Valkyrie Storm

Chapter 998 The Wind Rises

Chapter 998 The Wind Rises (3)

In view of the seriousness and eccentricity of the situation, as well as the overly violent reaction of the Ancient Star Luo Kingdom, Zhulu Academy immediately stopped the elders of the academy who were already on the way to appease the academies and Zhulu branches in the two countries. .

The reason why they intervened forcefully was that they did not want to trigger a large-scale national war, wanted to investigate the truth of this incident, and did not want more than 70 people of the empire to be wronged.But judging from the current situation, an intolerable ugly incident definitely occurred in the ancient country.

The forces of all parties have re-understood the word 'treason' shouted when they are waiting for the strong to make a move in northern Xinjiang!
Treason?How can all ethnic groups and factions treason innocently? !
Different from the cruelty and dominance of the ancient Xingluo Kingdom, the Dagan Dynasty responded under the attention of all parties - the hidden force Holy Spirit Hall has developed to a level that makes the world horrified, and their branch halls are located in every corner of the mainland, and the number has exceeded [-] The number of them exceeds [-] in the vast Central Plains, and they are deeply involved with many forces in various countries, and they have even been secretly controlled!
If there is no punishment, once the Holy Spirit Hall suddenly announces, it will be an uncontrollable disaster!

At the same time when countries have not yet figured out the situation, Kowloon Ridge is making a high-profile battle!
King Ma Yan came to the "Shogunate Mountains" and personally destroyed one of the three main branches of the Holy Spirit Hall. Unfortunately, he failed to capture the saint alive, but he was beaten to death, and finally escaped half of his life with a special secret method. There is no one hundred years of pregnancy that is difficult to recover.

The three ministers stormed the Cold Cloud Valley where another main branch of the Holy Spirit Hall was located, and the Cold Cloud Valley where the cold wave gathered was completely destroyed. Nearly a thousand members of the Holy Spirit Hall were destroyed, and the saints of the Holy Spirit Hall were wiped out.Although it was later discovered that the saint had other avatars hiding in other places, but the main body was destroyed, and the other avatars could no longer be a threat at all, at most half the power of a saint.

In addition, the rest of the judges fought vigorously, sensationalized one side with brilliant results, and brought a devastating blow to the branch hall of the Holy Spirit Hall.

All of a sudden, the Temple of the Holy Spirit was pushed to the forefront!

Considering the rage and cruelty of the royal family of Xingluo ancient country, and the violent attack in Jiulongling, the other three empires had to face up to it with all their strength, setting off a storm of monitoring the Holy Spirit Hall and investigating the truth of the incident.

The whole incident happened in just five days, and the Holy Spirit Temple was completely caught off guard, and was beaten up and down, like a dog.

Xingluo Ancient Kingdom's mopping-up operation, Human Emperor's domineering and domineering operation, and Jiulongling's "Sacred Extermination" operation not only disrupted their plans and deployments, but also exposed themselves in front of the entire Central Plains power ahead of time, and deeply I found myself underestimating the power of the empires and the empire's reputation as the master of the continent.

... In the main hall of the Holy Spirit Hall, after a series of incidents happened, the vast hall was oppressed, and even the patrolling guards were careful not to make the slightest abnormal noise, lest it would bring about unwarranted disasters.

But unexpectedly, not only did the hall master not be enraged as expected, let alone hold any emergency meeting.In fact, the incident was sudden and the time was tight, and the hall master could not wait for the return of the high-level people scattered everywhere to hold a meeting, so...he only summoned a few old counselors who were stranded in the main hall.

Meet at the top of a high mountain.

"I underestimated the ancient kingdom of Xingluo! I underestimated the power of the Central Plains!" After a long period of silence, the hall master made a slightly hoarse voice, standing on the top of the mountain, gazing at the dim sky, with a complex and difficult expression.

He wasn't angry or serious, but rather inexplicably confused.

"It's useless to regret the matter now. We must find ways to remedy it as much as possible. Now that the ancient Xingluo country has pushed us into the focus of other countries, other empires and kingdoms will definitely find out and take measures afterwards. If it is the royal family of any country No matter how angry Xingluo Renhuang is, the deployment within a country will fall apart in a short period of time."

"It's not yet time to provoke wars among the countries. We still need to maintain a certain degree of secrecy. If necessary, I suggest that I go to the other three empires in person, lobby the current emperor, directly express my attachment to them, and stabilize the situation first." hold them."

"No! The emperors of all countries have no mediocrity, and the royal families of all countries are all shrewd and resourceful people. They have a thorough understanding of the situation and will definitely not cooperate with us."

"That's right! It's not the right time for us to come forward now. Even if we want to cooperate, they will put forward extremely harsh conditions, so harsh that our efforts will not meet the benefits."

All the counselors spoke out one after another, but no one came up with a reasonable opinion.

Although the situation was not so corrupt that it was difficult to deal with it, it was definitely very dangerous.After all, Xing Luo's actions were too violent, so violent that they caused a sensation in the Central Plains. Once all countries followed suit and took actions, the Holy Spirit Hall would suffer unbearable losses, and it would be difficult to make a comeback.

The Hall Master of the Holy Spirit Hall stared at the vast and drowsy world with deep eyes, and remained silent for a long time, as if he hadn't heard their discussion at all.

The counselors secretly exchanged glances, all surprised by the palace master's reaction today.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the ancient golden tribes successively discovered the root cause of the era of great destruction, so that it led to the world of the lost war, and the dark blood age that lasted for tens of thousands of years broke out.

But no matter whether it was the heroic rush into the Lost Battle Realm back then, or the destruction of the space channel to prevent the two clans of monsters from leading the battlefield to Qitian Continent, in the final analysis, the ancient golden clan was not ready to completely abandon Qitian Continent.

This is the root of the birth of human beings. There used to be endless splendor and civilization here. There are traces of martial arts left by the ancient ancestors here. There are too many buried relics here.

The skeletons of wild beasts after death, the secrets buried deep in the ground, and the secrets of the emperor's ancestors buried in the long river of time have all brought back memories of the Qitian Continent from various tribes more than once.

Why did our clan take great risks to send us back to Qitian Continent?And why did the patriarch personally send the four sons into the Qitian Continent? "

The counselors became more and more silent, and fell into memory following the soft and slow words of the palace master.

"The patriarch's dream is in Qitian! The root of the spiritual clan is in Qitian! One day, our clan will return!" The master of the Holy Spirit Hall narrowed his eyes slightly, but his face was heavy: "But the difficulty is too great, and our clan will return!" It is difficult for the millions of people of the Spirit Race to rely on their own strength to safely cross the turbulent space. It is also difficult to resist the investigations of other races, and it is even more difficult to stop the prying eyes of the demons.

A little carelessness, my family will be completely destroyed in the turbulent flow of space. A little carelessness, the rest of the clans will return with them. A little carelessness, the battlefield of the left war world will extend to the entire Qitian Continent!
What my spirit clan wants is not only to return, but to control the entire Qitian Continent.

My Spirit Race must not only cross the turbulent space, but also completely destroy the deep sea vortex before the rest of the races react, so that the other races and the two races of demons will be permanently sealed in the bloody space of the lost battle world.What my spirit clan wants is the supreme tyrant, what I want is to control the world.

The patriarch and the others have been plotting and deploying in the Lost Battle Realm for many years, and we must also do our best to do our best.But now...we didn't do what we should do. "

"This..." Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"It's our fault that we didn't do a good job, but it also underestimated the development of Qitian Continent in the past tens of thousands of years, such as the stability of the three holy lands, the hegemony of the five empires, and the horror of the forbidden lands. Relying on us alone , will be difficult to control.

Our strength can only be used as the foundation, and once we encounter a sudden situation, it will be difficult to control.I've been dreading such an incident, but it really happened!
The patriarch has a decision that has been delayed, and I think... it's time for me to help him. "

The eyes of the Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall narrowed slightly and then shone with firmness!

The ten golden ancient clans have been away for too long, and the Qitian Continent, where the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth maintains a balance, has developed for a long time, especially the birth of the five emperors of the five ancient kingdoms, which gave Qitian Continent a terrifying power and made the five empires The supremacy is unshakable.

He used to think that the Five Great Empires would not dare to punish the Holy Spirit Hall too much, so as not to provoke the main hall and cause a fierce battle, and he was afraid of hurting his own foundation by being too involved with the power of his own country. Even if he wanted to punish, he would do it step by step. This incident was undoubtedly revealed, like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, and uprooted the branch hall and all the forces involved without leaving any traces.

It not only shocked other countries, but also shocked itself!

The loss of many semi-sages in the ancient Xingluo country this time caused a great loss of national strength. The retreat of the 300 million border troops made the people in the country panic and turbulent, and also put great pressure on the four major borders.

But... Human Sovereign's arrogance is enough to shock all parties. It created an extremely shocking shock wave, shaking both inside and outside the empire. Horror sages such as Marquis of Northern Xinjiang and King Boa personally came forward to sit on the frontier, intimidating all countries not to act blindly.

The ancient kingdom of Xingluo seems to have lost a lot, but its reputation has been resounding, and after experiencing this incident, the stability of the country will definitely be raised to a new level, and the royal family's prestige will extend to every corner!

Looking at the other empires and kingdoms from the ancient kingdom of Xingluo, once the high-level officials are enraged, a terrible situation will be formed, which will seriously threaten the Holy Spirit Hall!
The Central Plains is the Central Plains, far from being comparable to Canglan Ancient Land.

Looking further away from this incident, if the spirit race can really return someday in the future, the Qitian Continent will not be fully controlled by a spirit race. Once the five empires, the three holy lands, and the seven forbidden lands form a defensive posture , the spirit race occupies most of one side, but it is difficult to control the world.

So...he decided to formally and comprehensively report to the Spirit Race of the Forgotten Battle Realm!

Help them make a decision that has never been made—to form an alliance with a certain demon emperor!Increase the power injection of Qitian Continent!
(End of this chapter)

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