Chapter 113
Without even thinking about it, Lin Wanwan took out a lot of weapons and some defensive clothes from the space. She pointed to the things on the ground and said calmly: "The stinky bear said that these are all for you, please choose as much as you like." , as long as we don’t steal our chicken legs.”

"How much have you practiced?" Zhao Yu looked at the weapons and clothes all over the floor, both pleasantly surprised and astonished.

"A lot, I practice every day." Lin Wanwan blinked his eyes, and said lightly: "Aside from chicken legs, I have such a small hobby..."

Dugu Sheng bent down, glanced casually, and took out two of them, "Sister, these two weapons are pretty good, they will definitely be jealous and take the bait when they see them."

Baili Qinxue took a few glances and thought it was good, "Choose a few more good ones and make them desperate."

In the end, they selected five top-quality weapons and two pieces of clothing with relatively good defensive effects. Baili Qinxue looked at them and hung a few gold coins on each of them, feeling unsatisfied.

"Little sister, what are you doing with the gold coins?" Zhao Yu didn't know what she was going to do.

"Gold coins are glittering, and they are even more eye-catching in the night. I just wanted to play a trick on them, making them think that they are gifts from the masters of the world, and they will definitely become more desperate." Baili Qinxue clapped her hands in satisfaction, and said : "There are towering trees beside the swamp. We will hang these things on the trees. Weinanzi and I will use magic fire to burn the branches, but we can only make them brittle but not broken. Can you do it?"

Wei Nanzi nodded, but frowned tightly, obviously feeling troubled again.

"Just in case, we have to lurk around. It doesn't matter whether we set a trap or fight directly." Baili Qinxue took out a sword from the space, ready to fight anytime and anywhere.

"Chicken legs..." Lin Wanwan glanced at the sword in her hand, and said, "Your sword has good attributes, but the sword is suitable for warriors. Magicians can't increase the power much, so you have to use a magic wand."

"I only have the sword." Baili Qinxue clenched the sword in her hand, her eyes darkened. It was a birthday present from Baili's father, and she didn't want to let it go.

"Chicken, I can change the appearance of the weapon, I can turn your sword into a magic staff." Lin Wanwan paused and said: "Don't worry, the attributes will still be the original attributes, but the appearance has been changed one time."

Lin Wanwan was fighting for the chicken legs with the stinky bear, and his voice was intermittent.

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Really only change the appearance, the rest will not change, even the magic beast crystal core on it will not be damaged?"

Lin Wanwan shook his head, "No, it's just changing the appearance."

"Then I will trouble you." Baili Qinxue gave her the sword with joy in her heart, so that she can use it and improve her own strength, which is simply the best of both worlds.

Lin Wanwan took out a small hammer from the space, and put the sword on the ground. She looked at it for a moment, then said to Wei Nanzi: "Azi, Azi, use your fire to burn..."

She pointed to the sword.

"Don't you have external fire?" Wei Nanzi frowned.

"Azi is here, why use external force to fire, it's so wasteful." Lin Wanwan tilted his head, looking at Wei Nanzi expressionlessly.

Wei Nanzi frowned, and started cursing again, but still obediently burned the sword with magic fire until the blade turned red, Lin Wanwan stopped him, and tapped here and there with a small hammer.

After knocking for a long time, she took out another bag from the space, and there seemed to be some powdery things in the bag.


(End of this chapter)

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