Chapter 1012 The Monsters That Drilled Out

"Really?" Baili Qinxue looked indifferently, "You may see that grand scene later."

Shen Mo didn't understand what she meant by the second part of her sentence, he showed the weapon in his hand, and attacked Baili Qinxue in a flash.

Baili Qinxue stood in place without moving, and then... her toes moved, her figure was as fast as lightning, and Shen Mo could only see an afterimage flashing before his eyes.

"Lord Shen Mo, I just found out that you should be hunting outside, why did you come back suddenly?" Baili Qinxue fought with Shen Mo with a sword, but still had time to chat with him.

Shen Mo panted slightly, and said: "This formation is connected to me, as long as someone breaks into it, I will feel it, so no matter how secretly you break in, I will feel it."

No wonder Zhao Yu and the others were so careful, they would be discovered by him, so it was so.

"So, in order not to be caught by you, I can only kill people to silence..." Baili Qinxue's eyebrows were lightly closed, and the sense of murder in her eyes became more and more obvious.

Shen Mo was taken aback by the murderous intent in her eyes. This should be the expression on the woman's face. It always feels so scary.

He trembled for a moment, and quickly calmed down.

Baili Qinxue blocked all his moves with her sword. Seeing the aura of the sword in her hand, Shen Mo quickly saw the clue, "Your sword turned out to be...magic."

Apart from being shocked, Shen Mo was still shocked. This woman was able to transform magic into form, which is really amazing.

"It's not too stupid, you can see it all." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "I'm a magician, so naturally I have to find a way to keep improving."

Shen Mo pursed his lips and remained silent.

Baili Qinxue rushed forward and kicked Shen Mo away in an instant. When she was about to attack again, a hurricane blew up in front of her eyes. Baili Qinxue subconsciously covered her eyes with her sleeves.

"Come on—"

"Come on—"

All kinds of strange sounds resounded in Baili Qinxue's ears. This sound was like some kind of monster crawling out of a pond. There was the sound of water and a very muddy feeling, which seemed particularly strange.

Baili Qinxue opened her eyes subconsciously, and couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of her...

Shen Mo's clothes were torn apart at some point, and countless ferocious monsters came out of his stomach, arms, and thighs, and then they all jumped to the ground one by one, grinning at Baili Qinxue of.

Baili Qinxue was surprised by the scene before her eyes.

I had heard that Shen Mo could suck monsters into his body, but he didn't know that the scene of releasing the monsters would be so disgusting. Countless monsters spewed out, sometimes with Shen Mo's bones, blood, tendons, but he, but As if unconscious.

Baili Qinxue subconsciously covered her arm, and felt pain just looking at it for a while.

"Hahaha, be afraid, this is my monster." Shen Mo laughed out loud, his smile was crazy and almost distorted, at this moment...

A monster slowly emerged from his right eye, first with its head, and then with its whole body, the movement was so loud that it almost pierced Shen Mo's eyeball.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, looked at the monster that slowly came out, her eyes slightly dazed.

The fox turned out to be Big Brother Fox...

However, the fox's eyes didn't have the slightest focus, and it was only screaming and baring its teeth instinctively, as if it would break the enemy's neck in the next second, and the same was true for other monsters.

Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, always feeling that something was wrong, these magical beasts seemed to be under control.


(End of this chapter)

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