Chapter 1000 Some perverts...

"General Wang really likes to tell jokes..." Sun Mei lowered her head and stopped talking to her.

Baili Qinxue sandwiched a piece of hibiscus cake with a hearty smile, "However, even if you are interested in this general, this general will not like you. My heart has long been on the little beauty."

She handed the hibiscus cake she was holding to Little Pink's mouth.

Little Pink took a bite and ate happily.

Sun Mei's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, this dead idiot was simply defiant.

There was not much breakfast left on the table. At this time, Lin Fenglie put down his chopsticks and said, "The deposed prince's party members have almost been cleared up. Let's relax a bit today."

"How do you want to relax, husband?" Xilan Manyue looked at him.

Lin Fenglie rolled his eyes, and there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes, "When Zhao Yu was caught, he also caught the four thieves. The prince ordered not to hurt Zhao Yu's life, but the lives of the four thieves can be killed by the prince." I didn't say anything."

"Young Master Lin, what do you mean?" Sun Mei raised her eyebrows, and her charming voice became a little weirder.

"I mean..." Lin Fenglie's tone paused, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, "Since the crown prince didn't say anything, why don't we use four thieves to give us some fun?"

"Looking for fun?" Sun Mei's eyes lit up, "How does Mr. Lin want to have fun?"

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyebrows, what does this Lin Fenglie want to do again?

Lin Fenglie tapped on the table, and a regular voice suddenly rang out, "Isn't there a Colosseum in the palace? Don't Shen Mo have a lot of monsters on hand? We can let those four people fight the monsters for us. Add a little fun."

Sun Mei laughed when she heard this, "Mr. Lin, that's a good idea. I haven't seen people fight monsters for quite some time. It's interesting."

"I don't have any objections." Shen Mo raised his eyes, and there was a strong interest in them, "My little ones have been bored for too long, but they can relax."

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips tightly and frowned. This Lin Fenglie was really vicious, and he even thought of this kind of entertainment, and from Sun Mei's tone, he thought he had seen scenes of people fighting monsters before.

Some people, once they have gold coins and power, they will become perverted...

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in her heart, she said with a smile: "Mr. Lin's idea is good, the general is a little interested."

Little Pink nestled in her arms calmly, but a sharpness flashed in her eyes.

"General Wang also thinks this is a good idea?" Lin Fenglie laughed, "Then I'll send someone to prepare it right away. What do you guys think?"

Jiang Yinsheng, who had never opened his mouth, coughed and said, "I have no objection. My nerves have been tense these days. Today I can have a good time."

"My husband's idea, I also think it's very good." Xilan Manyue pursed her lips and laughed.

"Since you all agree, then I will order someone to arrange it." Lin Fenglie hurriedly ordered the maid to go down to prepare.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and continued to eat a piece of hibiscus cake.

The skills of the four thieves are pretty good. If they fight a monster, they will be fine. I'm afraid that those perverts will come up with other ideas, and then she can only act in secret.

After breakfast, the maid cleared away the plates on the table.

Lin Fenglie led the crowd to the Colosseum.The Colosseum in the palace is extremely spacious, and it must have spent a lot of gold coins in its construction. Look, every brick and tile here is bright and majestic.


(End of this chapter)

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