Chapter 66 Snake

In fact, Zhang Rong'er didn't go far. When she walked to a place not far from Li Hongtu, she looked coldly at Li Hongtu who was lying on the ground.

Li Hongtu's face was pale, and the tears in his eyes were dripping with snot. Since his throat was restrained, he couldn't call for help, and couldn't hear his cries. If his voice could speak, he probably would have started crying long ago.

On his face, Zhang Rong'er saw that humble, cowardly, and painful look, but no, no, it's not enough, it's just the beginning.

A man who has lost his lifeline, a man who is no longer complete, what can he do in this life?In terms of practice, because the breath will leak at the lower yang point, the body can no longer refine and absorb the aura of heaven and earth well.

Of course, if you are a determined person, you can still continue to practice, but the practice is slower. After all, Zhang Ronger did not break his hand meridian and foot meridian. The secret method can walk upright, but Li Hongtu is still a complete useless person.

The reason why Zhang Rong'er didn't break Li Hongtu's foot scriptures, and didn't abolish Li Hongtu's cultivation, was actually for a reason, because she wanted to leave this man with a little hope of living, and she wanted him to live in pain and humility.

In order to hit Li Hongtu's will more thoroughly, Zhang Ronger glanced at Dandan and said, "Dandan, go, catch a snake and throw it over."

Dandan is very smart, upon hearing the words, he immediately understood what Zhang Ronger meant.

At that moment, Dandan led Zhang Ronger through the bushes for a few times, sniffing the forest from time to time, and after a while, he found a snake with a length of one meter.

This snake has yellow, white and gray patterns on its body, and a flower crown on its forehead. Seeing Zhang Ronger and Dandan, the snake opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue, as if it wanted to attack at any time.

Obviously, this is a poisonous snake with a highly poisonous body.

Looking at the snake, Zhang Rong'er smiled even sweeter.

With a thought in her mind, she unleashed her spiritual consciousness and poked towards the head of the snake that was staring at her. Immediately, her mind came into contact with a cold and cool consciousness.

Hungry, very hungry!

Although this snake is a poisonous snake, it is not enlightened. It only has instinctive consciousness in its mind. Zhang Ronger is already a monk at the third level of the knowledge stage. It is naturally very easy to penetrate into the consciousness of such a snake.

Zhang Ronger immediately sent out a thought to the snake, "Go, crawl 200 meters to the left, there is a man lying on the ground, go and climb up on the man's body, climb up from his feet to the body bit by bit, and lick it with his tongue from time to time. He, remember, you can't hurt him."

"After climbing over, next to that man, there is a piece of 'meat', that is a reward for you!"

Bursts of fear immediately surfaced in the snake's icy consciousness. Zhang Rong'er worried that it was not intelligent enough, so he repeated the order several times before letting the snake crawl over.

After the snake got up, its speed was actually quite fast. After Zhang Rong'er ordered the snake to crawl away, the snake quickly crawled towards Li Hongtu's peace of mind.

After a while, the snake finally crawled to the ground where Li Hongtu was lying.

Originally, Li Hongtu was lying on the ground alone, crying sadly, with tears and snot all over the place, and because of the darkness around him, the cries of bugs and unknown animals could be heard from time to time. Usually, he is still the high-ranking son of the Li family. After all, the Li family is also an aristocratic family, and he has cultivation.

But now, he is just like those people he bullied in the past, lying on the ground without any resistance. Pain is no longer what he cares about the most. What about insects, ants or beasts?
Thinking of snakes, insects and ants biting his body one by one, or wild beasts pounced on him and tore his body apart, and died like this while he was consciously awake, how painful and terrifying was that?No, no, he is the direct son of the Li family, he has a noble status, how could he die like this?

He didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die, if he could live, who would want to die?
In fact, the idea of ​​wanting to die at the beginning was only a momentary thing. After a while, he could no longer muster the courage to die.

As long as he was alive, as long as he practiced hard, as long as he practiced to the Nascent Soul stage, he could recast his body.

And reaching the Nascent Soul stage is not without hope, after all, he is deeply loved by the ancestors, as long as the ancestors pass that treasure to him...

Thinking of this, an infinite will to survive suddenly aroused in his heart.

But at this moment, a Soso sound suddenly came from beside him. Hearing this sound, it seemed that something was crawling.

After all, Li Hongtu has not lost his cultivation. Although he only has the cultivation of the sixth level of induction, his cultivation is still there after all, so his eyesight is still very good. First, Zhang Ronger used his true energy to modify it. He was taller than him, so he couldn't see Zhang Rong'er's face clearly. At this moment, when the snake with patterns, a crown on its forehead, and a snake spit out snake letters crawled over bit by bit, Li Hongtu couldn't help but turn pale with fright. .

Don't come, don't come, don't come!

Li Hongtu prayed silently in his heart, praying that the snake would just pass by, but, unfortunately, he prayed for a long time, and the snake crawled onto his feet bit by bit.

The snake's body was cold and limp. Li Hongtu shuddered a few times, and his body couldn't help shivering. He secretly resented that God had treated him unfairly and tortured him too much. Tears and snot fell even more involuntarily. too much.

Zhang Rong'er looked at Li Hongtu's miserable appearance from the side, with a half-smile smile on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the snake's tongue sticking out slowly, made Li Hongtu's eyes widen in fright, and he didn't even know how to move his eyes.

The snake's tongue gently licked his body. The moment his skin touched the snake's tongue, goosebumps appeared on his body, and he wanted to vomit, especially vomit.

Of course, this is just the beginning. Every time the snake crawled, it licked Li Hongtu's body. Because Li Hongtu had a bloody smell, this smell made the snake, a cold-blooded creature, more excited. Affected by instinct, the snake couldn't help it. Climb to Li Hongtu.

The snake crawled over at this moment, stretched out its tongue towards the place, and licked slowly!

This time, Li Hongtu was really scared, his eyes were wide open, his body was trembling, his whole body was numb, he wanted to die, he really wanted to die!
If he could, he would really like to die like this immediately!
What do you mean life is worse than death?This is why life is worse than death. On the one hand, he is afraid that the snake will give him a bite, and then he will die immediately after the poisonous gas spreads. Don't even dare to take a look.

This process lasted for quite a while before the snake slowly climbed down from his body.

For some reason, Li Hongtu suddenly remembered a girl he had killed before.

That girl was not particularly beautiful, her facial features were only delicate, but she had a very good figure, a very delicate waist, and a very soft figure. She was a commoner girl. He happened to take a fancy to her, and immediately pulled her into the girl's house.

He found it very fresh and enjoyable, so he said to the girl, "Follow me until I get tired of playing, otherwise, I will kill your family with one finger."

She was very scared, her eyes were timid, and her family knelt down to him and begged him, but he was unmoved.

From now on, whenever he thinks about it, he will go to her house. Her parents couldn't bear it once, and finally took up a weapon and slashed at him.

And the girl looked at the dead body of her parents, and while he was not paying attention, she bumped her head to death.

Before she died, the girl looked at him with blood on her head and said, "One day, you will have retribution. I will curse you from below, and curse you to become a eunuch one day!"

Naturally, he didn't take the girl's words seriously at the time, but it was a pity that the girl died just like that. The girl's waist reminded him of a creature—a snake!

"Don't, don't, don't come to me! Go away, don't come to me!"

He was terrified and repeated words in his heart, and finally, after the snake had crawled all over his body, it slowly crawled away to the side.

 Those who click on this chapter must be cautious! ! !Click on it at your own risk!

  I am so black, after writing this article, everyone can call me "Black Rose" or "spider"! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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