Chapter 1094 Detaining People Directly

That coquettish tone and demeanor really looked like a kid, which made Baili Qinxue want to laugh.

"You are no longer a little bun, don't be coquettish like a child." Baili Qinxue subconsciously looked at the sky outside, and said: "It's late at night, you can go back to your room to rest."

Dugu Sheng sat without moving, the next second, his fingertips moved...

A soft pillow and a thin quilt were pulled out of the space by him. Baili Qinxue looked at it with a faint bad feeling, "What are you trying to do?"

"I won't go back tonight, the palace is so big, I'm a little scared." Dugu Sheng rubbed against the soft pillow, only revealing a pair of eyes that were as bright as water, "So, I want to stay with A Xue tonight. "

Lonely and widowed in the same room?
Baili Qinxue shuddered all over, and there was a faint cold look in her eyes, "You should go back quickly."

"Don't go, it's more secure to be in the same palace as Axue, and I promise..." Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, raised three fingers, and swore: "I'm just laying on the floor, I won't do anything Strange things, sister, don't you know what I am?"

After finishing speaking, he put down the pillow and casually brushed up his black hair on his shoulders, his every move was full of seductiveness.

Baili Qinxue froze in place for the word "sister" with a numb feeling, nodded after a battle of thoughts, and said, "Okay, don't act like a spoiled child to me, you're a big man, if you want to keep it, just keep it." Keep it."

Baili Qinxue turned around and went back to make the bed.

Dugu Sheng also made his own nest, and then happily rolled around on it, feeling like he hasn't slept under the same roof with her for a long time, today is great.

Early the next morning, Baili Qinxue thought that the banquet was over, and Zhao Yu and the others should be leaving.

However, it was told early in the morning that the members of the Lin family, a family of craftsmen, learned of Lin Fenglie's death, and thought that Lin Wanwan was behind the scenes. After all, she was very close to Zhao Yu and the others, and the Lin family also Take it all out on her.

The Lin family, a family of craftsmen, has a hundred years of prestige. Even if Lin Fenglie and Weinan Lin Che collude, the prestige and status of the Lin family will not be wiped out, and the king of Weinan will not be able to shake them for a while.

"So, yesterday Lin Wanwan was detained by the elders of the Lin family as soon as he returned?" Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, "The elders also threatened to avenge Lin Fenglie, the genius forging?"

"They don't dare to vent their anger on the king, so they can only use the stupid girl." Zhao Yu slapped the table hard.

Wei Nanzi frowned, his eyes were deep, "After all, they spent a lot of effort and money in cultivating a genius for refining, and now that genius is dead, of course they have accumulated a lot of resentment in their hearts."

"Just snatch him back." The four thieves came after hearing the news.

"Xuexue, that little girl who always hugs the dog was locked up?" Little Pink rolled up her sleeves and rubbed her hands, "The four little guys are right, just snatch her back."

"Stealing people is the lowest way." Dugu Sheng put his arms around his chest and leaned lazily against the wall, "I think the Lin family has a bad attitude. If they want to rob people, they must not only get them back, but at least grab some treasures." come back."

Everyone: "..."


Baili Qinxue knocked on the table, raised her eyes and asked, "After Lin Fenglie's death, does the Lin family have no decent crafting masters anymore?"


(End of this chapter)

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