Chapter 108 Really Shameless...

Dugu Sheng raised his bun face proudly, his sister was so bullish.

Zhao Yu said with a smile: "I didn't see it, my little sister is so insightful, I suddenly felt more at ease following you."

"Everyone follow closely, don't fall behind." Baili Qinxue glanced back, seeing that everyone followed closely, she was relieved.

Along the way, there were either grass or trees, and there were some climbing vines that would always wrap around your feet after a few steps. Baili Qinxue squinted her eyes, and simply took out a sword from the space and chopped them off one by one.

As he was chopping Baili Qinxue, he seemed to feel something, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes were full of vigilance and coldness, "Everyone is ready for battle at any time, pay attention to hiding, I heard rustling sounds behind me, there must be someone coming."

There were chaotic footsteps and noisy voices behind him. I don't know which team's idiots made such a loud noise at such a critical moment. Are they determined to be discovered by others?

Baili Qinxue and his party had long been hiding behind the big tree, ready to spy on the person who came.

It was a five-member team, and none of the members in the team were big figures, they were all nameless little shrimps. After a closer look, Baili Qinxue found that the team were all students from second-rate classes. It turned out that they were all younger brothers who usually followed behind Zhao Yu.

This group of little brothers who eat inside and outside, left Zhao Yu behind and formed a small team by themselves.

It was obvious that Zhao Yu also recognized them. He clenched his fists tightly and the veins on the back of his hands burst out.

"Don't worry, just listen to what they are saying, maybe it will be good information for us." Baili Qinxue winked at him, signaling him not to act rashly, lest she expose herself.

Zhao Yu took a few deep breaths, finally suppressing the anger in his heart.

"I almost ran into people from the three major families of the Western Continent just now. It's really dangerous." Seeing that the surroundings were calm, the five younger brothers let go of their guard and walked forward leisurely.

"Fortunately, my eyes are good, otherwise we would have been killed in seconds." A younger brother took a piece of dry biscuit from his waist and took a few bites, and then felt refreshed. If you don't die, you will be blessed, tell me, will there be a pennant in the haystack in front of you?"

Dugu Sheng bent his lips, he was not lucky, but how many people could beat them down, these idiots!

"Come on, let's go up and have a look." Another younger brother couldn't wait to move forward.

"I don't have a pennant, but I do have one." With Baili Qinxue's permission, Zhao Yu walked out from behind the big tree without any haste, with a smile on his lips, which was so wild and imposing that it made people feel fear , "Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I actually met you here today. May I give you some greetings, sir?"

The younger brothers were taken aback, and they were not so scared when they saw who was coming. In their hearts, Zhao Yu was a dude who only had gold coins and knew nothing, and they could kill him with just one little finger.

Just when they were complacent, Zhao Yu roared with a smile, "Brother Azi, I leave this group of people to you, fight whatever you want, if I am happy, I will reward you when I get back."

Zhao Yu pushed Wei Nanzi out, while he hid behind a big tree.

Baili Qinxue: "..."

She had expected Zhao Yu to use some powerful trump card, but she didn't expect to use this trick. It's really... shameless!


(End of this chapter)

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