Chapter 1187 Little Shengsheng...

"Xiao Shengsheng, since you have brought the black cat home, can you untie the iron chain that wraps around me? It still hurts." Qin Ge bent his eyebrows, showing a smile that he thought was extremely friendly.

Little Shengsheng?
The title almost didn't scare him to death.

"I don't remember being so familiar with you. Didn't you just say that you have some research on the formation?" Dugu Sheng opened his robe and sat down and said, "It's good to have some research. I'll just sit quietly like this and see when you to untie it."


The smile in Qin Ge's eyes fell, Chu Yuedao and the others were right, this is a bad man.

Bad as hell, feeling worse than himself.

I'm afraid I've met a master today, it's the first time he's been so deflated, this feeling is really sour.

Looking at his unpredictable face, Dugu Sheng felt in a great mood, and dared to call him Xiao Shengsheng. This name is really disgusting, and he must take revenge on him.

Qin Ge met his eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and his whole body trembled.

Just when their eyes met, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed. When they came back to their senses, the two had already left the forest and returned to the battlefield.

Without the restraint of the iron chain, Qin Ge felt extremely comfortable all over.

"Qin Ge, you kid usually have a lot of bad ideas, why did you lose today?" Chu Yuedao rushed forward and grabbed Qin Ge's hair.

"Senior Yue Dao, you can't be so powerless to Senior Qin Ge." Yun Shen took a few glances and almost died of fright.

"Little Luobotou, don't talk, I'm teaching the losers of the competition." Chu Yuedao continued to pull Qin Ge's hair in a posture that couldn't pull back even ten cows.

Bai Xie glanced at him for a while, but he didn't dare to make a move. That kid Qin Ge had a lot of tricks, and he was afraid that it would be difficult for him to turn around if he caught him.

"Xiaoyue Island, are you sure you want to hold on to my hair?" Qin Ge curled his lips, but the expression in his eyes remained unchanged, "I heard that the vase that Mu Lao put on the window sill a few days ago was the one you gave me. Be careful breaking it, I heard that this vase is quite expensive, if Mr. Mu finds out..."

Chu Yuedao had goosebumps all over her body, and her tongue was tied up, "You, how did you know?"

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes and smiled inscrutablely, "I know a lot about these little things about you. If you don't let go, I don't mind showing more."

The dumb hair on the top of her head jumped, and Chu Yuedao was so frightened that she finally let go.

Qin Ge adjusted the collar of his clothes, and subconsciously cast his gaze on Dugu Sheng, "The competition with Xiao Shengsheng let me know that there are not only tall people in this world, but also so-called perverts."


Unexpectedly, he had such a high opinion of Dugu Sheng, Cang Molian subconsciously looked at Dugu Sheng.

"Xiao Shengsheng?" Chu Yuedao's complexion changed, and a smile was suppressed in her eyes, "You actually called him Xiao Shengsheng, why do I suddenly feel so pitiful for him..."

"Isn't it nice?" Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, and his voice suddenly changed.

Chu Yuedao shuddered, "It sounds good, of course it sounds good..."

"It's as good as it sounds." Qin Ge smiled and recovered his voice.

Ye Qianqiu who was standing inside the circular archway curled his lips and sneered, all of them were indeed idiots, they didn't even think about it at all when they lost in the competition, if he was allowed to play, he would definitely win the game.

After thinking about it, he turned and left, unwilling to be with them.

Cang Molian seemed to sense it, subconsciously looked into the circular arch, and quickly looked away again.

At this moment, the sun has quietly set, and the sky has a faint tendency to darken.


(End of this chapter)

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