Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1144 I Can Heal Magic, I'm Willful!

Chapter 1144 I Can Heal Magic, I'm Willful!
The students burst into bursts of cheers immediately, and it was wonderful to see the exciting game again after being silent for more than an hour.

Standing on the ring, Zhao Yu looked at the group of students who looked like they had been beaten with chicken blood, and only thought of Alexander.

"Brother Zhao Yu, I didn't expect to have a duel. It's really a wonderful fate." Mu Liu is still wearing a golden robe today, with a bright smile on his face, warming people's hearts like the sun.

Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, and smiled extravagantly, "It's really a wonderful fate, I won't release water today."

One is sunny, the other is arrogant, no one will lose to the other in terms of momentum.

When Mu Liu heard the words, the smile in her eyes became brighter and brighter, "What brother Zhao Yu said is what I want to say, and I don't know how to let go..."

Who cared that he let the water go, Zhao Yu pursed his lips.

Mu Liu is a warrior, good at swordsmanship, and his swordsmanship is very good, slightly better than the evil sword, and Zhao Yu is best at healing magic, fire magic is only half-baked, it is really difficult to win against Mu Liu.

Some students seemed to have expected the result, so they were unavoidably lacking in interest.

Mu Liu concentrated and calmed down, the sword in her hand was graceful like a wandering dragon, and struck straight at Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu swallowed his saliva, and managed to dodge it, but was still injured by the sword energy.

"Shuh" sound.

The cloth on his arm was cut, and there was a sword mark on his skin. In an instant, blood gushed out.

Zhao Yu gritted his teeth, that bastard was really ruthless in his shots, and he really didn't think of letting the water go.

"Brother Zhao Yu, am I one step ahead?" Mu Liu chuckled lightly.

Zhao Yu also laughed, and in an instant, white gentle light enveloped him, the bloodstains on his arms dissipated, and the pain also dissipated.

This is healing magic.

The students stared in a daze. They were injured and healed by themselves. It was as if they had died. They immediately became interested and opened their eyes wide.

After Mu Liu was stunned for a moment, the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious, "I received brother Zhao Yu's magic healing last time, and the effect was really good, but there will be a little gap between the magic healing, I just need to do it in the interval. , you too will..."

He didn't continue, but Zhao Yu understood what he meant.

This kid's eyes were quite poisonous, and he knew that there would be intervals between casting healing magic. Zhao Yu pursed his lips, and the fire magic was quietly condensed in the palm of his hand.

The light red fire magic doesn't look that hot, but it still hurts a lot when it is burned.

Zhao Yu saw the timing and threw the fireball suddenly.

The reddish fireball landed on the ground, exuding an incomparably gorgeous light, and he threw several more shots one after another. In an instant, the arena became bumpy again.

But when the light dissipated and the smoke dissipated, Mu Liu was no longer in front of him.

What about Mu Liu, why is Mu Liu missing?
The students kept their eyes open, but they still didn't see Mu Liu's figure. Could it be that... Mu Liu has been kicked out of the ring?
They looked in the direction of the ring, but there was still no one there.

Zhao Yu would not be so stupid as to think that Mu Liu was kicked out of the ring, he must still be on the ring, and...

Suddenly, a "swish, swish, swish" sound came from my ear.

Zhao Yu narrowed his eyes, Mu Liu has already arrived...

Mu Liu went up with the sword, and left a lot of sword energy on him.

Zhao Yu condensed healing magic, and the white light enveloped him again.

Just like that, when Mu Liu fights, Zhao Yu will heal, if Mu Liu fights again, Zhao Yu will still play heal...


(End of this chapter)

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