Chapter 1196 I'll throw it away for you

Liu Cheng sneered: "Your Xilan country's treasure, is it as good as this bead?"

"This..." Xi Lanming paused.

"Xiaocheng, we are little sisters..." Xilanlu pulled her sleeve and stamped her feet.

Liu Cheng sneered, "Princess Lu'er must also know about the situation in our black market. The loss of pills and refining materials a few days ago caused heavy losses in the black market, so I must definitely get this bead."

"Xiaocheng, don't you think I'm a good sister?" Xilanlu narrowed her eyes.

Liu Cheng glanced at her, and said in a calm voice, "Even good sisters, sometimes they have to fight for something they like, and whoever wins will get it, 75 gold coins."

Xilanlu pursed her lips and looked at Xilanming, and after getting his consent, Xilanlu smiled and said: "Okay, then let's fight, if Xiaocheng can't compete with me at that time, don't worry about it." Don't cry, 80 gold coins."

"I'll give it back to Princess Lu'er." Liu Cheng chuckled, her eyes filled with determination, "85 gold coins."

Seeing the two local tyrants scrambling for the beads, the others didn't dare to make a move.

Looking at their clothes, you can tell that they are not ordinary people. Wouldn't it be self-defeating to compete with them?
It's better for these ordinary people to stand and watch.

"90 gold coins..." Liu Cheng increased the price.

Xi Lanlu glared at her.

This guy really doesn't want to miss his past friendship, so don't blame her for being rude, "95 gold coins."

"100 gold coins."

This voice does not belong to Liu Cheng, nor does it belong to Xilan Green, but a low-pitched male voice.

Baili Qinxue looked at Dugu Sheng who was beside her, and said with a smile: "You kid finally recovered, and don't worry about why this bead is on this continent anymore?"

"I don't want the two women to get their hands on the beads on my island." Dugu Sheng said casually: "Besides, when I go back to the island next time, just ask the old man what's going on. It doesn't need to be too much tangled."

"Yes." Baili Qinxue smiled.

She also wanted to take a picture of this bead, but this bead was a treasure on his island, and she had no reason to compete with him at all.

"Axue, don't fight with me, I will use my gold coin to take this bead and throw it away for you to play with." Dugu Sheng blurted out, his eyes were firm, and he didn't seem to be joking at all.

Throw it away for her?
Baili Qinxue was taken aback, but luckily she didn't drink any water, so she was going to spit out again.

"This is the treasure on your island, is it really okay for me to play with it?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, her heart filled with warmth.

"Of course." Dugu Sheng said with a smile: "What's mine is yours. I give gold coins to buy things for people I like, what's wrong?"

Talking nonsense...

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, subconsciously covered her red and hot cheeks, unable to utter a word.

"120 million gold coins." Dugu Sheng raised his legs and continued to bid.

Liu Cheng and Xi Lan Lu were obviously in a hurry, where did this bastard come from, to make trouble for them.Following the source of the sound, the two cast their gazes into the wing room.

I saw two unremarkable men sitting face to face, still drinking tea leisurely.

That look is so simple, it looks particularly unbearable.

"Who are those two men?" Xilanlu pursed her lips, her eyes were filled with anger, "It looks like ordinary people dare to compete with us for beads?"


(End of this chapter)

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