Chapter 1005 Let's see how you guys are

Shen Mo glanced at her, "My monsters are all selected through strict selection, how can it be so easy to just take them out."

Now that five monsters have died, Shen Mo feels extremely distressed, and asking him to take them out is just a dream.

After confirming that he won't bring out any more monsters, Baili Qinxue twitched her mouth slightly, "Then what should we do now, the situation is already one-sided, this beast fight seems to be no fun, should it be over as soon as possible?"

"End as soon as possible?" Lin Fenglie was unwilling to hear the words, "This beast has just begun to look a little bit, how can it end as soon as possible, there must be something wrong."

Lin Fenglie continued to play the flute.

The lingering sound of the flute lingered in my ears, the sound of the flute was beautiful at first, but after listening to it for a long time, I felt extremely irritable, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and wanted to make the beast fight end sooner, she had to destroy the flute.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng also lacked interest.

"I could still see monsters eating people, but I didn't expect the monsters to collapse to the ground all of a sudden, even worse than humans." Sun Mei sighed and looked away from the Colosseum.

Jiang Yinsheng coughed lightly, perhaps because of the long wind blowing, his already pale complexion became paler now.

Shen Mo was so angry that he didn't speak.

These monsters of his are usually quite heroic, why are they so cowardly today, and it would be embarrassing to take them back now, Shen Mo thought for a while and decided to wait and see what happened.

"Mr. Lin, could it be that the sound of the flute you played would also affect the monsters?" Baili Qinxue put her hands on her chin and guessed quietly, "Or, this flute must be played by a beautiful woman to play its fullest role." effect?"

"Generally speaking, the sound of this flute won't affect monsters." Lin Fenglie frowned slightly, "Besides, this flute is not a man, so how could it need a woman to play it..."

Although Lin Fenglie said so, he didn't know what to do in his heart.

I'd rather believe it or not.

It was also rare for Sun Mei to agree with Baili Qinxue's opinion, she said: "It is very likely that it is as General Wang said, Mr. Lin, why don't you try as General Wang said?"

"This..." Lin Fenglie hesitated for a moment.

Xilan Manyue tugged at his sleeve, and said with a smile: "Husband, you can give me the flute to play, maybe the monster will be full of energy after a while, and tear all these people apart?"

"Mr. Lin, I think this method is feasible, you might as well try it." Shen Mo opened his lips, he didn't believe that the monsters would suddenly become cowardly, it must have something to do with this flute.

"Okay." Lin Fenglie put down the flute, and slowly handed it to Xilan Manyue, "Lady, I will leave this flute to you to play."

Xilan Manyue took it with a smile, but...

Baili Qinxue moved her fingertips, and a small stone hit the back of her hand suddenly.

"Ah——" Xilan Manyue let go of her hand in pain, and then...

With a "bang", the flute in his hand slipped, and Xilan Manyue froze in place, with the green flute broken into two in his eyes.

"Husband, the flute is broken..." She was flustered.

Lin Fenglie's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his tone was a little heavier, "Why didn't you connect the flute properly?"

Xilan Manyue was stunned, with a bad expression on her face, "I just didn't connect the flute properly, why are you so fierce, it's just a flute, is it important to have this princess?"

Baili Qinxue and Xiao Pink looked at each other, with deep smiles in their eyes.

The flute is destroyed, let's see how they are still playing the flute.


(End of this chapter)

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