Chapter 1149 Colorful!magic synthesis
The competition in the sixth group was much more exciting than the previous ones, and that Fei Lingen frequently surprised people. I don't know what tricks she hasn't used yet, so people are looking forward to it.

Liu Cheng was about to go mad with anger, how could a useless spirit root get the expectations of the students?
How can a waste spiritual root be so beautiful?
How could a scrap spirit root be favored by Mu Liu?
Liu Cheng turned her head to the side, and sure enough, she saw Mu Liu and Xuanyuan Po looking at the ring, and their eyes followed Baili Qinxue all the time.

A useless spiritual root, just a little bitch, how can it be so good?

Liu Cheng clenched her fists tightly, the last trace of rationality in her heart had been wiped out, at this moment, she just wanted to tear Baili Qinxue's little face and throw her out to feed the dogs.

Holding the sword, she dodged to jump over the thorns, but saw...

There were many small fireballs flying towards them, crimson and scorching hot. That magnificent color made people happy, but also frightening. If they were hit by these fireballs, they would definitely be scalded to death.

Liu Cheng dodged to the side subconsciously, but was pierced by a soil thorn on the ground, and fine blood gushed out in an instant. At this time, fine fireballs came overwhelmingly and hit her feet directly.

"bang bang bang"

The incomparably gorgeous crimson fell, and countless small pits appeared on the ring in an instant. Liu Cheng froze in place and did not move. The moment the fireball fell, it was directly burned into an exploding head.

When the smoke cleared, the students saw a woman in ragged clothes with an afro sitting on the ring.

Haha, is that Liu Cheng who was so embarrassing just now?

How did you become so cowardly?
This game is so exciting, so exciting, haha...

"Baili Qinxue, you actually made me into this appearance, I must defeat you, I must defeat you..." Liu Cheng rushed out like a shrew.

The ugly and distorted appearance came into view, and the smile in Baili Qinxue's eyes was even deeper.

She condensed the water magic in her hand, and raised the staff. In an instant, the turbulent water flowed straight towards Liucheng. The impact of the water flow was so strong that it directly rushed Liucheng out of the ring.

"Bang" sound.

Liu Cheng fell to the ground in an extremely indecent posture.

The students were dumbfounded. The useless spirit root just now used four kinds of magic.

Fire type, water type, earth type and wood type...the colors of the four kinds of magic are extremely gorgeous, directly blinding people's eyes, and each type of magic is so powerful, Liu Cheng has no backhand power at all.

Which bastard said that five elements magic is useless spirit root, it's so cool at all, isn't it?
They also wanted to have the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, and they also wanted to beat the enemy to pieces. In an instant, they changed their views on the Five Elements Spiritual Roots slightly. When they looked at Baili Qinxue, their eyes also changed slightly.

"In the sixth group, Baili Qinxue won." Elder Lin also woke up from his trance.

She was able to control these four kinds of magic so proficiently, which was beyond his expectation. This woman's future achievements will definitely not be easy.

Lin Lao narrowed his eyes, and the look in his eyes was hard to see clearly. After a while, he said: "I announce that the six winners will participate in the college battle. They are Dugu Sheng in the first group, Xuanyuan Po in the second group, Wei Nanzi from the third group, Mu Liu from the fourth group, Fengren from the fifth group and Baili Qinxue from the sixth group, I hope you six can sound the horn of victory."


(End of this chapter)

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