Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1063 Can't Escape the King's Five Fingers Mountain

Chapter 1063

In an instant, the loud voice resounded throughout the palace, endlessly.

Weinan Lin Che was relieved to hear this, and her brows instantly relaxed.

"Be flat."

Millions of soldiers and horses slowly got up and stood upright again. Weinan Lin Che turned over and jumped onto the horse's back. The bright yellow armor shone brightly in the sun. He tightened the reins and looked straight ahead.

"Let's go quickly, after all, wars wait for no one." Weinan Lin Che held the horse's belly, and in an instant, the bay red horse galloped out.

Seeing this, the soldiers also chased after him on horseback.The soldiers marched out of the palace mightily, their horseshoes stomped on the ground, and the ground shook instantly. The common people had never seen such a battle before, so they dared to hide in the house and watch secretly.

Soon, the army left the royal city, and the common people just came out of the house, discussing something in a hurry.

"What's going on here, why is there such a big movement?"

"Of course there is going to be a war."

"War? Fight with General Qian Yun who is stationed outside the king's city?"

"Sure, didn't you see that the new king is going to fight in person?" The commoner sneered, and continued: "I'm afraid, he is going to kill the grass and roots. The new king is really ruthless."

"Who says it's not, even my biological father and brothers will not be spared." Another commoner sighed, "This girl who was born in the emperor's family always lacks a family relationship. I hope that the former The crown prince can win, after all, this can be regarded as returning to the original owner."

"I just hope they fight and don't harm us ordinary people..."

As soon as these words came out, all the people fell silent.

Outside, Lin Che led the army to gallop on the mud and sand path. As long as you walk through this mud and sand path, you can see a large open space, where Qian Yun and the others are stationed.

Weinan Lin Che tightened the reins, feeling impatient, "General Bai, how are Qian Yun and the others doing?"

He asked sideways.

Galloping side by side with Wei Nan Lin Che was the leader of the soldiers, General Bai.General Bai was born with a tiger head and a tiger brain, and his beard was particularly black and thick. He opened his eyes wide and said, "I tell the king, Qian Yun and the others are only stationed there and have not taken any action. I'm afraid they haven't thought of a strategy yet, so they dare not act rashly." .”

Wei Nan Lin Che responded softly, didn't expect a strategy?

That is definitely superficial, they dare to provoke, they must be a little bit prepared.

But with [-] troops against him with a million troops, even if the gods are alive, it is impossible to win. Thinking of this, Weinan Lin Che relaxed, and his eyes were full of sneers.

Wei Nanzi and the others simply overestimated themselves.

After exiting the dirt path, a vast open space appeared in front of Weinan Lin Che.

"Woo..." Weinan Lin Che tightened the reins, and stopped the horse immediately. He sat on the horse's back and squinted his eyes, but he didn't notice where Qian Yun and the others were at all. "Where are Qian Yun and the others stationed?"

"A place 2000 meters ahead." General Bai replied loudly.

2000 meters is still far away, no wonder I didn't see it, Weinan Lin Che waved: "Send the order, the large army will continue to move forward, and camp at a place 1000 meters away from Qian Yun and the others. I want to see them. Will the Wan army be in a panic, or want to attack secretly?"

Wei Nan Lin Che squinted his eyes, when they dared to sneak attack, he would catch them all.

General Bai seemed to have seen Lin Che's thoughts in Weinan, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Your Majesty's plan is really good, those rebellious officials and thieves will definitely not be able to escape from Wuzhi Mountain."


(End of this chapter)

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