Chapter 1206 She did it on purpose?
"However, even though it's in slow motion, it looks pretty good to me." After Bai Xie finished speaking, he took another sip of wine.

Chu Yuedao showed disgust, pushed him, and said, "You drunkard, don't talk in front of me, you smell really bad."

The white scorpion shook the wine gourd shyly, and took another breath in front of him. In an instant, the strong smell of alcohol overflowed.

He raised his lips, laughed loudly and said, "A real man must smell like wine. A boy like you won't understand."


Chu Yuedao's eyes widened suddenly, and she forcefully argued: "Smelly scorpion, what nonsense are you talking about, I'm going to be a jerk? Anyone who doesn't drink is a jerk? Then... what's going on with Yunshen's little carrot?"

He originally wanted to talk about Cang Molian, but he didn't dare to talk about her reputation.

I can only talk about Xiao Yunshen.

"Senior Yuedao..." Yun Shen was shot while lying down, and he felt helpless.

"Yun Shen is still a child." Bai Xie raised his legs and proudly held the wine gourd in his mouth, the wine inside flowed down the corner of his mouth into his neck.

"Shh, don't talk, look at people who have already started alchemy." Qin Ge reminded.

Chu Yuedao looked sideways subconsciously.

I saw... a small crimson flame condensed in the palm of Baili Qinxue's hand. The color of the flame was pure and free of impurities, as if it was admiring a work of art.

Chu Yuedao opened her mouth wide, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's really surprising that this humble boy has such beautiful flames."

Not good looking?

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips and glared at him mercilessly.

Chu Yuedao shook her body, it was really strange, why did she feel a little cold?

"Although he doesn't know how to refine medicine, a person with such a beautiful flame must be able to make a good medicine." Qin Ge pushed Cang Molin's elbow, and said with a smile, "Little Molian, you can't do it right now." Don’t worry, this kid will desecrate the alchemy.”

"We'll talk about it after refining it." Cang Molian raised her eyes, and a small flame instantly came into her eyes.

Hot, pure, gorgeous.

His expression did not change, but his heart trembled slightly. This ray of flame was indeed very beautiful.

At this moment……

A burst of medicinal fragrance came from the alchemy furnace.

Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, and she began to use warm fire to consolidate the elixir inside.

"Xiaocheng, she can really make pills..." Xilanlu swallowed.

Although she refined the medicine lukewarmly, the scent of the medicine coming from the pill furnace could not be faked. Presumably, there must be a very good continuation spirit pill in it.

Liu Cheng bit her lips, and her face darkened, "So what if there is a scent of medicine now, everything will not be known until after the refining, what if all the medicine residues are produced by her refining?"

"That's right..." Xilanlu hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded.

Liu Cheng stared at the small elixir stove for a moment, thinking that something would change inside, but what was waiting was that the smell of the elixir became stronger and stronger.

That kind of fragrance is very refreshing.

Cang Molian was also attracted by that smell, he raised his eyes, staring at the alchemy furnace under her hand for a moment.

The elixir tastes very good, but its grade is not high.

Did she do it on purpose?
Cang Molian narrowed her eyes, then looked back again, but she didn't point out.

"It has become a pill..." Baili Qinxue's eyes became brighter, and she quickly took away the fire magic. In an instant, the magic was extinguished, and the heat in the room gradually dissipated.


(End of this chapter)

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