Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1210 Not interested in stone raw materials?

Chapter 1210 Not interested in stone raw materials?
Baili Qinxue shrugged indifferently, and said, "It's nothing else, I just want to say that we don't pay attention to these gold coins. Our two brothers have gold coins, so don't make fun of yourself."

"You bastard, if you don't eat a toast, you'll be punished..." Xilanlu stomped her feet angrily, and was about to hit her with her hand.

But at this time, a hand stretched out and grabbed Xilanlu's hand directly.

"Girl, this is a place for auctions, not for fighting. If you have any personal grievances, please go outside to resolve them." The steward said.

Xilan's green eyes widened, and she cursed angrily: "You bastard actually grabbed my princess's hand, why did you grab my princess's hand?"

The steward's expression changed.

Xi Lanming couldn't help but feel bad, this is the territory of the Eastern Continent and the Northern Continent, so outsiders like them should not be allowed to act wildly.

"Sister, here is no better than at home, so it's better not to get stiff." Xi Lanming saw that she didn't like this, so he took another dose of medicine, and said: "At this moment, the college battle is going on, and there must be a mix of fish and snakes in Moon City , if we make a big fuss, we will definitely get into a lot of trouble."

As expected, Xilan Green stopped.

Seeing that her hostility dissipated, the steward also let go of her hand, and smiled at Baili Qinxue and the others: "You two guests, I just auctioned off the gold coins of the elixirs, and I'm here to give them to you."

"So that's how it is. Please trouble the steward to go to the wing room with us. There are so many gold coins mixed with fish and snakes here, which makes people worry." Baili Qinxue said casually, but she meant something.

Liu Cheng and the others were about to go mad with anger, but they could only watch helplessly as the three of them entered the wing room.

"Let's go, I'm going back to Dongjun College, I'm sure I didn't read the almanac when I went out today." Xilanlu was so angry that she almost stepped on the stairs to make a big hole.

Liu Cheng is in a worse mood than her.

It's just awful...

Baili Qinxue glanced over, seeing that the three had left, she couldn't help but bent her lips and sneered.

The steward put the gold coins on the table, "Guests, the gold coins are all on the table, please count them."

"Okay." Baili Qinxue responded, and after a little counting, threw the gold coins into the space.

The stolen elixir can still be sold for so many gold coins, and the guy from Liu Cheng came to his door and was slaughtered by them.

Haha, I'm so happy.

Baili Qinxue raised her lips slightly.

Seeing that the matter was completed, the steward was about to leave when Baili Qinxue stopped him, "Steward, since we have got the gold coins, go and tell your president, we are going back soon."

"Go back, already going back?" The steward was very surprised, "Next, there are still some stone materials to be auctioned, don't you two stay and have a look?"

Stone raw material?

Baili Qinxue suppressed a smile. There are many awesome stone materials piled up in her space, all of which are found from the environment. There are super treasures hidden in it, and just taking out one of them can cause a huge sensation .

She didn't like the stone materials in the auction venue anymore.

"No, we are not interested in stone raw materials." Baili Qinxue subconsciously looked out the window.

God, it's so late.

I don't know if Zhao Yu and the others are looking for them specifically.

"Huh?" The steward was amazed that there are people who are not interested in stone raw materials these days.

Look at other people, they are all willing to spend their wealth for stone raw materials, it is really strange that they are not interested.

"Is there anything else you can do?" Baili Qinxue pursed her lips.


(End of this chapter)

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