Chapter 1026 You Actually Hid Your Strength

He only felt a tremor all over his body, and a sense of familiarity welled up in his heart, but he didn't know where the familiarity came from.

"The corpse on the ground is indeed Shen Mo's." Baili Qinxue chuckled, "He blocked my way, I can only kill him, but unfortunately you don't believe me, this general is really sad."

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng were both taken aback, but still couldn't believe it.

"Believe it or not, you'll only know after you've beaten it." Sun Mei took out a red whip, her face was delicate but stained with frost, "If you can break through the encirclement, I will believe that this corpse belongs to Shen Mo."

"Break out of the encirclement?" Baili Qinxue chuckled, "So that you can pass the news to Weinan Lin Che again?"

Sun Mei didn't know why she said that, and said with a smile: "Of course the news will be passed on to the crown prince."

"In this case..." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and the coldness in her eyes slowly overflowed, "Of course we can't do it so simply. While breaking through the encirclement, we have to kill each of you one by one. Only then can we be prepared.”

With cold eyes and icy voice, Lin Fenglie and others were suffocated.

Sun Mei quickly regained her composure, and sneered, "Big talk, you guys should think of a way to break out of the encirclement."

"I've thought of a solution a long time ago." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips.

Her voice was calm, but it sounded extremely arrogant to her ears. This was a little different from her a few days ago. Her eyes and aura had changed, as if she had become another person.

Sun Mei had a bad premonition in her heart.

Lin Fenglie waved his hand, causing the soldiers to gallop away.

The soldiers were armed with guns and swords, densely packed for a while, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"Soldiers, let me kill them, they are useless bastards and sycophants." Lin Fenglie raised his long sword and shouted angrily.

As soon as his words were spoken, the morale was instantly boosted, and the soldiers charged forward with awe-inspiring momentum.

Baili Qinxue and the others were fearless in the face of danger, calm and relaxed.

Lin Fenglie thought he could see their panicked expressions, but to no avail. He pursed his lips, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart, "Zhao Yu and the four thieves, if you surrender obediently, I will definitely save your lives. General, if you surrender obediently, I might consider giving you a whole body."

Baili Qinxue sneered, "Who cares about a whole corpse?"

She is the one who wants to swagger and walk out from here.

Zhao Yu and the four thieves also curled their lips together, sneering.

When Lin Fenglie saw that they refused to accept anything, he went mad, "Soldiers, whether they are dead or alive, we must not let them leave the palace."

The morale of the soldiers was boosted again, they held their swords and started to kill.

Baili Qinxue condensed swords in her hands, one red and one blue swords were extremely sharp, Lin Fenglie was secretly shocked when she saw them.

Isn't this General Wang a warrior? How can he use magic, and how can he transform magic into form?
Sun Mei was also taken aback by the sight in front of her, "General Wang, you actually hid your strength back then..."

Sun Mei competed with her. At that time, she used an ordinary sword, and every move was extremely ordinary force, but now she has become so powerful... She must have hidden her strength, it is really hateful.

"The so-called General Wang is so powerful..." Jiang Yinsheng was a little dazed, thinking that she was a useless general when he confronted her back then.

"I didn't hide my strength," Baili Qinxue said, "General Wang's strength has always been like this."

What she said was quite inconsistent.


(End of this chapter)

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