Chapter 1024 General Wang, You Traitor!

Taking the key and hugging Little Pink, Baili Qinxue turned and left.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng remained silent.

After a while, Sun Mei suddenly said, "Mr. Lin, I think there is something wrong with this old General Zhao..."


All the way to the dungeon, Baili Qinxue's eyes were full of smiles.

She pushed open the door of the dungeon, and walked down the steps step by step with Little Pink in her arms. The steps were very long, and when she stepped on them, the soles of her shoes rubbed against each other to make crisp footsteps.

Baili Qinxue stood still in front of a cell with her arms around Little Pink.

Hearing the movement, Zhao Yu and the four thieves turned their heads. When they saw Baili Qinxue and the others, their eyes became crystal clear, like stars.

"Little sister, are you here to pick us up?" Zhao Yu grabbed the door of the cell with his hands, smiling in his eyes, "My old man was also rescued by my little sister safely."

The four thieves were excited and chattered, "Boss, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Baili Qinxue opened the cell door and said, "Old General Zhao has been rescued safely. He is waiting for us in the cave with three big guys. Let's go out and join them right now."

When Zhao Yu heard this, his eyes were full of surprises, "Little sister also found three big guys?"

Baili Qinxue walked with her arms around Little Pink and said, "Well, when we found them, they were seriously injured, but don't worry, they are completely recovered now."

"Little sister has medicine, don't worry, don't worry." Zhao Yu smiled, the clothes on his body were ragged, but they couldn't conceal the nobility and heroism that belonged to the little general.

Several people walked out of the dungeon, Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and suddenly felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

After a while, she curled her lips slightly, is it still coming?

"Boss, why didn't you leave?" The four thieves came forward to ask, but as soon as the words came to their lips, they also felt that something was wrong around them.

Zhao Yu clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes, "Someone might not want us to go."

"It's okay, those who should come will always come, and I counted them to come." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and the coldness in her eyes was instantly replaced by a smile, "After all, Shen Mo's corpse won't help me for long, Sooner or later they'll find out..."

If they were discovered, they would definitely increase their vigilance, and it would be difficult to save Zhao Yu and the others at that time, so why not take advantage of the chaos to rescue Zhao Yu and the others, even if they were discovered and besieged by them, wouldn't they be able to kill a bloody way?

Baili Qinxue stood there with a calm expression.

"Shen Mo's corpse?" Zhao Yu savored these words slowly, and after a long while, he bent his lips and said with a smile: "Little sister, you are really powerful, and that boy Shen Mo was actually killed by you."

Baili Qinxue nodded, and sighed again, "After all, he is also a poor person..."

poor guy?

Zhao Yu was a little confused, so I just wanted to ask, but at this time...

Soldiers from all directions surrounded Baili Qinxue and the others. Not long after, the soldiers stepped aside again, and Lin Fenglie and the others strode towards them aggressively.

"General Wang, you actually betrayed the crown prince." Lin Fenglie stood still in front of him, and the turbulent color in his eyes shot out.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng were also standing in front. At this moment, another soldier carried Shen Mo's body up.

"Daddy..." Zhao Yu's heart tightened when he saw the armor on the corpse.

Seeing the bloody and horrifying face of the corpse again, with a strange appearance, he let out a long sigh of relief and relaxed his body.


(End of this chapter)

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