Fairy cultivator with counterattack

Chapter 91 Mysterious Objects

Chapter 91 Mysterious Objects
Zhang Ronger immediately discovered the abnormality of her body when she was meditating. She suddenly discovered that her sea of ​​consciousness had increased a lot. If it was a stream before, it is more than twice as spacious now. , this is really a surprise, after all, there is no way to cultivate the spiritual consciousness, so the sea of ​​consciousness can increase, isn't it just a surprise?

Thinking of the old man daring not to show up after fleeing in embarrassment, Zhang Rong'er also understood in her heart. The old man was afraid that he would not be able to win this time, but he was seriously injured.

It's no wonder that the old man didn't dare to show his face. With the old man's cunning, even if Zhang Ronger's words were tempting just now, the old man didn't show up. He probably went to hide to heal his injuries.

Looking at the situation, the old man was injured in the first place, but this time his spiritual consciousness was injured, it was the best time to take his life.

Thinking of this, Zhang Rong'er couldn't sit still anymore, she stood up and walked around the stone room, trying to find the mechanism.

It's just that this stone room is empty, and there is nothing hidden about it. One can see all the places in one glance, but there is nothing unusual about it.

Zhang Rong'er repeatedly recalled the scene of the old man rushing over and jumping into the magic weapon room. After recalling for a long time, she had a thought, stood up, and slapped the stone door that closed the stone room.

Shimen didn't move at all!

Zhang Ronger thought of the fairy technique she had obtained, so she took out the jade slips and looked them over and over again. In the end, she moved her palm like lightning, and with a movement of her palm, immediately, a thick burst of real energy was shot out as fast as lightning. , forming countless incomplete light beams, and bombarded the stone gate with a "bang" palm.

It was Zhang Ronger who repeatedly watched the fairy art "Fairy Spirit Returning to Yuan Finger", according to the "Fairy Spirit Returning to Yuan Finger" movement route, reduced the aura by more than a hundred times, and improved it into a simplified version of "Fairy Spirit" that Zhang Ronger can use now. "Spirit Guiyuan Finger", no, no, maybe it can't be called "Xianling Guiyuan Finger", after all, compared with the power of fairy art, it is really far behind.

With a thought in mind, Zhang Rong'er muttered to herself, "Since what I practice is the way of ruthlessness, then it's called 'Mie Qing Yi Zhi'!"

Although the power of this "Finger of Extinguishing Emotion" is not as powerful as that of Immortal Art, its power is still extremely powerful.

I saw just now that Zhang Ronger could not shake Shimen even with all his strength. After Zhang Ronger used the improved version of the "Mie Qing Finger", a hole was pierced through the ten-meter-thick rock!

Zhang Rong'er was really overjoyed that "One Finger of Miserable Love" had such power. Now, she has another trump card.

It's just that although Shimen was pierced through a hole, it still didn't move at all.

Zhang Ronger was not discouraged. She recalled the scene of the old man opening the magic weapon room again and again. She remembered it very clearly. The old man seemed to slap the door of the magic weapon room. Immediately, the magic weapon room opened , and then he stepped into the room, and the next moment the stone door closed.

Zhang Rong'er recalled the scene when the old man opened the magic weapon room. With a thought, he moved the trajectory of the true energy during the "Mie Qing Finger", changed the finger into a palm, and slowly shot out the true energy. Sure enough, after a while, only Hearing a "bang", the stone door opened automatically.

That's right, since the old man left behind the jade slip that recorded the immortal art, he must have seen this jade slip, and the reason why he left such a jade slip is also to make the house go smoothly, and to make people think that he is really This one was seriously injured and was about to die immediately, otherwise, why didn't he even use immortal techniques?
Thinking of this, Zhang Rong'er became more and more afraid of the old man.

However, at this time the stone door of the refining room opened, Zhang Rong'er was overjoyed when she saw it, she searched for a moment with her spiritual sense, and found that the stone room was quiet, and the old man had already disappeared without knowing when.

Zhang Rong'er walked into the magical artifact room cautiously. In the magical artifact room, there were basically no magical artifacts, only a bright and shining magical artifact was left on the side.

It was an object about the size of a human head. It was oval in shape and exuded multicolored light. It looked unusually beautiful and coquettish. Zhang Ronger looked at the beautiful light for a while, and her heartbeat couldn't help but It became very fast, no, no, the heartbeat is not just fast, looking at the oval object, Zhang Ronger felt her heart, as if it was about to fly out of her body, Zhang Ronger hurriedly turned his eyes away.

After she stopped looking at her eyes, her heartbeat was still fast. She circulated her true energy to nourish her internal organs. After a long time, her heartbeat slowly returned to normal.

After her heartbeat returned to normal, Zhang Rong'er didn't dare to look at the oval object at all.

This weird oval object has a kind of magical power that can confuse people's minds. Zhang Rong'er has a guess that maybe this oval object is a monster.

But at this moment, Zhang Rong'er felt something in her heart, and suddenly probed into the space, only to see Dandan "Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang" in the space, especially irritable, beating very violently, yelling.

Seeing Dandan's abnormality, Zhang Rong'er couldn't help but look a little ugly, and didn't care about chasing the old man at the moment, and entered the space with a flash of figure.

After entering the space, Dandan was still barking wildly, shaking her body and jumping from time to time. Zhang Ronger looked into its eyes and found that their eyes had turned red at this time. In those eyes, With rage, longing, and other emotions, Zhang Rong'er looked even worse the next time he saw her.

"Dandan, Dandan, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

But Dandan bit Zhang Ronger's clothes corner, Wangwang kept screaming.

Zhang Ronger hurriedly picked two pieces of "Purple Gold Orchid" and fed them into Dandan's mouth. , Dandan, who was violent at first, slowly calmed down. Seeing this, Zhang Ronger finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Dandan was ready, Zhang Ronger immediately planned to leave the space. After all, in this magic weapon room, there was that mysterious oval object. Zhang Ronger was really uneasy in her heart, and that mysterious and dangerous feeling also made her vigilant. endlessly.

Maybe it was a conspiracy that the old man lured her to this stone room?The purpose is to let her heart be directly sucked out by that mysterious oval thing!
Zhang Rong'er became more and more resentful towards the old man in her heart, and made up her mind to take this man's life after seeing this man, after all, this man killed her time and time again, and I believe no one will be merciful to those who threaten her life!
But when Zhang Ronger was about to leave the space, Dandan was biting the corner of her clothes, Zhang Ronger's thoughts were all in the stone room outside the space, one of them didn't pay attention, but came out together with Dandan.

After Dandan arrived in the stone room, Zhang Rong'er was stunned for a moment. She didn't care much at first, but she was just wondering why Dandan was brought out, but the next moment, she saw Dandan jumping, and her figure suddenly moved towards the oval shape, spreading out. Objects of colorful light rushed over.

At the same time, Zhang Ronger turned pale with shock, and hurriedly shouted, "Dandan, be careful!"

As soon as she finished speaking, before she had time to say anything, Dandan opened her dog's mouth, but swallowed the oval object in one gulp.

Ordinarily, it's strange, Dandan's dog's mouth is so small, how could Dandan swallow that oval spherical object about the size of a human brain in one gulp?
But in fact, such a bizarre thing did happen, Dandan's mouth swallowed the oval ball in Zhang Ronger's blink of an eye.

Zhang Rong'er was so startled by this turn of events that her mouth opened wide and she was speechless.

After a while, she regained her composure, and walked towards Dandan worriedly, and said, "Dandan, you... are you okay?"

After Dandan swallowed the ball, it was alright at first, but after a while, the corners of its eyes were extremely cruel, looking at Zhang Rong'er, but it was more cruel and cold than when it ate people last time.

Facing Dandan's eyes, Zhang Rong'er couldn't help feeling a dull pain in his heart.

But after a while, Dandan seemed to realize that the person in front of her was Zhang Rong'er, so her eyes gradually softened, and she even looked at Zhang Rong'er with a bit of attachment.

Zhang Rong'er stretched out, and slowly touched Dandan's head. Dandan seemed to enjoy looking at her, and then screamed wildly around Zhang Rong'er.

"Dandan, are you going back to space?"

Dandan immediately nodded to Zhang Ronger.

Zhang Rong'er saw that Dandan's mind was fine, and because of the danger outside this space, Zhang Rong'er took Dandan into the space without hesitation.

 Recommend a friend's article "Husband, please lie down", as the saying goes, if you don't explode in silence, you will pervert in silence.This is a story of JQ rampant from being knocked down by the pervert to being knocked down by the pervert.


(End of this chapter)

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