Chapter 1033 Fragile trust...

The venom swallowed by the little snake completely melted Xilan Manyue, leaving only blood on the ground.

Lin Fenglie trembled slightly, what Baili Qinxue said was really good, these little snakes are powerful, they can melt people in minutes...

Seeing the little snake approaching, Lin Fenglie ran away.

Baili Qinxue leaned on the railing, watching the scene with cold eyes, "Husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. Lin Fenglie, you really are cruel."

"It doesn't matter if you are more cruel to save your life." Lin Fenglie sneered, he must find a way to kill all these little snakes, and then he will be able to escape.

He rolled his eyes and suddenly looked at Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng.

The two trembled at the same time, and looked at him warily, this man was cruel, even his own wife would not be spared, so he must be on guard.

"Mr. Lin, what are you doing looking at us?" Sun Mei asked, the tulle on her body went somewhere, and she was in a mess.

Jiang Yinsheng was not much better, his complexion was even paler.

"General Sun, Vice General Jiang is very powerful, why don't we cooperate." Lin Fenglie ran forward and smiled.

Sun Mei's eyes turned tactfully, "Cooperation?"

Lin Fenglie nodded hastily, "As long as we cooperate, we can escape."

Sun Mei glanced over and said sarcastically, "At that time, I'm afraid we will end up being pushed into the pile of little snakes just like Xilan Manyue. Mr. Lin, don't say any more, we dare not cooperate with you."

Jiang Yinsheng looked indifferent, obviously refusing.

Lin Fenglie's face darkened, and he clenched his fists, "Don't cooperate? Don't regret it then?"

He turned his head, and when he turned his head, the murderous intent in his eyes was full, and it spread to the fundus in an instant.

Baili Qinxue had a panoramic view of this scene, Lin Fenglie was completely blackened, and he didn't know what he would do next.

She chuckled, "Mr. Lin, let us take a good look at your strength."

Zhao Yu and the others leaned against the railing, watching with relish.

Lin Fenglie pursed his lips and said nothing, but he concealed the murderous intent in his eyes very well.

He ran hard, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng didn't know what was going on in his mind, they guarded him for a while, and then quickly relaxed their vigilance.

Lin Fenglie slightly hooked his lips, and his dark eyes shone with a sharp look waiting for his prey to take the bait, "General Sun, you and Vice-General Jiang really cooperated very well."

The two were busy and didn't have time to talk to him.

Lin Fenglie didn't care, and continued: "But if any of you has a different heart and stabs someone in the back, I'm afraid that you won't know how that person died."

These words are clearly trying to sow discord, but...

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng obviously believed a little bit, the movements of their subordinates paused, and their eyes flickered.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Lin Fenglie curved his lips into a smile, and added fuel, "At such an extraordinary moment, who would give his sincerity, just like me, who can abandon anyone in order to survive."

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng shuddered, and their eyes became more hesitant.

"The two of you should consider it carefully..." Lin Fenglie narrowed his eyes, and a bone-piercing coldness spread in the bottom of his eyes.

Sun Mei and Jiang Yinsheng trembled violently, and the trust between them gradually shattered with Lin Fenglie's words.

"The trust between them is really fragile." Baili Qinxue leaned sideways and leaned in a comfortable position, "I can't beat the four thieves."

Hearing Baili Qinxue talk about them, the four thieves came over and said with a smile: "We completely trust each other, and we also completely trust the boss. At this moment, the boss is the goddess in our hearts."


(End of this chapter)

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