Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 991 Matching Chapters at Different Levels

Chapter 991 Dialogue at Different Levels

The main hall of Wagangzhai is grand and imposing. On the spacious front wall is a map of the entire Langya Mountain area, which is based on the whole animal skin and marked with solid sand.

There are nine wooden and bamboo towers in the hall, carved with fierce beasts such as lions and tigers, which are lifelike and menacing, as if roaring a real beast, adding wildness to the entire main hall!
Dozens of carved wooden chairs are arranged on both sides, showing a simple and simple atmosphere.

Tang Yan sat on the left side of the head, and Zhaoyi sat on the right side of the head as an ally.

The two half-sages sat on the top, clearing away all the filth in the hall.

The Wagangzhai executives occupied the left side by themselves. Now that the owner of the village has returned domineeringly, they no longer have to worry about it. Shuluan Palace and other forces had to squeeze on the right side. At the front, Wandu Valley and others are at the bottom.

"You guys discuss it slowly, I'll go out and walk around." Nian Wuqing was too lazy to interfere with today's affairs, and didn't want to see the ugly faces of these old thieves. After walking around, he left the main hall and casually visited Wagang Village.

His departure slightly eased the depressive and trembling atmosphere in the room, even Tang Qing secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and let out a sigh of relief.

"I, Tang Yan, have not returned for ten years. Thanks to the care of all the seniors, Wagang Village is able to have today. The younger generation replaced the wine with tea today. Thank you here." Tang Yan picked up the teacup, cupped his hands and gestured to each of you in turn, seemingly polite The words are full of sarcasm on today's occasion.

Su Li and the others were deep in the city, their faces did not change, and after they stabilized their emotions, they no longer restrained, and cheekily raised their glasses in response.

They didn't dare to harbor any disrespect anymore. The strength of the semi-holy rank was enough to kill them in an instant, and the talent to be promoted to semi-holy in less than a century made them seem to see Tang Yan's magnificent achievements in the future.

And really understand the meaning of Cang Hong's words - a frog at the bottom of a well.

Only after crossing the nine heavens, will you understand the weight of the word Tang Yan!
"Everyone's time is precious. Let me make a long story short. The purpose of returning to Wagangzhai this time is to go south to Biannan to resolve some old grievances. Relying on the strength of our Wagangzhai alone is actually enough to solve Biannan, but the situation in Biannan is a bit complicated. It may be accompanied by various unexpected accidents, so there is one more person, one more help, and one more guarantee. I hope you can provide some help within your ability and follow me to the border south.”

Tang Yan put forward the invitation straight to the point, with the intention of uniting the power of the entire Dayan Mountains to go south and south.He wouldn't expect Su Li and the others to provide much help, but intended to use them to restrain King Zhou Ling's energy and the power of the Holy Spirit Temple.At the same time, I used their threats as traction to create a 'smoke bomb' for my own actions, so that I could deal with King Zhou Ling more cleanly and decisively, so as not to be embarrassed by some messy things.

After all, the situation in the south of the border is complicated, the territory is vast, and there are countless hiding places of all kinds. It is difficult to sweep them all by themselves.

Moreover, more than 50 venerables of the Holy Spirit Temple went south, and there might be new semi-holy existences inside. If they were not careful, they might stumble.

What Tang Yan wants is to wipe out King Ling of Zhou and the Holy Spirit Hall, and kill as many forces as possible, so all forces in the Dayan Mountain Range must fight!

As many as there are!

"This..." Su Li and the others did not rush to respond, but hesitated even more.

They could see the arrogance behind Tang Yan's gentle posture, they had to go if they went, and they had to go if they didn't go.Deliberately punishing Pollock before was also to warn everyone.

But here comes the problem!

What happened to Bian Nan?
It can attract more than 50 venerables to go south one after another!
Can attract Tang Yan to return in a hurry!And let him invite saints to join him!
The combination of Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace is equivalent to one saint, three semi-sages, and dozens of venerables. What else can this lineup not do?Do you have to unite the entire Dayan Mountains?
If there is a special situation in Biannan, it must be a very, very special event, which will herald a fierce battle. Wouldn't it be life-threatening to join in by yourself?

And what if Tang Yan simply needs some 'cannon fodder'?

No wonder they look forward and backward, it is the cruel reality that forces them to be cautious and cautious.Moreover, the cruel environment of the Dayan Mountains formed their cautious temperament.

If Tang Yan really asked them to die, they would rather resist today.

Tang Yan saw through everyone's concerns, smiled silently, and looked at Palace Master Su Li: "Dianzhu Su is worried that I, Tang Yan, will take this opportunity to entrap Shuluan Palace, so that I can dominate the Dayan Mountain Range afterwards?"

Su Li lowered his brows expressionlessly and chuckled lightly, then shook his head and said, "Don't dare! Village Master Tang is worrying too much!"

"I, Tang Yan, am not an ungrateful person. In order to save Dross from danger and rescue my wife, it was those present who gave me great support and did not hesitate to venture into the imperial city. I will always keep this kindness in my heart.

Ten years, neither long nor short, will not make me forget.

In the past ten years, I have been out and about, and I don’t know much about the changes in the Dayan Mountains. But now that I am back, I will definitely regain the kindness of the past. Today I promise you three points. "

This sincere tone attracted everyone's attention, and the senior leaders of various sects raised their heads one after another in hesitation, and looked at Tang Yan, who was in the top position.

The smiling face, friendly attitude, and steady and steady posture are quite different from the arrogance and cunning of the year, giving people a more calm, mysterious, and elusive feeling.

"First of all, I, Tang Yan and Wagangzhai, will never forget the kindness you showed me ten years ago. Over the years, Wagangzhai may have done something wrong, but the kindness will never change. After I return, this kindness will become even stronger. Heavy.

Secondly, Wagangzhai invited everyone to participate in the war again, absolutely not with the purpose of taking the opportunity to frame and dominate Dayan.I can tell you clearly that after the Biannan Incident, Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace will leave the Dayan Mountains forever. "

Ok? !

As soon as this remark came out, the whole audience fell silent, whether it was Tang Ba and other members of Wagang Village, Xue Ning, Dugu Xin, and Su Li, all looked straight at Tang Yan.

Leaving Dayan Mountains?

Wagang Village and Yuhua Palace?

Yin Xiyue and Luo Xiu exchanged glances, then turned to Zhaoyi who was at the head, and asked with their eyes.

What's the situation?Why don't they know?
Tang Ba and the others were also secretly surprised, there was no preparation in advance, isn't the Dayan Mountains a good place to survive?How can I just leave?

"May I ask Village Master Tang, are you going to... Canglan Ancient Land?" Su Li asked tentatively.

Others secretly speculated, could it be that Tang Yan found a new territory in Canglan Ancient Land?
A territory that can accommodate tens of thousands of people is not a small area. To be able to divide such an area must at least wait for the affirmation of the royal family.

It seems that Tang Yan has really made a name for himself in Canglan Ancient Land these years!
To be able to face the royal family face to face.

"In short, we won't come here to compete with you for jobs again." Tang Yan joked a little, and added: "When the border south incident is over, the Langya Mountain domain will be fully opened, and I will divide it among everyone here. "

oh? !The atmosphere in the hall changed subtly.

End of the Frontier incident?Personally divide?
Doesn't it mean that the Langya Mountain domain will be used as a reward for the Battle of the Frontier South?Is it because whoever performs better can get more and better paradise? !

The shrewd and perceptive Su Li and the others secretly moved their minds.

If this is the case, even if Biannan is dangerous, it is worth taking the risk!

What's more, Tang Yan talked about his kindness one after another, and promised that he would not be framed!
They have all coveted the Langya Mountain Region for a long time. The richness of spiritual power and the number of natural resources and treasures here are several times that of other mountain regions. It is undoubtedly a long-cherished wish to be able to develop here.

"The third thing I can assure you is that after Wagangzhai and Yuhua Palace leave, they will never come back, and the entire Dayan Mountain Range will also belong to everyone here. Jiuchongtian will no longer restrict you from entering Canglan Ancient Palace. Land, the past grievances will be wiped out."

"This..." Su Li and the others didn't know what to say. The more they thought about it, the more they felt weird. They felt a little bit embarrassed in their hearts. Tang Yan had obviously moved to a higher level. , and I still use the old benchmarks to measure.

"Seniors, are you willing to help Tang Yan go south to the south? I don't deny that the battle there may be cruel and life-threatening, but I will definitely not let everyone shed blood for nothing. Apart from this Langya Mountain region, there will be The rest of the gifts in return will never make you feel wronged."

"Master Tang, you're welcome! We'll definitely support you!" Su Li and the others clasped their fists in return, not to mention other gifts, the Langya Mountain Domain was already coveted by them.

"It's not too late. Please make preparations as soon as possible. I plan to set off at dawn tomorrow. In order to speed up the southward journey and avoid unnecessary casualties, the members of this operation must be above the Martial King Realm."

"Before dawn tomorrow, I'll come and gather!" Everyone got up one after another, said goodbye and left, each with more complicated expressions and mixed feelings in their hearts.It used to be necessary to look down on Tang Yan with a haughty attitude, but in just a few years, the one who needed politeness was himself.

The changes in the world are so sudden.

The Langya Mountain Region, which he regarded as a treasure, turned out to be a casually discarded item in Tang Yan's eyes.

Today's alliance is a dialogue at different levels!

(End of this chapter)

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