Fairy cultivator with counterattack

Chapter 304 Restoring the Celestial Realm

Chapter 304 Restoring the Celestial Realm

Besides Qing Rong, Cao Zong and Rong Hao left, and finally, the three came to the floating fairy peach forest.

Qingrong pondered for a while, and said to the two, "My current cultivation level is not enough to restore the Tianji Realm, even with the Qingdi Seal, I can't."

Cao Zong said, "Rong'er, after I absorb the power of the God of War Godhead, I will help you."

Rong Hao also said, "Rong'er, don't worry, I can help you here too."

Qingrong didn't delay either, and said, "Since this is the case, let's absorb the power of the godhead first. After absorbing the power of the godhead, we can stabilize the Tianji world first."

After the three of them made an agreement, they arranged a protective formation near the peach blossom forest, and the three of them each found a place to meditate.

The Godhead of the Mother of the Earth that Qingrong absorbed into her body slowly began to melt towards the surroundings as Qingrong's true energy was promoted.

The process of melting this godhead is very long. The godhead is actually a kind of energy, but this kind of energy is special. After being absorbed by the monk, the monk can immediately obtain huge power.

Of course, this kind of power is the same as other powers, you can't rush, you can only absorb power little by little.

Absorbing too much at once may lead to body explosion and death.

After all, transforming the body also requires a process.

Time passed slowly in Qing Rong's hands bit by bit.

One day, two days... January, two months...

A year later, Qing Rong suddenly opened his eyes.

At this time, Qingrong's eyes are peaceful, when looking at people, she just feels like a spring breeze, warm and beautiful, as if no matter how much darkness there is, it can be healed under such a pair of wonderful eyes.

Qingrong stood up slightly, and in between actions, her clothes brushed against the fairy peach tree next to her, and the leaves became more lush and green in an instant, and the flower buds beside her bloomed in an instant. flowers come.

With a movement of Qingrong's palm, the protective formation beside her immediately retracted, and with the blowing of her sleeves, the flowers, plants and trees beside her swayed, as if they were also becoming happy.

All the changes in Qingrong are not because of other things, but because of the godhead of the mother of the earth. The function of the godhead of the mother of the earth, as the name suggests, is the mother of the earth and the mother of all things. It is also expected.

When Qingrong came out, Cao Zong and Rong Hao also walked out slowly from the protective formation next to them.

Cao Zong's current temperament has become very sharp, and he has a strong and murderous aura while walking.

This is the function of the god of war.

Looking at Rong Hao next to him, the changes in Rong Hao are also very obvious. Rong Hao looks more gentle at this time, and seeing him, it seems that he is really seeing a piece of high-quality jade.

Qingrong asked curiously, "Brother Rong, what godhead did you get?"

Rong Hao smiled lightly, "Rong'er, what do you think?"

"I can't guess."

Rong Hao didn't say much immediately, just smiled lightly.

When Rong Hao and Qing Rong were chatting and laughing, Cao Zong's eyes flashed with a sharp light, and he gave Rong Hao a vicious look, and looked away unwillingly in his heart, Cao Zong said lightly, "Rong'er can't do it now. Are you sure you can restore the Tianji Realm?"

Qingrong smiled slightly, as if Qingfeng also became happy, and said, "I'll give it a try."

After Qingrong finished speaking, she began to arrange formations around her.

Of course, the material used to arrange the array this time is not spirit stones, but cosmic stones that are one level higher than spirit stones.

Qingrong arranged the cosmic stones into formations after pieces of cosmic stones. Qingrong looked at the formations and said with some regret, "It's a pity that cosmic stones are so rare. I was lucky enough to get such a few." , must be taken out now."

Just as Cao Zong was about to say something, Rong Hao jumped ahead of him and said flatteringly, "Rong'er, I will accompany you to find more cosmic stones in the future."

Hearing this, Qing Rong couldn't help but smile slightly, for a moment, it seemed that thousands of fragrances were in full bloom at the same time, seeing Rong Hao next to her, she couldn't take her eyes off.

As for Cao Zong beside him, a ray of scorching light first appeared in his eyes, then he lowered his eyes, and the fierceness in his eyes flashed past.

At this time, Qing Rong said like an oriole coming out of the valley, "Brother Rong, you think the cosmic stone is Chinese cabbage. The cosmic stone is the most precious energy source in the world. It is several times more precious than the spirit stone. I can get these cosmic stones." Shi, it's really luck."

Qingrong thought of the man who took her to that wild planet. For some reason, at this moment, Qingrong had the feeling that this man deliberately took her to find the Cosmic Stone.

However, these are not important now.

After a pause, Qing Rong said, "I'm going to restore the Tianji Realm now, Brother Rong, Cao Zong, please input your true energy in these two directions respectively, and at the same time, please protect me for the entire process of restoring the Tianji Realm , cannot be interrupted."

Qingrong did not mention the consequences of the interruption, but the consequences are definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

The next moment, Qingrong's figure flickered, and she sat in the middle of the formation with a peaceful expression. At this time, the formation arranged by the Cosmic Stone emitted a blazing light in an instant, and these rays of light turned into a beam that directly touched the formation. The ray reaching the end of the universe, almost immediately, all the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth rushed towards Qingrong.

With a twist of Qingrong's palm, the Qingdi seal slowly flew out of her body at this time, and after the Qingdi seal flew out, it was juxtaposed with the white cosmic power, and the Qingdi seal was enveloped by the white cosmic power , At this time, a gentle light green light was emitted, little by little, with Qingrong as the center, and scattered towards the surrounding peach blossom forest, and with Qingrong's thoughts, the light shrouded more and more Farther and farther distances, hundreds of meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters, million meters, tens of millions of meters...

The Tianji Realm is probably as wide as hundreds of millions of kilometers. In the end, even if there are still some places that are not covered, Qingrong's face is a little pale. The vast place went.

Qingrong settled down, and at the next moment, with a movement of her palm, she began to form extremely complicated handprints.

These handprints are guided by the seal of the Qing Emperor, and contain a lot of complicated meanings about the origin of the universe. Qingrong only knows how to do it, and doesn't know too much meaning. With the handprints she concluded, in the sky, those originally broken pumice stones Start little by little, gradually converging.

In all the places where there were people, among these people, whether they were mortals or monks, they all knelt down in the direction of Qing Rong.

There was excitement in the voices of these people, this is the descendants of Emperor Qing who are repairing the Tianji Realm.

As long as the Tianji Realm is successfully repaired, the whole world will be stabilized again, and all the darkness will be expelled, and those monsters that threaten everyone will gradually dissipate under the restoration of the Tianji Realm.

But at this time, just when Qingrong was about to finish her work, suddenly an extremely mysterious force attacked her, this mysterious force was very fierce, before getting close, Qingrong felt as if she smelled blood smell like.

At this time, Qing Rong had already exhausted her physical strength in order to repair the Tianji Realm. At this moment, the power suddenly attacked her, and her face changed drastically. After all, she was at a critical juncture at this time, and she couldn't give up repairing the Tianji Realm at all.

Naturally, Cao Zong and Rong Hao also felt something strange, and at this moment, their expressions couldn't help but change.

Cao Zong, in particular, felt this evil aura somewhat similar to his avatar, and his face must be extremely ugly. Who is it that sneaked up this time?

Of course, he didn't have time to find out who it was. The next moment, he moved his palm and attacked that evil spirit.

At the same time, Rong Hao also made a move, Rong Hao's thoughts moved, as if a gust of wind was blowing, most of the evil energy dissipated in one go.

However, when this evil spirit was about to dissipate, at this time, a more surging and more evil spirit attacked the three of them again.

Qingrong's complexion was extremely ugly. The interference of these evil spirits made the Tianji Realm she repaired less perfect. The energy in many places was not stable at all. However, she could not pursue perfection. Soon.

Faster, faster!

At this time, Rong Hao and Cao Zong were exerting their respective strengths, repeatedly attacking the attacking evil spirits. These evil spirits seemed to be endless, and every time a wisp was wiped out, more powerful evil spirits would usher in.

After such a long period of time, Cao Zong and Rong Hao's complexions could not help but become ugly, and the true energy in their bodies was almost drained.

And when the two of them were almost unable to resist, finally, with a sound of "Zheng", the original white light slowly disappeared into the sky.

And what disappeared together with the white light were the evil spirits that came after it.

Qingrong finally finished the last handprint, with a slight movement of her palm, the Qingdi Seal flew back with a "swish".

Looking at the peach blossom forest with dense ancient trees in front of him, Qing Rong's face was pale, and his body slowly fell backwards.



Cao Zong and Rong Hao jumped over at the same time.

The two put their palms on Qingrong's wrist, and when they found out that they were exhausted, they breathed a sigh of relief.

After Qingrong took the elixir, it took a long time for her expression to ease up.

After Qingrong calmed down, she looked at Cao Zong, and couldn't help but said seriously, "Cao Zong, now, do you have anything to tell us?"

Seeing Qingrong's expression, Cao Zong opened his mouth, smiled bitterly, and said, "Rong'er, are you going to ask about the sudden evil spirit just now? Rong'er, I have nothing to do with them."

Qing Rong nodded and said, "Of course I know that you have nothing to do with them, otherwise, how could I let you repair the Tianji Realm together?"

Qing Rong paused, and said, "Cao Zong, I want to know your life experience, what's going on?"

Cao Zong smiled wryly and sighed, finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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