Chapter 1134 I'm Simply Drunk...

Feeling relieved, Baili Qinxue took out a lot of herbs and put them in the inner hall, and summoned more than 20 little snakes.

The little snakes are clever and full of security.

After Ding Chongyang settled the little snakes, he followed Baili Qinxue and the others out of the herb shop.

After they went to Xinghua Restaurant for a meal, Baili Qinxue and the others returned to the academy the next day.Seeing that the college battle is imminent, the atmosphere in the college is getting more and more tense. Moreover, the college selection competition will start tomorrow, and all the students are training non-stop like chicken blood.

It's no wonder that there are only six people who can participate in the college battle. If you don't work hard, you will just miss it.

She wasn't worried at all in the trials, but for the official competitions...she still needs to work harder.

"I don't know how to compare tomorrow's trials, but I'm looking forward to it." Baili Qinxue walked down the path of the academy, and the hustle and bustle along the way gradually died down.

"No matter how you compare, Ah Xue will stand out." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, his eyes showed complete trust in her.

"I believe you will also stand out." Baili Qinxue smiled.

At this moment……

A strange voice rang in Baili Qinxue's ear.

She raised her eyes subconsciously, and saw the haystack not far away was shaking non-stop, and from time to time, a fluffy head poked out of it, with a dull hair growing on it.

"Gudong" sound.

A wine gourd rolled out of the haystack...

"Xuexue, there is a head in the haystack, and it can throw wine gourds, obviously it looks like someone..." Little Pink looked contemptuous, "I don't know which idiot it is, if you want to play hide-and-seek, you should hide it better. "

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and instantly understood, "They are here to investigate, so they probably don't know that they have been exposed."

Cang Molian is a shrewd person at first glance, why are the people under him so stupid, they are almost drunk.

"Axue, do you want to scare them?" Dugu Sheng moved his fingertips, looking eager to try.

Scary them, good idea.

"Let me throw a few fireballs to scare them." Baili Qinxue smiled evilly, her dark eyes were dyed with a deep light, making people afraid to look directly at them.

Condensing fire magic in her hands, she slowly and carelessly threw it over, and in an instant...

Two exclamations sounded.

"Who threw the fireball?" The dumb hair on the top of Chu Yuedao's head jumped and was almost scorched.

"How dare you throw me Bai Xie, stand up and I promise I won't kill you." Bai Xie was already sober, with anger in his eyes.

Dugu Sheng set up a formation to block the pig-killing cry.

Baili Qinxue was amused, and threw a few more fireballs over. The fireballs were so powerful that the two of them ran out of the haystack in fright.

"Who exactly threw the fireball?" Chu Yuedao yelled angrily, "If you dare to throw a fireball, you dare not come out and show your true colors? Is this how you Xiling Academy behave?"

"That's right, don't be timid." Bai Xie rubbed his butt subconsciously, just now he was drunk, his butt was rubbed by the fireball, and it hurt.

"The two friends from the Northern Continent met again." Baili Qinxue came out of the dark with a smile, "I never thought that the two of you were really sent by East County College to spy on information, and you dared to do such a bold thing on our territory." Even if you are thrown a fireball, it is considered light, if someone else finds out, you may be..."

Baili Qinxue made a gesture of wiping her neck.

"No way, the students of Xiling College won't be so cruel..." Chu Yuedao swallowed.


(End of this chapter)

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