Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 987

Chapter 987
September 14, 8th Era!
The Wagang Village is on high alert, and all disciples have been reorganized. One hundred thousand internal disciples are distributed inside and outside the Wagang Village. Langdong, Isaac, Tang Mingzhong and others personally command and maintain the village seriously, and try their best to show the style of the Wagang Village.

More than [-] peripheral disciples are scattered in the nearby mountains, under the control of their respective leaders, who are responsible for maintaining order during Tang Yan's return.

The tiger and ben iron cavalry sat neatly in the martial arts field in front of the main village, and the nine captains were separated in the front section, with high momentum, wild posture, and blazing eyes, welcoming the return of the master with a high attitude.

The [-] disciples of the Sandfall Corps stretched out in front of the gate of the Wagang Village in a crane-wing formation, and the momentum was extremely vast.

Grand Commander Cang Hong even rode a giant war tiger. The two wild auras and the power of the two second-order dignitaries raised the overall aura of the Sandfall Corps to the extreme.

In fact, most of the disciples don't know Tang Yan. They only know that he is the owner of Wagang Village, and his past deeds, and his trip to the ancient land of Canglan ten years ago.

They were full of curiosity in their hearts, but they felt the tension and respect from the heart of the Wagangzhai executives. They had a hot feeling in vain, and they also waited for Tang Yan's return with anticipation.

At noon, the sky was full of flowers dancing, and the Grand Palace Master Zhaoyi led the daughters of the Yuhua Palace to arrive!
His magnificent temperament and gorgeous appearance have dazzled countless people.

The glamorousness of the second lord, the aloofness of the third lord, the mystery of the ninth lord, and the different appearances and temperaments of the elders all add to the splendor of the Wagang village, raising the overall atmosphere to a new level.

Dou Niang and others greeted him respectfully in front of the hall.

After that, Shuluan Hall, Jiantai Mountain, Wandu Valley, Tianluo Pavilion, Blood Sect, Four Seasons Reincarnation, and other sects were invited to arrive one after another, but the formation before them secretly surprised them, and they also laughed indifferently.

It is secretly said that Wagang Village is too exaggerated, and it doesn't give Wagang Village any good looks.

The ten years Tang Yan left were the ten years of turmoil in the Dayan Mountains, and the ten years of rapid development. With the continuous influx of a large number of powerful people from Biannan and Yan Kingdom, their power has been rapidly expanded, far away. It surpassed the situation when Tang Yan was in Wagang Village.

Although they are afraid of the arrogance of Wagang Village and the power of Yuhua Palace, welcome the return of your village master, why are you pulling us here?As a foil?To set off Tang Yan's prestige with the attitude of the whole Dayan group welcoming him?
It's ridiculous!annoying!
In view of Wagangzhai's status and strength, they were willing to visit after Tang Yan's return, but it would be too domineering to use it as a foil, and the old guys were very uncomfortable.

In fact... when Tang Yan arrived at Jiuchongtian, he first sent a senior team leader to Wagangzhai, notified the return time, and clearly proposed to call all sects to gather in Wagangzhai.

At first, based on Tang Yan's speed, they deduced that the return time should be at noon today. Wagangzhai started preparations early in the morning, and Yuhua Palace arrived on time at noon.

The denominations deliberately delayed their arrival until after noon.

But... from early morning to noon, from noon to afternoon, and then to evening when the sun was setting, Tang Yan was never seen.The scene that was originally quiet, solemn and full of eager anticipation began to have some uncoordinated discussions since the afternoon.

As time went by, the discussion became noisy, doubts turned into resentment, and even some disciples in Wagangzhai felt dissatisfied.

As the afterglow of the setting sun fell, the square in front of the main village was spread out in layers of twilight. All the main leaders of the various sects were seated here, but the atmosphere also changed with the changes outside the main village, except for Venerable Xue Ning and Zang Zhuo, the owner of the Tianluo Pavilion, bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, and remained silent, while the rest of the people all darkened.

"Can you give me a normal explanation?"

Su Li, the master of the Shuluan Hall, had a cold face and a bad tone. He pointed his sharp eyes at Tang Ba in front of the hall, and deliberately bit down on the word 'normal'.

"We are invited guests, not disciples of your Wagang village. We kept us waiting for a long time without saying a word, isn't it... that's outrageous!" The Spring Passing Venerable of Four Seasons Reincarnation looked worried, and his tone was still polite , but has shown strong resistance.

Tang Ba was indifferent and silent, scanning the internal disciple team in front of the village like a poisonous snake with his stern eyes, making those disciples who wanted to discuss feel cold all over their bodies, and tried their best to maintain a respectful and high-minded posture, not daring to speak.

Dou Niang had no choice but to come forward and apologized to everyone: "Please wait a moment, everyone may encounter some special circumstances on the road, wait a little longer, and we will arrive soon."

"I've been waiting all afternoon! If you wait any longer, it will be dark! I said, did you get the time wrong? Everyone is not idle, can you be more careful?" Pollock, the patriarch of the new sect "Royal Family" in the north, was eccentric. speak out.

The 'royal family' originated from the orthodox royal family of Dros, formed by the six surviving princes, and now it has firmly rooted in the north, becoming a new overlord, with three venerables and [-] strong soldiers, it can be called one of the six major sects in the north head.

At present, it has shown a tendency to be on an equal footing with sects such as Four Seasons and Reincarnation.

"Your time is so precious that you can't wait for half a day?" Tang Ba turned his head slowly, and coldly glanced at Pollock like a sharp knife.

I didn't want to talk to him, but I was really sick of this self-proclaimed prince.

If Tang Yan hadn't risked his life to save Dross, the royal family would have died out long ago. If Wagangzhai hadn't offered to give the northern area to the Dross survivors for survival and development, they must still be struggling in embarrassment. At the lowest level, is he still qualified to sit here and talk nonsense?

ungrateful bastard!
"Hmph! Our northern part is not as good as your central part. There are many monsters and beasts in our side, and the forces are chaotic. If you don't pay attention, you may not survive the night. Time is indeed a little bit more precious than yours." Pollock came directly Sentence cynicism.

Tang Ba had a problem with him, and Pollock was even more angry with Wagangzhai.

Why can you live in the middle of the country and dominate when the former royal family fell into poverty and lived in the north?

Why should our noble royal family linger in the north, while the Rao family, once a subsidiary of the empire, can enjoy it in the most fertile area in the central region, and still stand overlooking our royal family from a high place?

Why do all of our forces have to obediently gather here when you Wagangzhai issued a decree?
Why!I don't agree!
"Hey, why does this bastard speak with words?"

"Forgot who got you out of Biannan back then?"

"Forget who just gave you the right to live in the North?"

"Forgot who these years are thinking about old love and constantly supporting you?"

"I don't know how to raise a white-eyed wolf! Ah, I have a short temper, see if I don't pluck your golden hair!"

"Pull it down!!"

The five brothers of the Pang family were furious, rolling up their sleeves and rushing forward.

"Slow down!" Tang Ba stopped the five bald heads, stared at Pollock coldly, and raised his hand to point outside: "Whoever thinks time is precious can leave first, I can't afford it in Wagang Village!"

Pollock's expression became darker and colder. After humming again and again, he straightened his luxurious robes and was about to stand up. After sitting dryly for a long time, the anger in his heart could not be restrained.

The counselor beside him reminded softly: "Your Highness, today is a special occasion, and it is not appropriate to provoke Wagang Village."

Um?Pollock noticed the sneering looks of the other five major sects in the north, obviously wanting to watch the excitement, but the Shuluan Temple and other sects all had calm faces, as if they were very dissatisfied with the way of Wagangzhai, rolled their eyes, and stood up, He said in an encouraging tone: "Since Commander Tang has talked about this, I really want to replace everyone's theory today."

"If you have an opinion, just say it directly, without using other people's guise." Tang Qing spat hard.He looks simple and honest, but his temper is quite bad. Today is a special occasion. Wagang Village has been preparing for a long time, and the last thing he wants is for someone to make trouble, but unexpectedly there is someone in his early years.

If he wasn't worried that Tang Yan would come back at any time and get angry when he saw the chaotic scene, he would have rushed up and slapped this bastard twice.

Pollock took two steps forward and sneered: "Hehe, what is your tone and attitude? Wagangzhai's way of valeting customers is really special! Find out the situation, you are the ones who invited us here, not us brazenly."

He knew how to take advantage of the opportunity and sensed the anger of the sects, but they obviously didn't want to be the leader. If he publicly resisted, Su Li and others who had shown resistance should come forward to support them.With a little reconciliation, a joint situation can be formed to put some pressure on Wagang Village. Not only can we take the opportunity to expand our influence, but we may also win the favor of Jiantai Mountain and other forces, and form a secret alliance afterwards. After all, an enemy's enemy is a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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