Chapter 89 Immortal Art
At this time, the old man had a solemn face, he glanced at her lightly, and said, "Little friend, you are here!"

The old man's voice was a little weak. At this moment, Zhang Rong'er looked at his terrifying face at a close distance, and after only one glance, he quickly turned his head away.

"Ex...Senior, why are you here?" In fact, she still wondered why the old man suddenly became normal, but seeing the terrifying look of the old man, she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The old man didn't talk to her too much, and said lightly, "Since you're here, there are several rooms behind me, so go and check them out, it's also your luck."

After the old man finished speaking, he seemed extremely tired, and slowly closed his eyes.

Zhang Rong'er was relieved when he heard this, the old man was lying in the middle of the stone room, just blocking the way to the stone rooms at the back, so Zhang Rong'er was really afraid that the old man would suddenly make trouble or something.

Now, although the old man took the initiative to ask her to go to the back stone room to investigate, although Zhang Ronger was still vigilant, he was relieved. After all, this old man is mysterious, very weird and terrifying. Deal with this mysterious old man.

Although this old man looks very weak, but Zhang Rong'er has an intuition that he is very strong, he is very strong!
After Zhang Rong'er bypassed the old man and walked into the first stone room, she finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the old man hadn't made any moves.

The first stone room was filled with various jade slips. Zhang Ronger casually picked up a jade slip and probed into his consciousness to examine it. This jade slip introduced various spirit grass plants and their growth environment Zhang Ronger was overjoyed when she saw the jade slips, efficacy and usage, etc. She didn't know many things in the practice world, and she just heard people talk about them. This jade slip is what she needs most at present.

Zhang Ronger immediately picked up another jade slip to check, and it turned out that this jade slip was also very good, it turned out to be a jade slip that introduced poisonous weeds. Unceremoniously, he took this jade slip into the space.

Next, among these jade slips, there are those that introduce foreign objects, some that introduce customs, some that explain the basic knowledge of cultivation, some that describe weapons, and some that describe alchemy.

In the most conspicuous place of this stone room, there were two very precious jade boxes. After Zhang Ronger put all the jade slips into the space, he walked towards the two jade boxes.

Looking at the surface of these two jade boxes, they are precious warm jade. Zhang Ronger took the tip of the sword and carefully opened the switch button of the jade box. Inside, there are a piece of jade slip. Zhang Rong'er picked up a piece of jade slip and looked at it, then casually put the jade slip into the space.

This first piece of jade slip is a technique called "Seventh Stage Killing of Heavenly Demon". This "Seventh Stage Killing of Heavenly Demon" has a total of seven layers of killing moves, and each layer of killing moves is double the level of the previous layer. Zhang Ronger took a look at the method of kung fu, and this "Seventh Killing of Heavenly Demon" was extremely harmful to his body's meridians. Although the kung fu method was extremely powerful after practicing, Zhang Ronger resolutely gave up when he thought of the consequences.

As for the other jade slip, the value is even greater. This is clearly the jade slip that was recorded using an immortal technique.

Ren is Zhang Rong'er's city mansion, and seeing this jade slip, he couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

Immortal art, this is an immortal art!
No wonder Fengtianmen attaches great importance to this tiankeng. The value of this immortal technique alone is really immeasurable.

In the extreme world, there has never been a fairy art, and the appearance of the fairy art here, does it mean that the longevity that people pursue is not a delusion?
Zhang Rong'er held up this fairy technique to check it out. The name of this fairy technique is "Fairy Spirit Returning to Yuan Finger". "Yuanzhi", the aura needed is not something that Zhang Rong'er, a mere cultivator at the stage of knowledge, can do.

If she forcibly casts the "Fairy Spirit Guiyuan Finger" now, I am afraid that the energy supply in the body will not be enough, the whole body will be torn apart, and eventually the whole body will be turned into dust, right?
Zhang Rong'er roughly estimated that this "Fairy Guiyuan Finger" could be used at least once in the Nascent Soul stage, and even if it was used, it would cause serious injuries.

Seeing this, Zhang Rong'er couldn't help but sighed, and had to put the jade box away first.

However, although this "Fairy Guiyuan Finger" cannot be used at the moment, Zhang Rong'er thought, and when he has time, he can think of a way to improve this "Fairy Guiyuan Finger", although the power is weaker, I don't know how many times , but it can be suitable for your own use now.

Thinking of this place, Zhang Rong'er couldn't help feeling happy again.

After she checked repeatedly, she saw that except for a few jade boxes that had been taken away by others, the rest of the jade boxes had been taken away by herself, and there were no more missing ones. Then Zhang Ronger opened the door and walked out of the first room. A stone chamber.

After leaving the first stone room, Zhang Rong'er came to the second stone room one by one.

In front of the door of the second stone room is a sign of an alchemy furnace. Before Zhang Ronger walked in, she had guessed in her heart. After she walked in, she found that it was as she expected. It was bottles of pills, Zhang Ronger was overjoyed, it would be great if there were "Ningdan Pills" for pill formation, but she looked all the way and really saw "Ningdan Pills", just waiting for her to get excited After opening the bottle, he was stunned. This bottle turned out to be an empty bottle.

Next, on these shelves, Zhang Rong'er saw many, many rare pills, she even saw the pill "Jieying Pill", which can only be used in the Nascent Soul stage, and after opening the bottles, they were all empty.

Regarding this, Zhang Rong'er sighed. Although she was a little disappointed, she was not depressed.

In the end, Zhang Ronger searched the alchemy room inside and out, but found nothing. The place where the alchemy furnace was originally placed in the alchemy room was also taken away by someone. In a corner, a dusty, dilapidated pill furnace was placed aside.

Not to mention the dilapidated appearance of this pill furnace, it looks like it can't withstand the refining of real fire, as if the pill furnace will be damaged once it is refined, it's no wonder that this pill furnace was thrown aside, No one picked it up.

As for Zhang Rong'er, she is poor. She has never even seen the appearance of the alchemy stove since she was born. At that moment, she hugged the broken alchemy stove and opened the lid of the alchemy stove.

As a result, after opening the lid of the alchemy furnace, unexpectedly, there were three black lacquered pills in the alchemy furnace, which looked as if they had been refined and destroyed.

Although these pills were broken, they still smelled strange.

With a thought, Zhang Rong'er took these pills into a jade bottle and put them away.

At the same time, with a thought in her mind, she put away even this tattered pill furnace.

After leaving the alchemy room, what treasures will there be in the next secret room?

At this time, Zhang Rong'er suddenly became a little expectant.

And when she got out of the alchemy room, the strange man who was lying motionless on the ground suddenly said to her, "Son, is there anything to gain?"

Zhang Ronger froze for a moment, then said casually, "It's okay."

The old man said indifferently, "Back then, those people took away all the useful secret treasures here. I'm afraid you didn't gain much in the elixir shop, right? Well, I don't have much time. Come here, my child. There is a secret, I must tell you!"

Seeing the vicissitudes and frail appearance of the old man, Zhang Rong'er felt as if he was going to die at any moment, she couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

The next moment, she slowly walked towards the old man.

At the same time, the old man looked at her kindly and said, "Son, are you a descendant of the Zeng family?"

" did you know?"

The old man looked at her with a more benevolent expression, and said, "Son, speaking of it, you are still my junior, how could I not know?"

Zhang Ronger said hesitantly, "You are..."

The old man didn't say anything more, just looked at her with a kind face, and said with regret, "It's a pity, it's just a girl, that's all, I have no choice until now."

He spoke words that Zhang Rong'er didn't understand very well, but the eyes of the originally weak person suddenly became extremely sharp.

He suddenly said, "Child, quickly check the edge of your dantian and see if there is a trace of bloody true energy there?"

Zhang Ronger froze for a moment, and subconsciously moved towards her dantian, and the next moment, her face couldn't help but change. On the edge of her dantian, there was really very small, bloodshot true qi the size of a thin thread. , Zhang Rong'er thought of the seeds Cao Zong had shown her, her expression couldn't help but change.

The old man sighed and said slowly, "Child, don't worry, as long as you do what the old man said, what is this hidden danger? Now, you should relax first and don't resist. You are safe here." Yes, you are absolutely safe, good, good, you sleep first, have a good dream, when you wake up, everything will be fine!"

The old man's voice had a magical effect, and Zhang Rong'er's eyes closed involuntarily.

As for the old man, seeing Zhang Ronger fall to the ground with his eyes closed, a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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