Where did Chapter 1199 come from?
Although there is a pharmacist union in the Northern Continent, it is hard to find a single elixir made by President Cang Molian, and the elixir of other elders is also hard to buy. expensive.

Today, it is rare to see so many pills flowing into the auction venue, it makes people's mouth water.

"Xiaocheng, the auction venue in Moon City is not only big, but also the auction items are good. A bead came just now, and now so many pills have come." Xi Lanlu swallowed her saliva.

These elixirs are all high-end goods, if you buy one back, it's not bad.

Liu Cheng looked at the elixirs on the table, feeling a little strange in her heart, "The auction venue here is really good, there are so many elixirs in this sale, and I don't know who made these elixirs."

"It doesn't matter who made it." Xi Lanlu smiled, "I see that these pills are pretty good, I want to take some pictures for fun, what do you think?"

"Actually, the pills sold in Muliu's Treasure Pavilion are even better..." Xi Lanming hesitated.

"No, no, I think these pills are good." Xilanlu stomped her feet, playing with her petulance, "Besides, we are princes and nobles, so we naturally want to show the majesty of the royal family here."

Xi Lanming pursed her lips, and then compromised after a long while, "Then take a photo of a small red pill for fun."

"Brother, I knew you were the best." Xilanlu tugged on his sleeve and acted like a baby.

Liu Cheng rolled her eyes calmly.

"Xiaocheng, are you taking pictures?" Xilanlu asked with a smile.

"Me?" Liu Cheng sneered, "The most indispensable thing in my black market is pills, why should I take pictures?"

"But..." Xilanlu hesitated to speak, and finally said after a long time: "Isn't your black market stolen, and the pills are all gone?"

This bitch, it's definitely on purpose that he doesn't mention which pot.

"Daddy will find a way..." Liu Cheng took a deep breath.

"Oh, so that's the case, Second Master Liu really has a way, and Xiao Cheng has to share his worries for Second Master Liu." Xilanlu smiled sweetly, and Liu Cheng looked at her, wanting to scratch her face every minute.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Liu Cheng gritted her teeth.

The elixir began to be auctioned, and some people kept asking for the price as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and the voices were one after another.

"I never thought that these people would fight so hard for these bad pills." Chu Yuedao smacked his lips, somewhat confused about the actions of these crazy people.

Bai Xie sighed: "These people are so lacking in pursuit, so pitiful..."

"Seniors, it's not that they didn't pursue it, but that good pills are hard to come by, so they can only settle for the second best." Yun Shen put his hands on his hips, reasoning with them.

The two were not listening.

Qin Ge shook Yun Shen's shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile, "Xiao Yunshen doesn't need to reason with them, they don't like taking medicine very much, so there is a little problem here."

He pointed to his head.

Yun Shen nodded subconsciously after looking at it, that's why.

Chu Yuedao: "..."

White Scorpion: "..."

Can you still be a good brother?

Qin Ge's eyes narrowed with a smile, he subconsciously looked outside, the elixir outside was sold at a very high price, he bent his lips, feeling even happier in his heart.

"Speaking of Qin Ge." Chu Yuedao turned his head and asked, "Where did you get that bead you just auctioned off? It looks pretty good."


(End of this chapter)

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