Chapter 1161
Baili Qinxue raised her lips calmly, her heart was already overjoyed, "It may be that Liu Erye offended someone in the business field, he was not popular enough, so he took revenge."

"It's possible." Zhao Yu rested his chin, and suddenly his heart trembled. He said cautiously: "Little sister, the more I think about it, the more I think it's the trick of you two..."

He glanced at Baili Qinxue, then at Dugu Sheng, and always felt that only they could do this, and they could do it without anyone noticing it, making people jump in anxiety.

Wei Nanzi also looked at them eagerly, his eyes full of deep thought.

What Zhao Yu said seems to make sense...

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

"Guess for yourselves." Baili Qinxue played with the teacup, but didn't say anything, with an inscrutable smile on her face.

Heh, guess for yourself.

Hearing what she said, the three of them knew that they were the ones who did all of this. They were really amazing. They even went to the Treasure Pavilion to steal things overnight.

These two are simply thieves.

A moment of silence for Liu Erye...

"Speaking of which, where are the four thieves?" Baili Qinxue glanced behind them, but didn't see the shadows of the four of them, the previous words had already followed.

"The college battle is coming up, and the few of them are practicing with Fengren." The smile on Zhao Yu's face suddenly fell, and he put on a serious face and said: "After all, such a thing happened before, they want to accompany Fengren to have a good time." Practice, let him avenge his shame in the college battle, so that he can also avenge his innocence, and make everyone in East County Academy feel that they deserve it.”

It turned out to be the case.

Baili Qinxue tapped on the table and couldn't help reminding, "It's good to have such a thought, but once you are bound by this kind of thought and dominated by this kind of thought, the power you exert may not be as good as before. Wait until you find it." This time I have to talk to them, it’s good to have goals and beliefs, but they must not be confined to a box.”

The voice that came out of his mouth was sweet and clear, and it was very reasonable.

Wei Nanzi seemed to be enlightened, and his heart, which had been tense all the time, relaxed a little.

"Azi heard it, you can't be confined to a box, if you lose like this, I will look down on you." Zhao Yu pushed Wei Nanzi's elbow, pretending to threaten.

Wei Nanzi snorted softly, but said nothing.

Zhao Yu didn't care, and laughed like a fire.

The three of them sat in the room for a while and then left, saying that they were going to practice. After all, the college battle was imminent.

Baili Qinxue didn't relax at all, she practiced when it was time to practice, and even spared time to go to Xuanwu City to supply medicinal herbs to Ding Chongyang. The business of the medicinal herb shop has always been very good, so there is no need to worry about it.

Soon, the college battle came as scheduled.

This year's college battle will be held at East County College. The students gathered in the open space of the college early in the morning, and Elder Lin is responsible for sending them all to East County College.

Some of the instructors are still in the college. After all, the college can't be left alone, just in case some bastard comes to make trouble.

"Today is a great day for the college battle. I will summon a mount and send you to Dongjun College later." Lin Lao stroked his beard and stood on a high place. His flowing clothes made him look fairy-like .

As soon as they heard that there was a mount, the students boiled like chicken blood.


(End of this chapter)

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