Chapter 1030 Let You Fight Warcraft...

"Thinking about it, Mr. Lin remembered it, so it will be much easier." Baili Qinxue smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Lin Fenglie didn't know why, but he was still trembling with fright.

"Baili Qinxue, what exactly do you want?" Xilan Manyue shouted, her beautiful hair bun already messed up.

"I don't want to do anything." Baili Qinxue walked to Sun Mei's side, her clear eyes bent into crescents, "General Sun, do you still remember the question I asked you?"

Sun Mei raised her eyes and quietly looked up at Baili Qinxue, "Ask me what would happen if I was reduced to the point of fighting monsters like the four thieves."

"General Sun's memory is really good, so things will be easier to handle." Baili Qinxue chuckled.

Sun Mei was startled, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger. She raised her voice and asked, "What do you want to do after saying so much?"

Zhao Yu and the four thieves were also a little puzzled, curious about what she was going to do.

"Xuexue, have you thought of some dirty way again?" Little Pink also removed the makeup on her face, revealing a sweeter and more delicate face than before.

"I've thought of a lot of ideas, but I still think it would be the best to let them play in the Colosseum." Baili Qinxue squeezed her fingertips, the smile in her eyes condensed with a bit of treachery, "They Don’t you like fighting beasts? Don’t Mr. Lin have a lot of electronics? Didn’t General Sun say that there is no if, then I will let them have fun and make this if come true.”

The four thieves suddenly widened their eyes, "Boss, you mean to let them..."

They didn't say it clearly, but they laughed a few times.

Zhao Yu also regained his composure, calling Baili Qinxue brilliant.

"Let them be exciting, even if it's revenge for you." Baili Qinxue looked at the four thieves, and the smile in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Baili Qinxue, what did you say?" Lin Fenglie backed away in fright, "Do you want to imprison us in the Colosseum and let us fight with monsters?"

Baili Qinxue smiled strangely, but did not speak.

Xilan Manyue didn't care about her manners, she jumped up and cursed, "Baili Qinxue, you bitch, this princess is a rich man, how could I let you ruin it like this, if you dare to do this, this princess will not let you go of."

"If I dare to do this, can you still live, Princess Manyue?" Baili Qinxue flicked her sleeves and approached slowly, Xilan Manyue backed away in fright, Baili Qinxue pursed her lips and laughed loudly, "You will die by then Now, what else can I do?"

"Baili Qinxue, you..." Xilan Manyue was frightened instantly. Could it be that she really wanted to kill people to silence her.

"Brothers, bring me these people to the Colosseum." Baili Qinxue walked ahead, flicking his sleeves. Use the blood of your partners to pave a way for yourself."

The four thieves were extremely excited, each of them dragged one up and ran into the Colosseum.

Zhao Yu and Little Pink also followed.

When they came to the Colosseum, the four thieves immediately threw him down.

The Colosseum was closed on all sides, and the high platform was so high that they couldn't get out at all.

Xilan Manyue was so frightened that her legs went limp, and she collapsed on the ground again.

Lin Fenglie gritted his teeth and yelled angrily, "Baili Qinxue, let me tell you, even if you kill us, so what? To regain that high position, some people just wait to die."


(End of this chapter)

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