Chapter 122 The Runaway Beast ([-])
Xilanlu was walking around beside the water column with a smile, and their panic was instantly caught in her eyes, which immediately made her feel happy, "The team just now didn't have such rich expressions as you, but when we beat you down, that The expressions are much richer, and my sister Man Yue and I both feel very happy."

Xilan Manyue brushed her shoulders and long hair, and smiled gracefully, "It's really fun, I wonder if the expressions of this group of people will be more colorful?"

The more ignorant shrimps listened, the more they felt that something was wrong. This group of people is too perverted. They even take pleasure in admiring other people's painful expressions. They are so good-looking, but their hearts are so sinister.

"Aren't you afraid of being known by the instructors when you bully the students of the same academy like this?"

"That's right, you guys are too vicious..."

Xi Lanming played with his fingers and laughed loudly, "We are noble, what's so scary, besides, the instructor said that this is a duel and everyone wins the pennant based on their ability, but no matter what is vicious or not, the strong stand at the top and the weak Those who are going to be beaten are fair and just.”

Xi Lanlu smiled and said: "Brother is right, we like to try our hands with small shrimps, and you can only blame yourself for being too stupid if you fall into our hands."

Xi Lanming stepped forward, took down the pennant on the small hill and put it in the space, and winked at Xilan Manyue, she immediately withdrew the water magic.

Seeing that the water column was gone, the little shrimps thought they were saved and ran away one by one, howling incessantly. Xi Lanming casually played with his fingertips, watching them run away, curled up his lips. A weird arc.

Xilanlu pursed her lips, "If brother doesn't make a move, those people will run away."

"Sister Lu'er, don't be impatient, brother knows how to measure." Xilan Manyue smiled softly, covering her face with her sleeves, with an elegant and unparalleled posture.

Xi Lanming looked at it for a while, and then summoned the magic beast he contracted. This is the fire monster that his father used up tens of thousands of troops to get him a few days ago. This monster is so fierce that tens of thousands of soldiers died Under its fire magic, wherever it passes, it will ignite raging fire, which is extremely powerful.

"Brother, this cloud and fire beast is so majestic every time I see it. My father only gave it to my brother. My sister and I don't even have a monster." Not a man, not even a prince, just a princess.

Xilan Manyue also lowered her head, with an unclear expression in her eyes.

Xi Lanming patted them on the shoulder and said with a smile, "What's the rush? When we get ten pennants, we won't let you choose the magical beasts in Taoyuan Cave."

Hearing that, the two of them felt better.

"Fire Cloud Beast, help me beat those useless guys to the ground." Xi Lanming took out a whip from the space, and hit the Fire Cloud Beast several times, saying that the monster was extremely arrogant. I still don't believe it, until today.

He originally wanted to try its power in a battle, but the Fire Cloud Beast couldn't be manipulated at all, it would only move after a few hits, it was simply a thing that needed to be hit.

"You need to hit something, don't move fast..." Xi Lanming hit her again a few times.

"Ho Ho Ho—" the Fire Cloud Beast roared a few times.

The little shrimps who were running were suddenly taken aback when they heard the words, and when they turned around, they were so frightened that they stood still and did not dare to move.

Oh my god, that Fire Cloud Beast is covered in flames all over its body, and its eyes are sinister and fierce, like a devil from hell, it will be turned into ashes as soon as it is touched by the flames.

The little shrimps stood there trembling.


(End of this chapter)

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