never been a moment of peace, until today... staring at the sunset, thinking about the past, each has its own way taste.

Amber's heart is very quiet, as calm as the red clouds in the sky. After living all these years, he has never seen the world seriously, nor felt nature calmly.

This moment is really beautiful.

The old tree under him is suitable for burying his bones and sleeping.

My mission is about to end, and I should close my eyes after seeing the young master.

Those five old fellows should wait anxiously, but fortunately, I can proudly say to them—hey, old fellows, I saw the young master, he looks very similar to His Majesty.

The sound of fine footsteps came from behind, with cautious slowness and hesitation, pulling Amber back to reality from the peaceful memory.

After all, Tang Yan walked up the cliff and looked at the old man under the old tree in a daze.

His skinny body and wrinkled and dull skin are just like the old roots under him, engraved with the vicissitudes of time, but the skin is loose and lifeless, the thick or heavy corpse spots are shocking, the chest that never rises and falls, and the dying There is no difference between the old man, and even the eyes are cloudy and lose their color.

But looking at it, Tang Yan found that he was a little familiar. In his memory... there seemed to be such a faint impression, as if he had met somewhere, but no matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember it.

Amber took away the tobacco stick in his mouth and patted the tree roots beside him: "I will watch the sunset with the old man."

"Amber, I kept you waiting for a long time." Tang Yan collected himself, performed a simple junior salute, and sat under the old tree next to Amber, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Amber looked at Tang Yan, just watching silently.

The resolute edges and corners, the slightly raised thick eyebrows, the tight lips, and the bright eyes all reveal the tenacity and persistence.The current Tang Yan has undergone too many changes from the Giant Elephant City, Delos, and even the Dayan Mountains back then, not only in appearance, but also in the sublimation of his mood.

There used to be an indelible youthfulness and an indelible arrogance, but now there is only a mature tenacity and calmness left.

Tang Yan was not used to being scrutinized like this by others, so he hesitated for a while, thinking about how to speak.

At this time... Amber held Tang Yan's hand with his wrinkled and corpse-spotted hands, folded them together, held them tightly, smiled gently, leaned against the ancient tree, and turned his gaze to the world again The darkness and the vastness at the junction.

Tang Yan stared blankly at the big hands of the two, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. The previous hesitation and apprehension, the confusion and complexity along the way, now gradually turned to the old man's powerful big hands.

"I have wronged you these years, and I apologize to you on behalf of His Majesty and those five old guys. We owe you a lot, but I think if they can see you, they will be proud of your growth now."

Amber clenched Tang Yan's hand and held it firmly. This weight contained too many emotions, which caused ripples in Tang Yan's heart.

"My father... um... how did he get killed?" Tang Yan was not too comfortable with the title 'father'.

"I know you have a lot of questions, old man, I don't have much time, and my head is starting to mess up. Let me tell you about the past. If you don't understand anything, you can interrupt at any time."

Tang Yan took a deep breath and got ready.

"A long, long time ago, Qitian Continent was filled with thousands of races, heroes arose side by side, and ancient countries were complicated. All kinds of ancient beasts roamed the wilderness. Powerful warriors swallowed the sky and conquered the earth, mastered all kinds of laws, strange beasts could rival the sky, and destroyed millions in a fit of rage. creatures.

It was a heroic era, and it was also the ancient era in historical records!

But hundreds of thousands of years ago, Qitian Continent's spiritual power began to weaken without warning, and it became more and more obvious. In order to compete for limited resources and to imprison the rich spiritual power, various ethnic groups and countries continued to fight against each other. The bloody battle to the death caused unprecedented chaos and massacres.

In that chaotic era, countless ancient countries fell, countless powerful people disappeared, even the human emperor and demon emperor disappeared, and the number of saints and beasts dropped sharply.

The chaos lasted for endless years, and historical materials call it the 'Post-Ancient Era' or the 'Great Destruction Era'. "

Tang Yan listened intently, gradually immersed in Amber's narration.Looking at the vast sky, earth and clouds from afar without focus, it seems like a grand and epic ancient picture scroll is unfolding in front of you.

Every superpower dominates the world, and every ancient beast roars to move the mountains and rivers.

The ancient countries are vast and boundless, and the clans are arrogant in all directions.

Age of Heroes!Ancient times!The era of great destruction! !

Infinite yearning, infinite longing, infinite emotion.

Amber habitually took a mouthful of the cold pipe, immersed in the world of memories: "After tens of thousands of years or even 10 years of fighting, the Qitian Continent has finally entered a relatively peaceful era, but what is left is only scars and scars. Dilapidated, there are only pitiful saints and emperors.

According to incomplete statistics, the era of great destruction 'destroyed' [-]% of the top powerhouses in Qitian Continent!
Eighty percent, what kind of concept?
After the era of great destruction, even the energy of the heavens and the earth has become less than one-fifth of that of the ancient times, especially in the frontier areas, where the lack of spiritual power is simply appalling.

But fortunately, the remaining spiritual power has maintained a direct ratio to the number of surviving strong men, so that excessive melees will not break out due to the shortage of supply.

After 10 years of recuperation, the Qitian Continent has gradually recovered its vitality, and a new pattern has also formed, with the birth of the sole ruler—the Ancient Golden Clan."

Tang Yan's spirit perked up slightly, Ancient Gold Clan? !The peak ancient clan left over from ancient times!
"In the eyes of the world, the ancient golden clan is a super bloodline family that began to prosper in ancient times and survived the era of great destruction. Their bloodlines are amazing, and they are so mysterious that the world trembles. If the bloodlines are divided into strong and weak levels, The ten golden bloodlines are the most peak existence.

They are distributed in different areas of the Qitian Continent, ruling the endless territories like gods, controlling the laws of heaven and earth, and even paying tribute to the empire that was born in a new pattern. "

"Who are the top ten golden ancient clans?" Tang Yan was very concerned about this issue.

"Yaoling clan, Pangu clan, Xingchen clan, Samsara clan, Corpse Emperor clan, Sea God clan, Spirit clan, Bone clan, Yin-yang clan, Ashura clan. The bloodlines of the ten golden ancient clans are all top-notch in the world. Weak and sequential, they are all extremely terrifying existences."

Tang Yan closed his eyes, and silently engraved the names of the top ten ancient clans in his mind: "Then why did they leave Qitian Continent later? Where is the Lost Battle Realm? Amber, you said it was in hundreds of thousands of years Before Qitian Continent's spiritual power suddenly started to decline, could there be something..."

"That's right! The main reason for the advent of the era of great destruction is the lack of spiritual power in Qitian Continent. It was this special event that triggered the disaster in Qitian Continent. After the new pattern was born, the Gu Clan began to search for the reason. It was also through successive explorations that the Gu Clan discovered a very astonishing secret."

Amber frowned slightly, making Tang Yan's heart tighten accordingly.

"First of all, those ancient beasts from the ancient times were not all destroyed."

"What? Then they..."

"Similar to the world-dominant demon emperors such as Mo Qilin, Taotie, Phoenix, etc., and holy monsters such as Candle Dragon, Qingtian Bull Python, Zhu Qiang, etc., it is very strange to disappear in the melee of the era of great destruction.

At the beginning, the ancients deduced that they were not destroyed, but hidden, but there was really no evidence to prove it, and no traces were found.

It wasn't until later that the Yin-Yang Ancient Clan came up with new ideas and sporadic evidence—there might be an unknown area in the Qitian Continent, and all the disappeared ancient beasts were secretly transferred there.

After that, the ancient people began to conduct a blanket search on the Qitian Continent according to this concept. Until 5 years ago, the Sea God Clan located in the endless sea and the Yin-Yang Clan along the coast all found anomalies in the abyss of the deep sea. "

Abyss of the deep sea?unknown area?Lost in the battle world? !
Tang Yan was slightly startled: "Is it in the abyss of the deep sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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