Chapter 120 The Runaway Beast ([-])

Wei Nanzi squinted his eyes, gave him a light punch, and said angrily: "How many times have I said that I am not your little brother, either..."

Lin Wanwan played with the stinky bear's meaty paw, and said calmly: "Smelly bear, you are shy again when you see that Azi is obviously very happy to be Ayu's little brother, why don't you admit it?"

Wei Nanzi: "..."

Which eye saw him happy, he was resisting and angry.

"Now we have three pennants in our hands..." Baili Qinxue dug into the haystack and found another pennant. She quickly changed her words: "No, it's five pennants. Victory is in sight."

Baili Qinxue gave the pennant to Zhao Yu, and Zhao Yu happily put it away.

And the surrounding pennants were also searched by them, and they couldn't find any more. They planned to walk eastward, looking for the whereabouts of the pennants while walking.

The further east you go, the trees become less and less, and there are even small hills in some places. The small hills are easy to hide people. Baili Qinxue asked them to be ready to fight at any time, although she knew that there was no one on this road for the time being. Dangerous, but there is no guarantee that there will be no danger.

Accidents are always everywhere, and sometimes you will be caught off guard. A little preparation is always right.

After walking for a few miles, he saw a pennant on the top of the small hill. The pennant fluttered in the wind, which looked very ostentatious. Zhao Yu was very happy. He wanted to run up to take it down, but he seemed to think of something. Busy stopped, and frowned.

Baili Qinxue's eyes turned cold, and she just discovered that there is a group of people hiding here, because they are well hidden, and sometimes the little guys miss it, and because they are behind their backs, Baili Qinxue doesn't know who they are .

"Everyone hide beside the small hill. I saw a group of people hiding in the distance." Baili Qinxue told them to hide quickly. Fortunately, there are many small hills around, so it is difficult to be hidden like this. Discover.

Zhao Yu fixed his eyes and looked at it, and he could only see a few black shadows the size of sesame seeds from a distance. As for who it was, he really couldn't tell who it was. He scratched his head and couldn't help but smile, "There are really people."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue realized that he wanted to run to get the pennant just now, but stopped suddenly, what did he find?
"You clearly wanted to get the pennant just now, why didn't you go to get it again? Did you find out that they hid it?" As soon as the words fell, Baili Qinxue felt that the question was wrong again. He just said "There are really people", obviously there is no one. Discover.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help frowning.

"I really want to go get it, but when I think about it carefully, I feel something is wrong. There are a few footprints around, and it is obvious that someone has been there, and the pennant is on the top of the small hill. No one has taken such an obvious place, unless it is all a group of people. Blind." Zhao Yu squinted his eyes, put on a serious face, and said, "So, I guessed that this pennant was planted on purpose by someone else, and it might be a trap..."

Baili Qinxue was startled, then smiled again: "You have a really good brain, you can think of so many things."

Zhao Yu scratched the back of her ears, her face was thinner and she turned slightly red, and after coming here for a long time, she stretched out her hand and patted her on the shoulder with a smile: "That's what my little sister thinks, it's only for a while I found out that someone was hiding it, and my guess was proved to be correct, so I don’t know what the purpose of those people is?”

Dugu Sheng slapped Zhao Yu's stinky paws off, and monopolized Baili Qinxue's two shoulders.


(End of this chapter)

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