Chapter 1132 You are the one who blackmailed

"It's like this here. People from the Western Continent and Southern Continent buy it at a normal price, but people from other continents buy it at six times the price." Baili Qinxue pointed to the fire in Chu Yuedao's hand. Yuncao said, "For example, this Fire Cloud Grass is sold to these common people for [-] gold coins, but you are sold for [-] gold coins."

Chu Yuedao was stunned suddenly.

Six hundred gold coins?

This is robbery...

Unexpectedly, this woman is so beautiful, but her heart is so dark, she really has a good face for nothing.

Bai Xie also put down the wine jar, took a deep look at Baili Qinxue, "Girl, are you still joking?"

"I never joke." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and the coldness flowed in her clear eyes, "Besides, I am the owner of this medicinal herb shop, so I don't need to joke at all."

Hey, my boss, what a young boss, she is still a beautiful woman.

Chu Yuedao looked at Ding Chongyang suspiciously.

Ding Chongyang smiled and said: "She is my boss."

What a host...

"My boss, we are from the Southern Continent or the Western Continent, so there is no need to increase the number six times?" Chu Yuedao opened his eyes and said nonsense, the dull hair on his head probably felt shameful, and immediately softened.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, feeling amused in her heart.

"I can tell you are from the Northern Continent just by looking at you." Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest, with a hint of sarcasm in his bright eyes, "I heard that there will be a college battle in a few days, you people from the Northern Continent I came here for no reason, maybe I want to spy on information or something..."

Chu Yuedao took a breath, who is this good-looking man, and how could he see through their little thoughts all at once?

"What spying on information, the two of us are just here to do business." Chu Yuedao still opened his eyes and spoke nonsense, the stupid hair on the top of his head completely pulled down.

"Really?" Dugu Sheng put his hands on his chest, with a half-smile.

Chu Yuedao took a step back subconsciously, this red-clothed demon man looked very unusual.

"Since you have admitted that you are from the Northern Continent, then..." Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand towards them, his slender fingertips were particularly touching, "If you want to buy it, you have to buy it at six times the price, if you don't buy it, don't buy it." I'm stuck here, we have a lot of people here, but we can't afford to take care of you two great bodhisattvas."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and the curvature of her mouth gradually widened.

"White Scorpion..." Chu Yuedao couldn't make up his mind, and subconsciously looked at Bai Xie.

Bai Xie also had a not-so-good expression on his face. How could this good-looking man and woman be so bad, they blinded those two good faces for nothing, and their eyes were sinister enough, so they could tell right away that they were from the Northern Continent.

"We came to the medicinal herb shop, so we are here to buy medicinal herbs." Bai Xie said, "Six times is six times, just give us two plants of Vulcan grass."

Two plants of Vulcan Grass cost [-] gold coins, which is no pain to them.

Dugu Sheng showed contempt, "Look at you, you are dressed so brightly, you actually bought two plants..."

"We'll just buy two plants." Chu Yuedao said with a smile, they have already bought a thousand gold coins, and they will give away one herb when the time comes, which is not a loss if you think about it.

Baili Qinxue winked at Little Pink, and Little Pink wrapped the three herbs and handed them to the two of them.

When Chu Yuedao saw it, he couldn't help but frowned, and the stupid hair on the top of his head also turned up, "Didn't you say that you will give a herb when you spend [-] gold coins? Why didn't you give it to me?"

These scoundrels bully their honest people.


(End of this chapter)

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