Chapter 70
Zhang Ronger's eyes flickered, he pondered for a long time, finally opened his mouth, and swallowed the pill.

After she swallowed the pill, the next moment, she jumped up the cliff.

Not far from the cliff, there was a flat boulder. At this time, several middle-aged people with aloof temperament had already stood in place, and in front of these middle-aged people, there were already several teenagers standing.

Zhang Ronger is not the first to reach the mountain, she is probably ranked fifth.

The ones at the front are a red-clothed girl who is about the same age as Zhang Ronger, Shangguan Hong, Zhou Wu, and Zhou Kuang brothers.

Seeing that Zhang Rong'er was the fifth person to climb to the top of the peak, the people around her all looked at her in surprise, and among them, the woman in red was particularly hostile.

Zhang Rong'er just stood aside, and then, Zhang Qianru and others came to the peak one by one.

After this group of people came to the peak, when they saw the people in front of them, their faces were a bit ugly, especially Zhang Qianru, the gloomy look in her eyes was very obvious after seeing Zhang Rong'er.

However, Zhang Qianru is an acting school after all. She changed her appearance in the blink of an eye, walked over to Zhang Ronger and said timidly, "Sister, which way did you go? Why did you come to the peak so quickly? Did you Do you know a good way to climb? After all, my sister has not yet cultivated, but she reached the top of the mountain before us."

Zhang Rong'er never expected that Zhang Qianru would start accusing her of cheating in front of the elders of Fengtianmen.

Zhang Rong'er snorted coldly, and was about to say something, when a middle-aged female cultivator at the side gave Zhang Qianru a cold look, snorted coldly, and said, "Quiet! In Fengtianmen, there is no cheating, just treat it as Fengtianmen." Where is it? Don't bring all the breath you have contaminated in the mortal world up the mountain, otherwise, roll down the mountain for me immediately!"

After the middle-aged female cultivator finished speaking, she gave Zhang Qianru a cold look.

Zhang Qianru was ashamed and annoyed, she gave the middle-aged female cultivator next to her a shy and timid look, but the middle-aged female cultivator looked even more disgusted.

After this happened, all those who reached the top sat down quietly cross-legged and began to meditate to recover their mana.

When it got dark, more than 200 boys and girls gathered on the top of the mountain.

The leading middle-aged man saw that time was running out, so he said slowly, "Okay, time is almost up, let's start!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged female cultivator next to him said, "Okay, one by one, next to each other, come here to test the spiritual roots."

The middle-aged female cultivator pointed to a huge blue stone beside her as she spoke.

At that moment, the girl in red walked towards the blue boulder step by step.

Under the guidance of the middle-aged nun, the girl in red slowly stretched out her palm on the boulder. After a while, two beams of yellow and green beams refracted on the boulder.

The middle-aged female cultivator said to the girl with a gentle expression, "Cimu Shuanglinggen, stand to the right!"

Below, Shangguan Hong walked over and put his palm on the boulder, "Wood and fire dual spiritual roots, stand to the right!"

Next, the Zhou family brothers took part in the test, and they also had the dual spiritual root qualifications. After the Zhou family brothers took the test, it was Zhang Rong'er's turn, and Zhang Rong'er walked over with some anxiety.

In her previous life, Zhang Qianru said that she was a Heavenly Spiritual Root, but she had never tested the Spiritual Root with a special tool. She thought that as long as the Heavenly Spiritual Root was confirmed, Fengtianmen would spend a lot of money to cultivate her. At that time, she would not have to be afraid of the persecution of Liu's mother and daughter, and she couldn't help becoming a little excited in her heart.

At that moment, she walked over eagerly and put her hands on the bluestone.

At the same time, when she put her hand on the bluestone, Zhang Qianru's gaze kept staring at her, with a kind of fear in her gaze that was always unwilling to resign.

Zhang Rong'er knew what she was afraid of. She must be afraid that she would be tested for her heavenly spirit root. By that time, she and her would be worlds apart.

Zhang Rong'er sneered in her heart, and slowly put her hand on the bluestone, and after a while, unexpectedly, four rays of light radiated from the bluestone.

Seeing the four rays of light, Zhang Rong'er's face immediately changed, Si Linggen, she turned out to be Si Linggen, but, how is it possible?

If her aptitude is really so poor, then how can her cultivation speed be so fast?
In her mind, thinking of the pill, her face couldn't help but become very ugly.

The middle-aged female cultivator glanced at her indifferently, and said, "Stand to the left!"

Zhang Ronger walked towards the left with a somewhat numb expression, but she accidentally raised her head and found that Zhang Qianru, Liu Shanshan, Li Miaomiao, cousin Zhang Xinghai, Zhang Hengba and others were all looking at her, and in their eyes, it was as if It's like looking at the most humble and most humble ant.

Zhang Rong'er lowered her eyes, her eyes flickered a little, Cao Zong said that if she didn't take the medicine, her life would be in danger, meaning, if she was found out to be the root of the heavenly spirit, her life would be in danger, right?So, who wouldn't want to see Zeng Qingfang's daughter become stronger?Liu?

Maybe, things are not that simple.

However, what if Cao even bombed it?He didn't want her to be valued by the Fengtian Clan, because as long as she was valued by the Fengtian Clan, then he wouldn't want to touch her in the future!
Thinking of this, Zhang Rong'er's face became even more gloomy.

However, compared with life, even if what Cao Zong said is only one in ten thousand possible, Zhang Ronger dare not bet at the moment.

She wants to live, she has too many things to do, her life does not belong to her alone.

But regarding Cao Zong, Zhang Ronger became more and more wary of Cao Zong when he thought of his perverted skills.

While Zhang Ronger was thinking, half of the next test was carried out. Zhang Qianru was admitted to the team on the right. Zhang Ronger knew her aptitude as a single spirit root, so she was not surprised at all.

Soon, a test was completed.

Many people who participated in the test had no spiritual roots at all. For such children, they were immediately sent down the mountain by people from Fengtianmen. These people have no fate with Xianmen from now on. Those with basic aptitude were taken away by an outer sect steward, and all of them became outer sect disciples.

Zhang Qianru was Bai Changli's direct disciple, so after the test, Bai Changli sent his disciples to pick her up.

Zhang Ronger was brought to a simple house by the steward of the outer door, and the steward said indifferently to the group of them, "These are all empty houses, each of you choose one to live in, starting tomorrow, when the first call When the bell rings, it is time to gather, and when the time comes, you have to gather in the square, and someone will come and assign tasks to you!"

After the steward finished speaking, he snorted impatiently and turned his head away.

After the steward left, this group of more than 100 outer disciples flocked to the empty room next to them.

Zhang Rong'er also retreated from an empty room at random, and walked in. After entering, Zhang Rong'er looked around and found that the house was very simple. stool.

On the contrary, there was a quilt in a closet next to the room. Zhang Rong'er hugged it and smelled it. The quilt was dry and exuded the breath of sunshine, which made people feel better.

Zhang Rong'er immediately took out the quilt, and spread the quilt smoothly.

After she spread the quilt, there was a knock on the door of her room. Zhang Rong'er opened the door, and a man and a woman stood outside the door.

The man and the woman were both older than her, and they both looked about fourteen or five years old. The man said, "Hi, we live next door to you. My name is Chen Niu, and this is my sister, Chen Hua'er." , we will be neighbors from now on, let’s keep in touch with each other more in the future!”

Zhang Ronger also said politely at the moment, "Hello, please take care of me in the future!"

After the two greeted each other, they left separately, and Zhang Rong'er immediately closed the door and began to meditate.

Although this is an outer door, the speed of absorbing aura is quite fast when meditating. As expected, it is worthy of Fengtianmen. Even if it is an outer door, the speed of absorbing aura is several times faster than when he was in the Zhang family.

(End of this chapter)

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