Chapter 1159 It is bigger and more lost here
"Axue is really amazing." Dugu Sheng raised his lips and praised with a smile.

"What's so great about this..." Baili Qinxue had no choice but to turn around and put all the pills and refining materials in the warehouse into the space.

Looking at the empty warehouse in front of him, Dugu Sheng covered his lips and burst out laughing, "It's empty, it's empty, it's completely empty, such a big loss can't be recovered in a short time, Second Lord Liu I must have fainted with anger when I saw it, I believe that these days will not be easy for Liu Cheng, the feeling of money disappearing without knowing who the murderer is, is like a cat's paw being scratched, very uncomfortable."

"What they like most is money, so I will let the money disappear." Baili Qinxue walked out of the warehouse and locked the small lock again, "This is my gift to Liu Cheng, this feeling Worse than death."

"Axue is really bad." Dugu Sheng covered her lips and snickered, but her hand still held her little hand tightly.

Baili Qinxue tried to smoke a few times, but she couldn't pull it away.

"It's all out, you still don't let go?" She narrowed her eyes.

Dugu Sheng was full of smiles, and didn't care about her eyes at all, "The treasure pavilion is bigger, and it's easier to get lost..."

Baili Qinxue: "..."

What else can she say, this brat seems to be getting more shameless and bolder...

Dugu Sheng dragged her out of the Treasure Pavilion, and put the delicate lock on the door again, looking at it like this, it seemed like no one had been to this Treasure Pavilion, how peaceful it was.

But in fact, all the things inside were swept away by Baili Qinxue, and they were piled up in a small corner of her space.

Baili Qinxue was in a good mood, and decided to sell all these things after the limelight had passed. Putting them in her own Treasure Pavilion for sale would definitely attract suspicion. After all, these elixirs were so different from those she refined If they were placed in Mu Liu's auction house, so many pills would attract the attention of others, and it would be bad for Liu Erye to suspect that it would be bad if they went to Mu Liu.

"Big Baozi, you said there is an auction house in East County College?" Baili Qinxue raised her lips and smiled wickedly.

Dugu Sheng's eyes brightened, "Such a big place, there must be one, Axue has saved a lot of trouble by bringing these things into the auction house in other continents."

"When the time comes to change our face, who will doubt us." Baili Qinxue smiled wickedly, thinking that these things could be exchanged for a large sum of gold coins, she was crazy happy.

Dugu Sheng rubbed her head and smiled indulgently.

"Go back, looking at the drowsy sky, suddenly feel sleepy..." After finishing speaking, he yawned.

Thinking of today's bumper harvest, Baili Qinxue nodded with a smile, "Then go back."

Back to the house, the house was quiet, thinking about it, Liu Cheng didn't send anyone again.

Baili Qinxue ran to wash up.

Dugu Sheng stood in front of the window sill, looking at her with burning eyes, really wanted to eat her...

Tonight is a night of murder, and also a night of great harvest, Baili Qinxue pulled the quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

On the second day, the Treasure Pavilion in the black market was robbed, and the news that the treasure inside was looted spread like wildfire, and it spread all over the city in just one morning.

I heard that when Second Master Liu opened the door of the Treasure Pavilion and saw that the inside was empty, his face was green and white, and when he opened the door of the warehouse and saw that the inside was also looted, he fainted immediately. I heard that he still hasn't woken up yet.

When Dugu Sheng heard the gossip, he laughed like crazy.


(End of this chapter)

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