Chapter 1018 Strange, weird...

Interesting things?
Is it interesting to let ordinary people learn this insidious technique, so that they become neither human nor ghost?
That person is definitely a pervert, a dangerous element.

"Can you show me that exercise book?" Baili Qinxue said.

Shen Mo thought for a while, and seeing that his situation was over, he obediently took out the exercises, "This is the exercise."

Baili Qinxue reached out to take it, but...

That practice book ignited spontaneously, and turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

"How could this be?" Baili Qinxue looked at the fallen ashes, her eyes darkened, and at this moment, a scream came from her ear.

Shen Mo covered his body, rolling on the ground in pain.

"Shen Mo?" Baili Qinxue was startled, with surprise in her eyes.

"I remembered, I remembered..." Shen Mo roared excitedly, "The man told me after he gave me this exercise, if I tell about the exercise, this exercise The law will spontaneously combust and be reduced to ashes, and I will be punished accordingly..."

As soon as the words fell, countless bugs came out of Shen Mo's body.

The worms were pitch black, they gnawed at Shen Mo's flesh, veins, bones...

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts..." Shen Mo was rolling on the ground in pain, and the bugs kept coming out of his body and getting in. It wouldn't hurt his life, but it could make him suffer thousands of times.

This kind of torture of blunt knife cutting flesh is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Please..." Shen Mo said with difficulty, "Kill me..."

Another small worm came out of his throat, Baili Qinxue gritted his teeth, this technique really did a lot of harm, and the master of the technique was even more capable to do so.

I don't know, somewhere in this continent, will there be a poor person like Shen Mo?

"Okay, I'll give you a happy one." Baili Qinxue held up the sword.

"Tell me, who are you, and why are there so many monsters?" Shen Mo opened his lips, his voice weak.

The movements of Baili Qinxue's subordinates paused, and her red lips raised slightly, "I am a summoner, the summoner you yearn for, does this answer make you feel at ease?"

Shen Mo raised his head and laughed, "Haha, you are actually a summoner, no wonder, no wonder..."

He looked at the countless monsters in the formation, no wonder he could have so many monsters and make them surrender willingly, so it turned out to be so...

"Can you let me see the summoned creature?" Shen Mo tried to raise his eyes, and saw her standing upright, her eyes were cold and her temperament was good.

"Okay." A single voice, and then, a ray of pale golden light shone around her.

Holy, dazzling pale gold, incredibly warm.

Suddenly, Shen Mo saw ten majestic creatures standing beside Baili Qinxue.

He looked at it, curled his lips and smiled, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome." Baili Qinxue swung the sword, and the moment the sword fell... Shen Mo closed his eyes, but the smile on the corner of his mouth never faded.

As soon as Shen Mo died, all the puppet monsters under his command turned into small dots and disappeared. Only the fox whose consciousness had not completely dissipated survived, and his eyes gradually became clear.

Baili Qinxue breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily the fox was rescued.

Seeing that their elder brother had recovered, the stone man and the tiger ran over cheerfully.

The three big guys started to talk about the old days.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes as she looked at Shen Mo's body.

Although Shen Mo's crimes were extremely heinous, the person who gave him the exercises was even more vicious and intolerable, but until the end, he didn't know who was responsible for it, and it was really troublesome.


(End of this chapter)

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