Fairy cultivator with counterattack

Chapter 228 Qianru's Cultivation

Chapter 228 Qianru's Cultivation

Zhang Tianhe almost suspected that he was wrong, he pressed on Zhang Qianru's body, and said in a daze, "Ru'er, I... what's wrong with me?"

Zhang Qianru smiled secretly and said, "Daddy, you love Ru'er the most, right?"

"Yes!", Zhang Tianhe has not come back to his senses, he just followed Zhang Qianru's words and answered the words casually.

Zhang Qianru said, "I love you enough to do anything for Ru'er, and I'm willing, right?"


"Okay, daddy, give me all your cultivation, as long as you give me all your cultivation, I can stand up, and I won't be your burden anymore, tell me, okay?" ?”

At that moment, Zhang Qianru's eyes burst out with a mysterious look.

And looking at Zhang Tianhe again, his entire face turned dark.

"Ru'er, you... what did you do to me?"

"Daddy is a smart man, how could he not know what I did?"

At this time, Zhang Tianhe felt like a turbulent sea rising in his heart, startled and frightened, and said, "Ru'er, Daddy loves you so much, how can you bear to treat Daddy like this? Ru'er, since I was a child, I think I will do whatever you want. What are you doing to me like this?"

Zhang Qianru smiled coldly and said, "What do you want? But, isn't it caused by you? Zhang Tianhe, how can you be so despicable? How can you have no morals? I am Your daughter, why did you treat me like this? And now, you still have the face to say you love me? Your cultivation should be returned to me. If it wasn't for you, how could I be a waste?"

Zhang Tianhe's face turned gray all of a sudden, he never expected that in Zhang Qianru's eyes, he would be such a character, he said in disbelief, "Qianru, you...what did you say?"

Zhang Qianru sneered, "It's meaningless to say anything now. It's disgusting for a despicable and shameless man like you to talk to you. Zhang Tianhe, if love is your priority, you can just marry my mother. Why are you coveting wealth?" ? If you marry my mother directly, if you don't want that woman from the Bo family, I will be the eldest daughter of the Zhang family. I can inherit everything from the Zhang family. There will be no Zhang Rong'er in this world, and I will not be sent to you by my mother You ruined the bed, Zhang Tianhe, tell me, isn't it your fault?"

Zhang Tianhe opened his mouth wide and said in pain, "Ru'er, anyone can call me mean and shameless, but you can't. Ru'er, I love you. For you, I don't even want your mother. I don't even want me in Zhang Ronger's body. I also wiped out my blood, and even my niece was given to you. For you, even Bo Shi who was pregnant with me, I let you kill that child. Ru'er, I just Love you!"

Zhang Qianru let out a "bah" and said, "You say you are mean and shameless, and you still quibble? Just you? Don't pollute the word 'love'. Zhang Tianhe, look at how you treat the former Zeng family who was very kind to you and What did the Zeng family do? You are such a wolf-hearted person, you are not worthy of love! Since you married the Zeng family and got the benefits of the Zeng family, not only did you not have any gratitude, but also let a group of men rape your wife. Zhang Tianhe, to be honest, a man like you is really disgusting. And everything I did today was just doing justice for the heavens."

"Walk the law for the sky? Turns out to be the law for the sky?"

But Zhang Qianru didn't care about Zhang Tianhe anymore, she just shouted outside, "Liu Yu, Liu Yu, Zhang Tianhe has been poisoned, come quickly."

As soon as Zhang Qianru finished speaking, the door of their room was pushed open.

At this time, Liu Yu also walked in with a proud face.

After walking in, he ignored the two people next to him and started drawing formations on the ground.

On the other hand, Zhang Tianhe, seeing this familiar formation gradually formed, he suddenly came back to his senses, and he said loudly, "Bitch, no, no, you can't do this to me."

Zhang Qianru said contemptuously, "This formation looks familiar, right? Zhang Tianhe, do you still remember your niece Zhang Jie'er? Haha, you helped draw this formation at the beginning, but now it's fine, I can also count as Zhang Jie'er's place." Revenge."

Zhang Tianhe was so angry at Zhang Qianru's words, but his body was getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't control his body at all.

Soon, in the formation, a ray of light rose up.

Liu Yu walked over and picked up Zhang Tianhe and Zhang Qianru as if they were throwing something, and threw them directly into the formation.

As the two entered the formation, the formation was fully activated, and with a "whoosh", the formation began to rotate.

At the same time, Zhang Tianhe saw that the strength in his body began to dissipate bit by bit.

Looking at Zhang Qianru again, Zhang Qianru's complexion has become better and better with the gain of power. Her meridians that were originally destroyed by Zhang Rong'er were originally impossible to repair, but under this dark and heaven-defying formation , also little by little, began to repair it.

At this time, Zhang Tianhe suddenly remembered Zeng's father, the old man who taught him the exercises and treated him very highly.

The old man treated him really well, not only taught him the exercises carefully, but also treated him like his own son.

However, in order to obtain the old man's Nascent Soul, he also used such a formation. Little by little, he watched the old man grow old and die.

Retribution, this is the retribution Zhang Tianhe deserves, right?
In fact, thinking about it carefully, Zhang Tianhe has indeed done many bad things in his life, and the person he is most sorry for is the Zeng family.

Now Zhang Tianhe knew that Zhang Qianru had no feelings for him at all.

If she really had feelings, how could she plan to save her ginseng fruit when he was injured in order to protect her?
If she really has feelings for herself, she knows that once she uses this formation, she might not be able to survive, but why does she still want to use this formation on herself?

Thinking of what Zhang Qianru said, she called him a bitch!

Compared with the physical pain, Zhang Tianhe only felt that the pain in his heart was extremely painful.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhe suddenly missed Zeng terribly.

Zeng, that woman who will follow him and plan for him, even at the end, knowing that he wants her to die, she just gave him the child. The only request is to ask him to take good care of the child. It probably didn't occur to him that in order to please Liu Shi, he would acquiesce in Liu Shi's cruel actions.

Holy shit, Zhang Tianhe, what a failure you have been in your life?The only woman who ever loved you, you actually destroyed it with your own hands!
Zhang Tianhe thought that Zhang Rong'er also hated him to the bone now, and what was even more wrong, he personally removed the blood of the child born to him by the woman who loved him the most.

In Zhang Tianhe's heart, he felt hopeless to the extreme, it's over, Zhang Tianhe, your life is over.

I don't know how much time has passed, Zhang Tianhe only feels pain, extreme pain, all the strength in his body has been deprived, his hair has all turned white, and his wrists are covered with There are quite a few wrinkles, and his body is extremely weak. He can completely imagine what he looks like now, an old man with a decayed aura.

At this time, Zhang Qianru jumped up and immediately stood up.

After Zhang Qianru stood up, she touched her wrist and jumped up and down a few times, finally confirming that she could really stand up.

Zhang Qianru wanted to yell loudly, but she, Zhang Qianru, could finally stand up again.

She waved her hand, that huge power made her look even more beautiful.

She is a Nascent Soul cultivator, and she, Zhang Qianru, is also a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Zhang Qianru was excited for a long time, and slowly, her gaze shifted to the gray-haired Zhang Tianhe.

At this time, Zhang Tianhe is not dead yet, but the current Zhang Tianhe is already an old man, and a decayed old man full of wrinkles.

Seeing such a face, Zhang Qianru felt disgusted. She was possessed by such a man for such a long time. It was disgusting, is there any?

Zhang Qianru looked at Zhang Tianhe, and was about to raise her hand, and ended up killing Zhang Tianhe with a slap, so that her shame would also disappear. At this time, a wave of force suddenly stopped her.

As soon as Zhang Qianru raised her head, she immediately saw Liu Yu standing beside her.

Zhang Qianru said, "Liu Yu, what are you doing?"

Liu Yu ignored her, but said coldly, "Qianru, you can't kill him, I want him to live."

After speaking, Liu Yu suddenly took out a ginseng fruit and walked towards Zhang Tianhe.

Zhang Qianru and Zhang Tianhe were stunned by Liu Yu's move.

Zhang Qianru said loudly, "Liu Yu, are you crazy? You want to feed Zhang Tianhe ginseng fruit? If you have a lot of ginseng fruit, why don't you give it to me? Isn't it a waste to give it to this trash?"

Liu Yu gave Zhang Qianru a cold look, which made Zhang Qianru's hair straighten. Liu Yu snorted coldly, "Qianru, remember, I gave you your life. From now on, you must be obedient."

After speaking, Liu Yu fed the ginseng fruit into Zhang Tianhe's mouth.

Originally, Zhang Tianhe was about to die, but after eating the ginseng fruit, his expression soon improved.

After a quarter of an hour, Zhang Tianhe was able to stand up slowly.

However, although he can stand up, he is still an old man.

And Zhang Ronger, who was watching everything, couldn't help being stunned when he saw the ginseng fruit, because this ginseng fruit looked so familiar. By the way, there was a faint blackness on the ginseng fruit, so it was just an auction. The kind of ginseng fruit sold in rows?

When Zhang Rong'er was in a daze, at this moment, Liu Yu snorted coldly, grabbed the palm of his hand, and suddenly grabbed it in the direction of Yujian.

The next moment, nothing could be seen on the jade slip.

Cao Zong said beside him, "I can't see it, I was discovered."

Hearing this, Zhang Rong'er sighed, and said, "I really didn't expect Zhang Qianru to steal Zhang Tianhe's cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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