Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 946 Three kills and nine murders

Chapter 946 Three Kills and Nine Murders

"Nine evils are nine generals, and three killings are three killing moves. One is good, the other is brave, and the third is evil." Amber's state is very bad, as if the information stored in his mind is gradually changing. Leakage causes vitality to dissipate and consciousness to gradually blur.

This situation begins to appear when it comes to three killings and nine murders, and it is becoming more and more obvious.

"The existence of the nine evils is illusory. They are the bright new stars picked by the emperor and the supreme numerology in the galaxy of fate, and their birth time has been postponed to a thousand years later. But whether they can be born as they wish, whether they can really reunite, whether they can To be used by the Destiny's Son of our clan, no one can predict, the emperor can only express his position and try his best to promote it.

But the existence of the three kills is completely different, and they are very important. They must be prepared by His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor himself to ensure that Destiny's Child completes the reincarnation of fate, and it is also the foundation for protecting Destiny's Child and even the nine evils from growing up.

This requires them to be born thousands of years before the child of destiny and the nine evils, or even longer.

According to Huang Si's understanding, "positive" in the three kills means righteousness, implying a big man; "yong" means sweeping thousands of troops, implying an invincible brave general;

The three killings were personally appointed by His Majesty the Demon Emperor, and they were positioned according to his description after the emperor's sacrifice fell.

One kill is 'right', and it belongs to Qilufu, the 'mountain and river iron sword' who was famous and left behind in the war world thousands of years ago.

The second kill is 'Courage', and it belongs to Ke Zunshan, the city guard of Emperor Wudi's town in Qitian Continent - 'Golden Armored General'.

The three kills are 'evil', and they belong to the rookie who has risen among the millions of soldiers of the ancient Yaoling clan--'Yan Wang' Ma Long! "

Tang Yan tensed up again, and even grabbed Amber with his backhand.

Mountain and River Iron Sword, Qilufu!

Golden Armored General, Ke Zunshan!

Hades, Malone! !

Righteousness, bravery, and evil, three kills protect nine evils!

"Qilufu used to be a notorious 'wilder', 'madman', and 'big man' in the leftover world. He was full of righteousness, righteousness and loyalty, but he never accepted the solicitation of any forces. It is ridiculed that he can stick to a piece of "justice" in the "sinful dye vat" left in the war world, but he perseveres hard and is respected by others.

No one can live up to the majesty of a big man, sweeping across mountains and rivers with an iron sword, and stepping across the bloody battle world with red courage.

But what no one knows is that Qi Lufu is actually a dead man secretly cultivated by His Majesty thousands of years ago. He was scattered outside and allowed to grow. He was only summoned at special times to carry out assassination missions in secret.

Qilufu is utterly loyal to His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor, and is also the most trusted and sharpest weapon of His Majesty besides us Liu Nu, and also... the only disciple of our Liu Nu! "

When Amber said this, his confused consciousness was a little dazed, as if recalling the previous scene, how much emotion, how much bitterness, and the friendship between each other surpassing master and apprentice.

But... the Yaoling Emperor was suppressed by the evil emperor, the people of the ancient Yaoling clan were right and wrong, and all the six slaves fell. If he got the news, how should he face the endgame.

"Amber?" Tang Yan called softly.

Amber came back to his senses and continued: "Emperor Wu City used to be the capital of an ancient country. It rose after the era of great destruction. It was prosperous for a while, with tens of millions of territories and hundreds of city-states. But it is actually the city of His Majesty the Demon Emperor. When leaving Qitian Continent, the ancient country that was secretly assisted in the preparation has existed for a long time and multiplied and survived on its own.

Until the country was destroyed ten thousand years ago due to its own reasons, only one ancient city remained, and it recovered tenaciously and became one of the current seven forbidden places.

At the beginning of the layout thousands of years ago, His Majesty once projected a clone onto Wudi City, awakening the memory in the bloodline of the guard Ke Zunshan, and secretly left behind His Majesty's inherited bloodline golden lotus, which is the lucky golden lotus that will belong to the son of destiny in the future.

'Yan Wang' Ma Long is a genius born in a remote branch of the demon spirit clan. His status is humble, but he has a super bloodline of the seventh-rank demon spirit vein, which is not weaker than our six slaves. He was discovered by His Majesty in time and personally guarded its growth, even at the expense of fighting The monster clan hunted holy beasts for their awakened bloodline.

Ma Long has a eccentric personality due to his birth, sometimes crazy, moody, good and evil, but he is grateful to His Majesty and loyal.His Majesty originally planned to train him to become a general, but because of this incident, he personally managed a few accidents to create a scene of Ma Long's fall, and then secretly sent him to Qitian Continent to let him develop and grow.

In order to better deploy the millennium puzzle, a lock was added besides three kills and nine murders, that is, the other four saints of Jiulongling-Si Xianggong!

The four of them also belong to the demon spirit clan, possessing seventh-grade demon spirit veins, and are trusted warriors of His Majesty. Whether it is the training process or the awakening of bloodlines, His Majesty spent his energy and time doing it himself, so they are all loyal men just like Ma Long. .

His Majesty has operated different tragedies for a hundred years, causing the 'death' of the four of them, and sent Ma Long to the world of oblivion. "

Three kills and nine murders!

Three top killer moves!Nine Fated Generals!

Although Tang Yan was well prepared, he was still dizzy by the grand layout, and continued to digest the impact they brought in silence.

Amber did not continue, and leaned against the ancient tree to adjust his breath silently, so as to relax his heavily loaded body and consciousness a little, otherwise he might not be able to hold on to the secret that should be said.

The cliff gradually became quiet, and Ma Yanwang and others under the cliff waited anxiously, looking at the top of the mountain from time to time, always having a premonition that they didn't want to.

They are all aware of Amber's physical condition, and the remaining vitality in his body can last for a few days at most.But if it is excessively consumed, it may not even be able to survive this evening.

After all, he is now a puppet-like corpse, any limbs and consciousness activities will consume energy, and consciousness activities consume the most energy.

If it stimulates the consciousness to run at a high intensity and wakes up the sleeping memories, the consumption of energy inside the body can be imagined.

"Is there really no other way? We can't just watch Amber die in front of us." Nian Wuxin couldn't accept that the demon spirit Liu Nu, who once ruled the war world, passed away in such a tragic way.

Ma Yanwang shook his head slowly, with the unresolved melancholy between his brows.Why am I willing to give up, but Amber's vitality has been exhausted, and his body has completely lost its vitality, and his fragility is like a piece of white paper.Any measures to rejuvenate his vitality have huge risks, and must be operated as soon as possible as soon as possible.

But Amber has too many things to tell Tang Yan, too many secrets and entrustments to tell him personally.If you interrupt now to increase Amber's vitality, if you fail, Amber will close his eyes forever.

In this way, the secrets in Amber's consciousness will dissipate, and Tang Yan cannot be told all of them, which will make him die with regret.

"Wait a little longer. If Amber still holds his breath after he finished speaking, we will try our best. There is no morality or righteousness. You should prepare now."

Under the old tree on the cliff, Amber still firmly held Tang Yan's hand, looked at the increasingly drowsy sunset, and continued his story: "After the layout of three kills and nine murders is completed, our family will lose Ma Long and other five seven Pin Yao Lingmai, they are all His Majesty's most trusted generals. This has seriously questioned His Majesty Yao Ling Emperor's prestige in the clan, and it has also hurt the vitality of our clan.

And because of Qi Lufu's departure, the secret mission that should have been in charge of him had to be carried out by our six slaves, which also involved part of the energy of the Demon Spirit Emperor.

In short, after the completion of the millennium layout, the overall strength of our family was damaged, and the situation was very passive, so that there were several major defeats.These successive incidents have seriously affected His Majesty's status within the ethnic group.

Fortunately, the emperor's prestige is still there, and the voice of doubt will not cause a rebellion.

After His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor personally took command of the battle, he fought several brilliant battles one after another, promoted a few trusted generals, regained control of the legion outside, and suppressed doubts inside, thus re-consolidating the throne.

In the next thousand years, our clan continued to prosper, and a large number of high-level demon spirit veins were born, among which there were many holy-level demon spirit veins of the seventh rank, and most of them were discovered and cultivated in time.During that period, His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor continued to launch wars and established a solid prestige, attracting worship from all directions and awe from all races.The successive births of wizards and promoted generals in the clan also gradually filled in the gaps left after Ma Long and others left.

The prosperity of the demon spirit clan even made His Majesty forget about the existence of the Millennium Layout.

It wasn't until more than a hundred years ago that Prince Cang of my family suddenly had a second transformation of blood.He was originally a seventh-rank peak demon spirit vein, and the monster he devoured was also a holy beast, but due to some unknown reason, he realized the transformation and evolution of his bloodline and grew into an eighth-rank emperor-level demon spirit vein.And after 36 months of secret retreat, he established himself as the emperor, and gave birth to the second strong man on the throne of the ancient Yaoling clan.

This was supposed to be a sensational event. The combination of the two emperors was enough to promote the ancient demon spirit clan to be the top overlord of the Forgotten War Realm, but... Prince Cang's bloodline transformation and his success as emperor were all hidden by the elders, and no news was leaked. His Majesty the Demon Spirit Emperor is unknown. "

Tang Yan was stunned: "Can the bloodline undergo a second transformation?"

(End of this chapter)

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