Chapter 1 She just wanted to be a rice bug

In Bailijia, a pavilion is built near the lake. It rises from the mountains, stones and bamboos.

In the attic, gauze curtains are dancing and sandalwood is curling up. The layout inside is extremely simple. There are only a few famous paintings on the white walls as decorations. Rouge and gouache, as well as some expensive accessories, can be seen as a woman's boudoir at a glance.

A white-clothed girl about fourteen or fifteen years old was lying on a chaise longue, holding a bunch of large purple-red grapes in her hand, which she put into her mouth as soon as the grape skins were peeled.Well, it's really sweet, the girl smashed her mouth, raised her legs comfortably, and put another big grape into her mouth.

Such a life, how wonderful!
After the girl sighed, she took another grape casually. This was the last one, and it would be gone after eating. She licked her mouth with unsatisfied desire, and with a thought, a bunch of big grapes suddenly appeared in her hand. Where did it come from, it was like magic.

At this time, a maid dressed in green came in from the attic, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a handsome face and pearly eyes, holding a large plate of pastries and a jug of fruit wine in her hand, waiting for the food to be placed on the table, She just looked at the girl beside her.When I saw it, I couldn't help but shook my head, with a helpless expression. Her young lady is really getting lazy. Apart from eating, drinking and having fun, she just sleeps like a pig. Pigs will still get fat, but her family The young lady won't gain weight no matter how much she eats, which makes her very jealous.

The girl glanced over her head, looked at the cakes on the table, moved her red lips, and said lazily, "Bi Yue, bring me my favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of you."

She is lazy, even when she sees her favorite food, she doesn't bother to move.

Bi Yue curled her lips, and resigned herself to bringing the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in front of the big Bodhisattva. She just couldn't figure it out. A talented genius turned into a lazy rice bug. She suddenly missed the young lady two years ago. Talented and unparalleled.

Baili Qinxue, that is, the girl who Biyue regards as a slob, has dark eyes and a lazy tone of voice, slamming every word, but showing coldness: "Biyue, you seem to be very dissatisfied with this lady?"

"How can there be..." Bi Yue was startled by her cold eyes, she pouted her lips, she was really wronged, although the current young lady is lazy, her eyes are so cold, and her personality is also indifferent.

Oh my god, who will tell her what happened to Miss, she just hit a tree, she fainted and woke up like a different person, not to mention laziness, her personality has also changed, and she can't say a few words a day talk.

Baili Qinxue took a look at her, but without saying a word, she picked a piece and put it in her mouth.

Biyue looked at her lazy look, and couldn't help blurting out a few words: "My good lady, the second lady has already been promoted to a second-level high-level magician, and you, miss, have almost stagnated in the same place for the past two years. At every turn, the title of genius will be taken away by others, isn't the lady in a hurry?"

Baili Qinxue picked out her ears casually, and after eating enough pastries, she peeled another grape and ate it, completely ignoring Bi Yue's words.

She is just a little girl with no big ambitions, her only dream is to be a millet bug who loves life and eats all the delicacies in the world, it doesn't matter to her whether she cultivates or not.

Her background is rich, the Baili family is the head of the four major families, and her father is a high-ranking senior magician. With such a big tree covering her, what is she afraid of? Besides, she still has the halo of a genius. At home, if you want the wind to get the wind, and the rain to get the rain, you also walk sideways outside.

So, she just needs to be a rice bug with peace of mind.


(End of this chapter)

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