Chapter 1127 It's about to come out...

"Hey..." Ding Chongyang looked at Ding Jingtai in surprise, "Brother Jingtai, it's getting so late, why don't you stay and rest for a night before leaving?"

"No." Ding Jingtai waved his hand and said, "Second Master Liu may come looking for me, I don't want to delay."

He looked at the sky outside, it was quite late.

Baili Qinxue lit the candle, and the pale yellow soft light of the candle instantly illuminated the entire hall, and the shadows of several people swayed continuously on the ground in an instant.

Ding Chongyang lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and raised his eyes after a while and said: "I understand, Brother Jingtai, you should go back quickly, and don't let Erye Liu find something to punish you."

this kid...

Liu Erye would not punish him, but Liu Cheng has been running on him now.

"It's okay, Second Master Liu won't punish me, but I really have to leave." Ding Jingtai got up and walked outside, Baili Qinxue and the others didn't stop him, and kindly called a carriage for him.

Ding Jingtai was also embarrassed to refuse, and soon turned over and entered the carriage.

"Brother Jingtai, take care, if I have nothing to do, I will come to Xinghua City to find you." Ding Chongyang stood outside and refused to go in.

Ding Jingtai lifted the curtain of the carriage, and said with a smile, "I'll wait for you, but please go in quickly, I'm leaving too."

"Go in later." Ding Chongyang was stubborn and stood still.

After Ding Jingtai gave an order, the carriage started to run, until the carriage turned into a black dot and disappeared, then Ding Chongyang rushed into the house.

"You kid, you seem to like staying with Ding Jingtai very much?" Dugu Sheng raised his eyelids, and his dark eyes became deeper and deeper.

Ding Chongyang nodded abruptly, "I really like staying with Big Brother Jingtai, it feels like staying with my own brother, and, Brother Jingtai's younger brother is dead, so I really want to do something for him."

Baili Qinxue rubbed her teacup, her fingertips trembling slightly.

Ding Jingtai also had a younger brother who was already dead... She raised her eyes and couldn't help but glance at Ding Chongyang.

No wonder Ding Jingtai felt a sense of loss for a moment last time. It turned out that his younger brother died, but he quickly returned to normal. The reason is...

Baili Qinxue looked at Ding Chongyang again, and a thought gradually came to her mind.

"You've done a good job. He's been very happy these days, right..." Baili Qinxue blinked, her black eyes full of deep meaning, "Ding Chongyang, you were picked up by your beggar father. Can you remember what happened before you met the beggar father?"

"I vaguely remember..." Ding Chongyang pursed his lips and tried to recall: "I seem to have another brother, but I don't remember what it looks like or what its name is, but in my memory my brother has always treated me very well. , that feeling is the same as staying with Brother Jingtai..."

Baili Qinxue withdrew her gaze, and there was a deep smile in her eyes.

At this moment, all the answers are ready to come out.

"You don't want to find your brother?" Dugu Sheng touched the deep meaning in her eyes, and looked at Ding Chongyang again.

"I think." Ding Chongyang blurted out, but then his eyes dimmed a bit, "But, I don't remember anything about my brother at all, where should I find it?"

"Haven't you ever thought that the person you want to find is far away in the sky and right in front of you?" Dugu Sheng gathered the red dress on her body, and her black hair fell down, parting soft ripples.

"Far in the sky, close in front of your eyes?" Ding Chongyang bit these words in response, his eyes filled with doubt.


(End of this chapter)

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