Chapter 28
Poison Toad is a demon cultivator with a desire to show off. During the whole process of doing the work, someone was watching, and he became more and more energetic in doing it. Cao Zong, seeing the little loli Zhang Ronger looking at the situation in front of him, his eyes widened. Without blinking, with a strange look in his eyes, he was not in a hurry to leave, but stopped aside and watched slowly.

While the poisonous toad was lying on Liu Yu's back and moving, Liu Yu's screams became more miserable and painful.

This process continues.

It wasn't until three hours later that Liu Yu's screams became weaker and weaker that Poison Toad got up a little bit unsatisfied. After getting up, he fed Liu Yu a pill first, and then slowly tidied up his clothes.

The demon cultivator was already stronger than ordinary people in that respect, and this poisonous toad had an extraordinary physique. One could imagine how miserable Liu Yu's future life would be!
However, Liu Yu's cultivation base is advanced, and he should have survived for a longer period of time than ordinary demon cultivators before being poisoned to death.

After Poison Toad stood up, Zhang Ronger lifted the veil covering his head and face, and looked at Liu Yu, who was naked on the ground with blood on his lower body. smile.

Liu Yu seemed to feel her gaze, turned his head, and greeted her. He saw the cold smile in the ice and snow. From that smile, he could feel the little girl's indistinct hatred and indifference. Of course, This is not the most important thing, the most important thing, the little girl looked at him, as if she was looking at the most despicable bug, as if she was looking at the most despicable and despised creature, in his heart , Uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, this makes him more uncomfortable than the insult he received just now!
He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but the corner of his mouth was so angry that it hurt Dao's heart, "bang", a mouthful of blood spurted out!

Seeing that the show is over, Cao Zong said calmly, "Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Rong'er nodded, Cao Zong put his arms around her, and the two of them sped towards You Linguo in a flash.

While galloping, Cao Zong took out several pieces of jade slips and sent messages to different people respectively. When he reached the small hill, there were already several gloomy-faced people gathered nearby.

Someone said, "Is what Zong Daoist said true? The underground purple gold mine, the Zhang family and the Liu family, are already digging?"

The Hengshan layman before that also said, "Young Master Zong, since the gap in the passage has been closed, how can we enter this mountainside? In the past few days, the few of us have joined forces, and we have only penetrated into the mountainside for dozens of battles!"

Cao Zong snorted coldly, and said lightly, "Since I said this, I have certain news. To be honest, I have already fought with the person who escorted the Amethyst Mine, which is near the border of Youlin Kingdom. Otherwise, how could I Do you know the news? This time, I invited a few fellow Taoists to come here, just because I was afraid of meeting Zhang Tianhe, a master of the Nascent Soul Stage, otherwise, Zong would go to explore the secret path of the Zijin Mine by himself."

While Cao Zong was speaking, he fled towards the previous secret exit, and dozens of people followed behind him.

An hour later, several people quietly stopped at a hidden place on the ground, and the several people behind Cao Zong swept away their consciousness, and sure enough, they immediately swept to the cave in front and the guards patrolling the cave.

Now, these people already believe [-]% of what Cao Zong said.

Thinking that the Zijin Mine is just below this mountain, the eyes of these people flickered, and they almost all shot at the guards nearby. Before the guards had time to react, they fell to the ground with a "bang bang" and died. .

At this time, Zhang Rong'er had already been put into his ancient pagoda by Cao Zong. This ancient pagoda was very magical, and he could clearly see everything that happened outside.

After those people killed the guards, they all ran towards the cave at the same speed.

After a while, I met several guards again. Among these guards, some of them had relatively advanced cultivation bases, and they had already reached the late stage of Zhiji. The guards fought together, and the other people who had dealt with their opponents at once left them behind and continued to gallop forward. The remaining people fighting behind were depressed, but they couldn't help it Getting rid of the guards for a while, he could only get red-eyed, and became more and more murderous.

In the front, they have already felt quite strong aura, so the front must be where the Zijin Mine is undoubtedly!

Cao Zong was among the few people who were entangled. Seeing many monks rushing forward, Cao Zong took out the jade slips and muttered something. The corner of his mouth smiled coldly. Help?And the news he wanted to convey must have spread in the practice world at this time.

Zhang Tianhe?Liu family?snort!

After Cao Zong quickly dealt with one person, someone beside him had already dealt with the opponent and rushed into the cave.

Cao Zong snorted coldly, and also followed.

But at this time, he thought about another exit in the cave, and he had made up his mind that as soon as he got out of this place, he would find an excuse to escape quickly.

Because the longer the time, I'm afraid that not only Zhang Tianhe will come, but also the hidden masters from Xijiang will be attracted, and even if he wants to leave, he will not be able to leave.

Cao Zong made up his mind, waved his hand, didn't know what magical weapon he used, just rolled up a black smoke, and drilled towards the small hole he made in the Zijin mine before.

When he galloped all the way, Zhang Rong'er saw the monks who galloped into the cave before, all of them had red eyes, looking at the shining purple gold mine, they all frantically snatched it.

It’s just that there are no large storage bags, and they can’t hold too many things. Most of the monks in the Fengtian Dynasty paid extremely high prices to buy small bags with only ten cubic meters from the monks in the outer domain. In these days, it is possible to have a small bag , even if you are a good person, what can you hold in just ten cubic meters?The Liu family used to be a second-class family, and Liu Yu didn't get a small bag. Among these few people, only a few had small bags.

Fortunately, most of these people have magic tools. When the real yuan manipulates magic tools, like Cao Zong's magical pagoda, it can hold a lot of purple gold mines. Unfortunately, among these few people, they can't hold so many Things, therefore, after a while, this group of people couldn't hold anything. As for the nearby guards, they either hid or were killed by this group of people.

But that middle-aged monk of Hengshan, who looked like a scribe, had a secret treasure in his hand, and when he used it, he actually collected all the remaining purple gold mines, which made the eyes of the monks next to him twinkle and envy.

When the Hengshan layman collected the last piece of Zijin mine, which was marked by Cao Zong before, as a secret treasure, several people looked at the empty mountainside in front of them, and were stunned for a moment.

Originally, the few people not only used the jade slips to send messages, but also sent messages to their friends, so that they could move the Zijin Mine together. After all, one person’s storage bag can’t hold much, but in their thinking, there is a Zijin Mine like a hill below. There are many.

Therefore, seeing the laymen of Hengshan happy to harvest the Zijin Mine just now, they couldn’t hold it anymore. Although they were jealous, they didn’t make a move. His face was quite ugly.

"It's the Zhang family and the Liu family...they must have moved out of the Zijin Mine together!"

"Look at this pit as big as a hill, Zhang Tianhe must have a storage bag!"

A few people next to him took a look, and found that the people who were arrested at the beginning were either from the Zhang family or from the Liu family, and they started yelling at the same time.

After shouting, these people thought they were all kinds of jealousy and jealousy.

And at this moment, a lot of monks galloped in again from the cave. This large group of monks is not weak in cultivation. Among these monks, there are even masters who are only one step away from Jieying in the late stage of Concentration.

Looking at the empty mountainside, this person had a gloomy expression on his face. He looked indifferently at the people who came in, and said, "Who? Who took the Zijin Mine here? Stand up!"

Someone who came in before was very funny and hurriedly said, "My lord, it's not us. When we came in, only the guards of the Zhang family and the Liu family of the Fengtian Dynasty were left, but the Zijin mine here was moved away."

"Yes, yes, Zhang Tianhe is the Generalissimo of the Fengtian Dynasty and a Nascent Soul cultivator. He must have a storage bag and transported away part of it early. The rest of the Zijin Mine was excavated by his men. of."

"Zhang Tianhe...the Liu family..."

Bursts of furious voices came.

Could it be that if he watched this piece of purple gold mine being dug out, he and others would not get any benefits?This is a purple gold mine like a mountain!

The nearby monks crackled and saw sparks in each other's eyes!
At the same time, these people made up their minds to visit Zhang's and Liu's houses.

In fact, although the Zhang family and the Liu family dug a lot of purple gold mines before, they did carry a lot because they didn't have a storage bag.

The escorts were Zeng Niu, Zhang Tianhe's confidant, and Liu Tian'ao, Liu's natal second brother. These two escorted more than [-] carts from the Zijin Mine, and they were heading for Shangjing of the Fengtian Dynasty.

At this time, their route had already left the Young Lin Kingdom and reached the border of the Fengtian Dynasty.

At twenty, they still don't know that the news that the Zhang family and the Liu family have dug out the Zijin Mine has already spread in the practice circle, and at this time, when they are about to arrive in the capital in half a day, On this day, suddenly in the sky, a group of highly cultivated monks galloped over.

And when this group of monks came galloping, Zhang Tianhe, Liu Shi, and Liu Shi's natal brothers and others were still dreaming that as long as the batch of purple gold mines were transported to Beijing, no matter their own cultivation , or the cultivation base of one's own tribe, will become more and more advanced.

Whether it is a monk or an ordinary person in the Fengtian Dynasty, they will make purple gold coins.

Purple gold coin is a kind of coin that gathers aura. Everything in nature has spirit. Monks can enhance their cultivation by absorbing aura, and they can also make purple gold coins through the aura in their bodies. When the heavens and the earth were at peace, I took the tool gold handle specially issued by the dynasty and went to the mountain to collect spiritual energy. Of course, if the spiritual objects with spiritual energy were collected on the mountain, they could also be put into the gold handle. The process of collecting spiritual energy is quite slow. , mortals can only earn one purple gold coin for five days
As for Zijin Mine, it is a purer source of energy. In terms of practice, it is even better than Zijin Coins. Its impurities are much less than Zijin Coins, and the degree of aura contained is also higher than Zijin Coins. After all, the Zijin Mine was formed independently, while the formation of Zijin Coins was due to human factors.

When the galloping group of monks saw the convoy escorting the goods, although they couldn't sense the goods on the car, their eyes lit up when they saw the escort, and then they galloped towards the convoy from the air and go.

When the first monk who took the lead fell into the convoy, the guards of the convoy hadn't had time to shoot at the person who came, and the person who came swayed several times in an instant, taking the guard's life, and at the same time pushed with the palm of his hand, the originally sealed Zijin Mine, Immediately exposed to the eyes of everyone, the bright purple light is even more beautiful and dazzling under the sun, making a large group of monks jealous.

"Purple Gold Mine!"

"Quick, quick, it's the Purple Gold Mine!"

"We have to settle the 20-odd truckloads of the Zijin Mine. Everyone can take as much as they can! Remember, be quick, or Zhang Tianhe will rush over, and it will be over!"

And farther away, more masters rushed towards the capital of the Fengtian Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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